Monitor Your Skill Metrics and Earnings

After your skill is certified and published, you can monitor usage, run analytics, and view payments and earnings to help you understand how users interact with your skill.

Monitor your skill usage

The Alexa Skills Kit (ASK) includes a set of tools to generate reports of usage metrics for your skill. Usage metrics include the number of unique customers, the percentage of users who invoked a particular intent interaction path, and more. For available metrics, see About Skill Metrics. You can view skill metrics on the Analytics page of the Alexa developer console and by using the Skill Management Metrics API.

View payments and earnings

If your skill includes monetization features, such as in-skill purchases and paid skills, you can view your payments and earnings in the developer console. Earnings metrics include marketplace, units sold, developer earnings, refunds and adjustments. Payment metrics include earnings before tax, payment method, exchange rate, and total payments.

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Last updated: Apr 23, 2024