Step 2: Target Your App
This page describes the Target Your App screen. This screen has four sections: Supported devices, Availability, Target audience, Content rating, and User data privacy.
Supported devices
After you upload your app file, the number of supported devices appears in this section. For more information on how attributes in your manifest determine the devices your binary supports, see Device Filtering and Compatibility.
In this section
Edit supported devices
To manage the specific devices your app file supports, select Edit supported devices. You can also create rules based on specific parameters to determine supported devices. For details on the rules-based method, see Create and manage rules.
When you click Edit supported devices, the Supported devices overlay opens. Devices that are unable to be selected are unsupported. Unsupported devices are determined by the attributes in your manifest and the countries you target in the Availability section.
If you see an unsupported device, find out why by moving your mouse over the help icon
next to the device's name, as shown in the following image.

The supported devices are grouped into four categories:
- Amazon Fire Tablets: Shows Fire tablet support for your app. For more details about Fire tablets, see Fire Tablet Device Specifications.
Amazon Fire TV: Shows Fire TV support for your app. For details on Fire TV device names and specifications, see Fire TV Device Specifications.
Amazon Automotive: Shows Amazon Automotive support for your app.
- Android Mobile Devices (not an option for web apps):
Important: Amazon Appstore for Android will be discontinued on August 20, 2025 across all marketplaces. For details, see the Appstore developer blog.
Shows Android mobile devices that can support installation of your app through the Amazon Appstore for Android app. The Amazon Appstore supports Android mobile devices running Android 7.0 and above.
In the Android mobile devices category, there is an option to Select all other Android devices. This setting allows your app to be distributed to any other Android device not listed, including future compatible Android devices. New devices are added regularly based on device popularity. Through manifest filtering, the Appstore automatically determines the device's compatibility.
If you don't select all other Android devices, you change your compatibility strategy from using a deny-list to using an allow-list for Android mobile devices. Your app won't be compatible by default on those devices; instead, you'll need to manually select which third-party devices your app will support.
If necessary, you can manually remove support for devices that have known compatibility issues. Use the tabs at the top of the overlay to move between categories.
For additional information about supported devices for your app, see the following:
- Troubleshooting Android Manifest and Device Filtering
- Device Filtering and Compatibility
- Supported Filters on the Amazon Appstore.
Create and manage rules
Another method to target devices for your app is to use rules. Rules apply filtering that is based on device specifications, which includes CPU architecture, device type, and device RAM. Appstore applies rules-based device filtering on top of the requirements set in your app's manifest file.
Consider a scenario where you are submitting a gaming app that requires significant memory resources. To make sure your app can't be installed on a device that would provide a suboptimal performance, you can set a rule to target devices with greater than 1 GB RAM.
Keep in mind the following points when you set up your rules:
- Rules you configure are applied on top of the device compatibility determined by your app's manifest file.
- Rules-based filtering applies to new devices added to the Appstore catalog that meet the filtering criteria.
- Setting a rule determines which devices are available when you select Edit supported devices. If a rule you create makes a device incompatible, you will be unable to select that device.
To set up device filtering rules, follow these steps
- Select your app from the App List screen in the Developer Console.
- If needed, create an upcoming version of your app and upload your app files. Then, go to the Target Your App screen.
- In the Supported devices section, click Manage rules to configure rules for the associated binary, as shown in the following image.
- Click Add rule. Rules consist of a variable, an operator, and a value. Use the available dropdowns to create a rule.
Manage rules overlay. When you add a rule, you can select a variable, an operator, and a value. - Select a variable from the first dropdown.
- Select an operator from the second dropdown.
- Select a value from the third dropdown.
The following table lists the available variables and their associated operators and values.
- To add another rule, click Add another rule.
- When finished adding rules, click Save.
- Click Edit supported devices to review the device list and make sure the supported devices are expected. If you need to modify the device list, return to the Manage Rules screen and make any necessary updates.
Devices supporting only 64-bit apps
Some devices no longer support 32-bit apps, including any 32-bit apps currently available on Amazon Appstore. Customers attempting to download a 32-bit app on one of these devices will receive a notification alerting them that the app is not compatible with system requirements.
To make your app available to customers using one of these devices, add 64-bit (arm64-v8a) support to your app and submit an update using the Amazon Developer Console. Do not remove support for 32-bit (armeabi-v7a) while building your app, as it may impact current Amazon device selection.
Device support for multiple binaries
If you are submitting an Android app and have multiple binary files, you must choose the devices supported by each binary. After you upload your first binary, the Developer Console automatically filters the devices based on your manifest. When you upload an additional binary, you must manually select the devices you want to be supported.
When your app is available on the Appstore, each device has one APK associated with it. During app submission, when you add multiple binary files, you have to remove support for devices from your first binary that you want to be available for the additional binary files. The following instructions and screenshots clarify this selection process.
To configure support for multiple binary files:
Click Edit supported devices and remove support for devices you plan to target with your other binary files.
For example, suppose you have two APKs for your Fire TV app named "APK1" and "APK2". With APK1, you plan to target all Fire TV devices except Fire TV (Gen 3). To do this, click Edit supported devices for APK1. In the Supported devices overlay that appears, clear the checkbox next to Fire TV (Gen 3). This makes Fire TV (Gen 3) available for APK2 to target. If you don't remove the device support from the first APK, you won't be able to target it with the second APK.

Click Edit supported devices on the next binary. Because two binary files for the same app can't be installed on the same device, the devices supported by the first binary are unable to be selected. If you hover over the help icon for those devices, the message "Targeted by another App file in the current version" appears. Targeted means that you selected support for the device with your app. With the second binary file, you can select support for devices not already selected by the first binary.
Continuing with the example, suppose you upload "APK2" and plan to target the Fire TV (Gen 3) with this APK. You already cleared support for this device with APK1, so it will be selectable with this second APK.

With multiple binary files, the Amazon Appstore does not automatically assign the binary based on the API level or versionCode
(unlike with Google Play). You must manually select the supported devices when uploading multiple binary files.
When finished, click Save.
Conditional fields
During the app submission process, some fields only appear under certain conditions. Here, learn about those fields contained in the Supported devices section, and the conditions under which they appear.
Does your app have touch capabilities?
This field appears if you target Amazon Automotive devices. Indicate if your app is touch enabled.
Does your app support offline consumption of the app content?
This field appears if you target Amazon Automotive devices. Indicate if your app works offline, or if it allows users to download content, such as videos or games, to use offline.
Troubleshoot common errors
This section provides troubleshooting information related to Android binary file submissions.
Warning: Reduced device support
When adjusting device support for a binary file, you see a warning that says the following:
Device support has been reduced from the previous version. Some existing customers will not be able to upgrade. To resolve manifest conflicts, Amazon recommends editing the manifest to retain your current device support.
This message means that, with your newly uploaded binary file, you have introduced new attributes in your manifest or build.gradle file that shrink the number of compatible devices. Most commonly, you might have incremented the API level, which reduces the number of devices that can support the update. As such, the Appstore is warning you that some devices might not be able to install this update.
For example, suppose you publish an APK with manifest attributes that require at minimum API level 19, and customers with a device supporting API level 19 (but not support for any level greater) install the app. Later, you update the app with new features or permissions requiring APK level 22 as a minimum. This new update will be incompatible with the previous version of the app the customer (with API level 19) installed. As a result, the customer will not see that an update is available.
Target device not available
When uploading a new binary file, you see a message that says a particular device is not supported. These messages can occur for multiple reasons. The following are a few examples you might encounter.
Your App Bundle manifest requires capabilities not present on this device.
android:minSdkVersion = '22'; device supports '15'
Your APK manifest requires capabilities not present on this device.
android:minSdkVersion = '22'; device supports '15'
Device is not available for the selected region.
To enable this device, update your region selection.
To see the reason the device isn't supported, move your mouse over the help icon next to the device name in the Supported devices overlay. For more details, see Supported devices. The incompatibility could be due to the API level, OpenGL compression format, CPU, screen size and density, device features, or other factors about your app such as lack of availability in the geographic locale.
Targeted by another app file in the current version
If you're uploading multiple binaries, the device might already be supported by another binary file. If so, when you move your mouse over the unsupported device, it says:
Targeted by another App file in the current version.
Multiple binaries cannot support the same device. You must edit the device support for one binary file so that you can select support for the device with the other binary. For step-by-step details, see Device support for multiple binaries. For a more conceptual background, see Multiple APKs for the same application listing.
In the Availability section, select the countries and regions where you want your app to be available. By default, your app is set to be available in all countries. You can add localized descriptions and multimedia on the Appstore Details screen.
Not all Amazon devices are available in all countries. If a Fire TV or Fire tablet isn't available in any of your selected countries or regions, the Developer Console marks those devices as unsupported. For more details about international distribution, see Distributing Your App Internationally.
Target audience
You must provide details about your app's target audience. Depending on the target audiences you select and the countries where you intend to distribute your app, you may be required to comply with Amazon's Child-Directed App (COPPA) Policy.
Amazon does not typically use this information to determine an app's maturity rating or availability. However, based on your responses you may be asked to submit additional information during the review process.
Audience | Policy Compliance |
Apps designed for children (0-12, or 13-15 in some marketplaces). | If the app's primary audience is children, you must comply with our Child-Directed App (COPPA) Policy. |
Apps designed for mixed audiences, including children. | If the target audience of your app includes children, you must comply with our Child-Directed App (COPPA) Policy, unless you confirm a child is not using your app. |
Apps not designed for children (only intended for ages 16 and above). | The app must meet Amazon's broader Content Policy Guidelines. |
As a best practice, only select age groups for your app's target audience if you have confirmed your app is appropriate for those audiences. For example, select both adults and children if your app is designed all ages, not only because you want your app to be available to all users.
Content rating
In the Content rating section, complete a questionnaire to help define a content rating for your app. All apps published to the Amazon Appstore must adhere to the content guidelines that are described in Amazon Appstore Content Policy. If Amazon determines that an app contains, facilitates, or promotes content that is prohibited by these guidelines, Amazon will reject the app submission or suspend further distribution of your app and notify you at the email address associated with your developer account.
In this section
Rating categories
You're asked to rate your app's content in the following categories:
Subject Matter:
- Violence
- Cartoon Violence
- Drugs
- Nudity
- Sex
- Intolerance
- Profanity
- Academic
Additional Information:
- Account creation or other personal information collected
- Advertisements
- Gambling
- Location detection or Location-Based Services
- User Generated Content or User to User Communication
For clarity about any category listed here, see Amazon Appstore Content Policy.
How Amazon processes your content rating
Based on your selections here, Amazon assigns a summary maturity rating to your app and then displays that rating on the app detail page in the Appstore. Amazon reserves the right to assign maturity ratings for your app at its discretion.
If Amazon determines that an app contains, facilitates, or promotes content prohibited by these guidelines, Amazon will reject the submission.
Content ratings for published apps can only be changed when submitting a new app file.
Providing documentation for IP use
If your app uses the intellectual property (IP) of a third party, you might be asked to provide documentation of your license or IP rights to Amazon in order to list your app with the Amazon Appstore. This documentation must be either a confirmation letter from the IP rights holder with a formal signature or a copy of the applicable license agreement. Amazon will contact you during the app submission process to provide this documentation in a way that associates it with your app.
Screenshots of license agreements are not considered valid documentation for this requirement. You can also provide your documentation to Amazon in the form of a PDF file.
If you're contacted for IP validation, send this documentation as an email attachment (not embedded images) to with a reference to your app submission, package name, and developer account. We will need this information to associate your documentation to the correct app submission and then pass it to the appropriate team for review.
User data privacy
In the User data privacy section, if you select Yes to Does your app collect user data or transfer user data to third-parties?, you must enter the URL for your privacy policy and complete the user data privacy questionnaire.
If you are updating an existing app and have already completed the privacy questionnaire, it will be pre-populated with your previously submitted responses. If this is the first time you are completing the questionnaire, complete all required fields in the Developer Console.
The information you provide will be used to display privacy labels on your app detail page on the Amazon Appstore on Fire tablets, Fire TV devices, Android mobile devices, and For more information about user data collection and privacy labels, including a timeline of when you can expect users to see the privacy labels, see Amazon Appstore Privacy Labels.
Privacy policy requirements
If your app collects personal information from customers, you must supply a privacy policy that will be displayed to customers on your app's product detail page. For more details, see Privacy and Security Policy.
Next steps
Go to the next step: Step 3: Add Appstore Details.
Last updated: Feb 20, 2025