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SDKs and samples

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Amazon SDKs

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By downloading our developer SDKs and samples, you agree to our Program Materials License Agreement. Samples may include third-party software that is copyrighted by other parties and is subject to separate license terms. Information on that software and the applicable copyright notices and license terms are included in files accompanying the samples.

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Appstore SDK


The Appstore SDK provides functionality for handling In-App Purchasing (IAP), Digital Rights Management (DRM), and Simple Sign-in (SSI) within your Java Android apps. The Appstore SDK supports apps targeting Fire TV, Fire tablets, and third-party devices where Amazon apps can be installed.


Appstore Billing Compatibility SDK


The Appstore Billing Compatibility SDK introduces APIs that mirror the Google Play Billing Library, allowing you to easily port apps to the Amazon Appstore.

Sample project for how to integrate the Appstore Billing Compatibility SDK into a Kotlin Android app for Amazon Fire OS

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Amazon Device Message (ADM) SDK

Amazon Device Messaging (ADM) lets you send messages to Amazon devices that run your app, so you can keep users up to date and involved.




A3L SDKs are app store independent abstraction libraries that help you write code one time and use the same code for apps you submit to both Google Play and the Amazon Appstore. SDKs are available for authentication, location, and cloud messaging services. The SDKs support Android and Fire OS devices.

Fire TV Integration SDK

The Fire TV Integration SDK allows you to integrate with features, such as Content Personalization and Continue Watching Experience, that provide a more personalized experience to customers with more relevant content from your apps.

Download Fire TV Integration SDK

Last updated: January 23, 2024

This SDK requires Catalog Ingestion, which at this time is available to select partners only.


Login with Amazon SDK


Login with Amazon (LWA) lets you protect your customer information by leveraging the user authentication system used by Login with Amazon is based on OAuth 2.0, which has been broadly adopted for user authorized exchanges across sites. Login With Amazon is available for Android, iOS, or web. By using the Login with Amazon API, you agree to the Login with Amazon Services Agreement.


Sample app demonstrating the integration of Login with Amazon SDK, enabling secure user authentication and profile retrieval for Amazon Fire tablets, Fire TV, and non-Amazon devices

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A Unity game demo showcasing the integration of the Login with Amazon SDK for Android

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Amazon Stylus SDK for Fire tablets


With the Amazon Stylus SDK, you can implement Predictive Touch in your Stylus enabled Apps.


Download Amazon Stylus SDK

Last updated: May 23, 2023

⚠️ This feature is only available on the Fire Max 11 (2023, 13th Gen) tablet and can only be integrated if your app already supports the stylus accessory using standard AOSP implementation guidelines. See the Android bluetooth stylus and Android large screen stylus guides for more information.


Video Skills Kit for Fire TV and Echo Show


The Video Skills Kit (VSK) for Fire TV and Video Skills Kit for Echo Show (aka "multimodal devices") allow customers to use natural language commands to search for your content, play your content, launch your app or skill, control media playback, change the channel, and more. These resources apply to different VSK implementations. See the documentation for more details.

VSK requires Catalog Ingestion, which at this time is available to select partners only.


Download Alexa Client Library

Last updated: January 14, 2022

Cloudside integration only

Sample Fire TV app showing how to integrate an Alexa video skill

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Cloudside integration only

Download VSK Agent Client Library

Last updated: September 28, 2020

App-only integration only

Download VSKApplicationAgentAPI

Last updated: September 28, 2020

App-only integration only

Sample of a basic Android TV app that responds to voice requests from users to find and play content

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App-only integration only

Other SDKs and resources

Samples for getting started

A sample Hello World Fire TV app built with Android Jetpack Compose, showcasing scrollable cards, a navigation drawer, and light/dark themes

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A sample Hello World Fire TV app built with React Native

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A sample Hello World Fire tablet app that detects Google Play Services or app installed from Amazon Appstore and adapts its UI based on screen orientation using Jetpack Compose

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Project showing how to integrate the Amazon In-App Purchasing (IAP) API into a Kotlin Android app for Amazon Fire tablets

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Legacy SDKs



Fling SDK

⚠️ Amazon Fling SDK will no longer be supported starting March 5, 2026. To provide a screen sharing option for customers, implement Matter Casting and resubmit in advance of the Fling SDK being discontinued. Find more information and guidance in the knowledge base article.




⚠️ The Maps API is no longer supported as of September 19, 2024. For your native maps app to work on Fire tablets, you must use an alternate maps SDK and resubmit the app. For more information, see the Amazon Maps API deprecation knowledge base article.



In-App Purchasing SDK and plugins

⚠️ Support for the Amazon In-app Purchasing SDK v2.0 (IAP v2.0) will be discontinued. This section contains SDKs related to the outdated IAP v2.0 SDK. For the most up-to-date experience, use the Appstore SDK.


In-app purchasing SDK (Android)

In-app purchasing sample Web App

In-app purchasing Unity plugin

In-app purchasing Cordova plugin

In-app purchasing Xamarin plugin

In-app purchasing Adobe AIR plugin

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