No. Alexa must be available to the customer on first run of the machine to qualify as Alexa Built-in.
No. For post purchase notifications to download Alexa, use messaging to communicate the customer benefits of Alexa on a PC (Pages 10-14, 21)
There is no badge for PCs that are not Alexa Built-in certified. Alexa may be marketed as ‘now available on <OEM device name> or ‘now optimized for Alexa’ once the device has passed certification.
On built-in devices, customers will have Alexa preloaded on the PC. To find the Alexa app look on the taskbar, start menu or search “Alexa”. On certified and uncertified PCs, OEMs can use post purchase mechanisms or educational content on the device to drive a download of the Alexa for PC application from the Microsoft Store.
To get the most up to date information on availability, check
No. To use Alexa on a PC you can sign in with your Amazon account information. If you don’t have an Amazon account, you can set one up at no cost.