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Send Messages to Your Skill

For out-of-session requests, your app or service can use the Skill Messaging API to send message events to your skill. To use the API, your app must have an access token that gives your app access to your skill on behalf of the customer.

Out-of-Session interaction

Complete the following steps to access the skill outside of a voice request from your app or service.

  1. Use the Get access token with skill credentials operation to retrieve an LWA access token. In the request body, set the scope to scope=alexa:skill_messaging.
  2. Your app or service can make an asynchronous call to your skill by using the Skill Messaging API. Include the access token from the previous step and the userId value obtained from an earlier customer voice interaction. The Skill Messaging API calls the skill back with the customer consent token.

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Last updated: Aug 07, 2024

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