The Works with Alexa (WWA) program has helped generate billions of dollars for device makers, helping increase exposure of your Alexa-connected products to the millions of customers who shop on every day. The WWA program ensures your Alexa-connected devices provide a great customer experience, increasing customer awareness and confidence in your products and brand. Today, we are excited to introduce new badge designs for existing and new WWA certified products. Additionally, beginning later this year, we will introduce new feature requirements for the Works with Alexa (WWA) program to ensure that Alexa customers have a great smart home experience across device setup as well as audio and visual (A/V) experiences. In order to qualify for the WWA program, all new products must satisfy the updated eligibility and product requirements in the Works with Alexa Program Guidelines.
We are excited to announce a new redesigned WWA badge to help increase Alexa brand recognition for your WWA products. You can review the new design and guidelines for incorporating Alexa badges, logos, or symbols into your marketing materials and packaging. Starting today, certified products must use the new badge. We ask that you update any existing content with the new badge according to the following timelines:
You can download the WWA badge from the resources section of the Alexa Certification Console. All marketing materials must comply with the Works with Alexa Trademark Usage and the Alexa Badges guidelines.
Beginning in November 2021, we will require new WWA criteria that help ensure your customers have the best smart home experience. All new devices must have implemented the following features in order to qualify for the WWA badge:
To learn more about how to get started with the new Works with Alexa requirements, click here to access the WWA console and visit the documentation below.