
Test your integration

[Step 6 of 7] Sandbox requests do not result in live transactions. Test your end-to-end workflow and downstream processes in Sandbox, to make sure you’re handling both success and failure scenarios before going live. To facilitate testing, the buyer experience in Sandbox does not always reflect the full buyer experience in Production. For example, in Sandbox you’ll have access to simulated payment methods, which can be used to simulate different payment scenarios.

In this step, you will learn about how you can test your integration. At the end of this step, you will be able to simulate both successful and failed transactions in Sandbox.

1. Sandbox test buyer accounts

You must use Amazon Pay Sandbox accounts to complete transactions in the Sandbox environment. These accounts come pre-configured with simulated payment methods to help you mimic the buyer experience. You can also add shipping addresses, if they’re needed to complete checkout.

2. Simulated payment methods

Amazon Pay Sandbox test buyer accounts come pre-configured with simulated payment methods that you can use to simulate different payment scenarios, such as payment declines and checkout abandonment. Use them to test your front-end integration. See Sandbox simulations to learn how to use simulated payment methods to test your integration.

3. Simulation strings

To simulate different responses, pass simulation strings in your API request header. Use these strings to test your back-end integration. See Sandbox simulations.