Developer Console

Use RVS Cloud Sandbox

RVS Cloud Sandbox is a sandbox environment for RVS (Receipt Verification Service) that you can use to verify receipts generated by App Tester. Use RVS Cloud Sandbox in the development phase of your app, before publishing your app to the Amazon Appstore.

Environment requirements

Before you use RVS Cloud Sandbox, make sure your environment meets the following requirements.

App Tester

RVS Cloud Sandbox is used to validate receipts generated by the App Tester. You must install the Amazon App Tester tool on an Android mobile device/Tablet/FireTV before you can use the RVS Cloud Sandbox. See App Tester Setup for more details.

The App Tester sends a receipt for each completed in app purchase. You need to pass the App Tester receipt to your app server, then call RVS Cloud Sandbox to verify the receipt.

Secure protocol

The server needs to communicate securely with RVS Cloud Sandbox via a secure protocol such as HTTPS. Your server sends validation requests to RVS Cloud Sandbox and processes the responses.

RVS response objects

The RVS Cloud Sandbox request uses data from the PurchaseResponse object, or the PurchaseUpdatesResponse object. From these response objects, you can extract a UserId, which denotes a unique identifier of the user. The PurchaseResponse object contains a ReceiptId, which is used along with the UserId to perform an out-of-band server-side validation of the purchase.

Send an RVS Cloud Sandbox request

To use RVS Cloud Sandbox, you must send a request over HTTPS to the RVS Cloud Sandbox endpoint:

Use the following format for your request, replacing the terms in the angle brackets with the values in the table below:{operation-version-number}/verifyReceiptId/developer/{shared-secret}/user/{user-id}/receiptId/{receipt-id}
Parameter Description
operation-version-number Version number of the verifyReceiptId operation. This version number is independent of the IAP version number. The current verifyReceiptId version number is "1.0".
shared-secret Shared secret used to identify the developer issuing the request. Your shared secret can be found on the Shared Key page in the Developer Console: For the RVS Cloud Sandbox, the shared secret can be any non-empty string. The RVS Cloud Sandbox server does not validate the shared secret, as it's only validated for the production servers.
user-id ID representing a distinct Amazon customer for your Appstore app. Obtain the user ID from PurchaseResponse.getUserData().getUserId().
receipt-id Unique ID for the purchase. Obtain the reciept ID from PurchaseResponse.getReceipt().getReceiptId() or PurchaseUpdatesResponse.getReceipts()Receipt.getReceiptId().

RVS Cloud Sandbox example

The following request verifies a receipt in the RVS Cloud Sandbox:

This call receives a JSON response from the RVS Cloud Sandbox server:

  "autoRenewing": false,
  "betaProduct": false,
  "cancelDate": null,
  "cancelReason": null,
  "deferredDate": null,
  "deferredSku": null,
  "freeTrialEndDate": 1606985788979,
  "gracePeriodEndDate": 1606985788979,
  "parentProductId": null,
  "productId": "",
  "productType": "SUBSCRIPTION",
  "promotions": null,
  "purchaseDate": 1604613233106,
  "quantity": 1,
  "receiptId": "q1YqVbJSyjH28DGPKChw9c0o8nd3ySststQtzSkrzM8tCk43K6z0d_HOTcwwN8vxCrVV0lEqBmpJzs_VS8xNrMrP0ysuTSo2BAqXKFkZ6SilACUNzQxMzAyNjYyNDQ3MgDKJSlZpiTnFqTpK6UpWJUWlQEYahFELAA",
  "renewalDate": 1606985788979,
  "term": "1 Month",
  "termSku": "",
  "testTransaction": true

For descriptions of the fields in the response, see RVS response fields. For an example of how to set up your app server, see RVS Production Setup for Appstore SDK IAP.

Test receipts in RVS Cloud Sandbox

Appstore manages separate flows for production and sandbox environments for RVS. In the sandbox flow, App Tester generates the receipt, which makes it a test receipt. RVS Cloud Sandbox allows you to verify the receipts generated by App Tester but doesn't support every production scenario. When using RVS Cloud Sandbox to verify a test receipt, it appends the suffix _term to the termSku property. In production RVS, the _term suffix is not added to the termSku property.

In the JSON file that you pushed to the device when you set up App Tester, all subscription entries have a different SKU from the subscription parent. When you purchase any SKU through App Tester, the RVS Cloud Sandbox response generates the value of the termSku property as follows:

  • If subscription base SKU is available: <subscriptionBase>_term
  • If subscription base SKU is not available: <subscriptionParent>_term

For more details on the JSON file for subscriptions in App Tester, see File format and example: IAP subscription item.

Consider this example. The terms SKU in the JSON file is COMMERCE_AMAZONIAP_MOONBUG_001. There is no subscription base SKU, and the subscription parent SKU is Moonbug_TEST. RVS Cloud Sandbox returns a value of Moonbug_TEST_term in the termSku property of the response.

Last updated: Nov 06, 2024