Get Started for Broadcasters
Twitch broadcasters can use the Tournament Organizer extension to set up competitions for their viewers, which allows broadcasters to play with their fans in-game and create compelling content for their streams.
Tasks for the Broadcaster
When your game is live in the Leaderboards and Tournaments Tournament Organizer, the broadcaster will perform the following tasks. As a developer, you may choose to perform these steps for testing the Leaderboards and Tournaments integration with the Twitch environment:
- Install the Twitch Extension
- Activate the Extension
- Create Tournament from Extension
- (Optional) Pinning the Tournament
These steps are described in the sections below.
Install the Twitch extension
Before you create your first tournament, install the Tournament Organizer Twitch extension.
To install the extension:
- Navigate to Twitch Home Page
- Click Log In in the top right corner.
- From the drop-down menu at the top right of the screen, select Dashboard.
- From the Dashboard left menu, select Extensions.
- Use the extensions search box to find the Tournament Organizer extension.
Hover your mouse over the Tournament Organizer extension and click Install.
Note: If the dashboard displays more than one version of the extension, select the latest version.
If installation succeeded, the Dashboard displays a modal window, with the message:
Extension Installed Successfully!
Activate the Extension
To activate the extension:
- From the Dashboard Extensions main panel, select My Extensions.
- In the Installed extensions, find the Tournament Organizer extension.
- Select Activate.
- From the drop-down menu, select Set as Panel 1.
Create Tournament from Extension
Use the Twitch extension to create a broadcaster-generated tournament for your Leaderboards and Tournaments game. Note: In the following steps, it is critical to select the correct game.
Follow these steps to create a tournament:
- From the Dashboard left menu, select Live.
- Find Tournament Organizer in the Extensions panel on your dashboard page.
- In the extension, click Select a Game.
- From the drop-down list, select your Leaderboards and Tournaments game.
- Click Create Tournament
- Enter values for the required fields: Tournament title, Start Date, and End Date.
Note: For start date and end date, click anywhere outside of the time selectors to close them.
- (Optional) If score stats are available, select a stat for the leaderboard.
- (Optional) Set Max Attempts (maximum number of attempts per player per game) and Max Players (maximum number of players in the tournament).
- (Optional) Select Password Protected to set a password for the tournament.
- Click Create Tournament.
Pinning the Tournament
The default system view for the extension is a list of tournaments. Broadcasters have the ability to override this and set the default view of the extension for their viewers by using the Pin feature.
To pin a tournament, navigate to the tournament you want to use as the default. Click the pin icon at the bottom left of the extension. The Tournament Organizer extension displays a summary of the pinned tournament, as shown in the following figure: