Logo Guidelines

There are three Amazon Echo logos for use in Amazon first-party creative. The following pages provide rules for their usage based on context and region.

Unless there are space constraints, all assets that use these logos must include the following attribution: "Amazon, Echo, Alexa, and all related logos are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates." Broadcast and print assets must always have the attribution. Please refer to the Trademark Guidelines for more information.

We do not generally allow third parties to use our logos directly on their hardware. PR, business leadership, legal, and trademarks must approve of such uses, and such approvals should be obtained several weeks prior to any logos being printed on physical hardware.


Amazon Echo Logo

amazon echo black blue logo
amazon echo black logo
amazon echo black white logo
amazon echo white logo
amazon echo white blue logo
amazon echo white logo
amazon echo white logo

Color Variations

Primary Color Variations
color variations

If the logo is not able to be placed on a white or light-colored background, the logo may appear reversed out of an Echo Blue or Squid Ink background.

Secondary Color Variations
secondary color variations

Are only to be used when there is a conflict using the primary color variations.


Product Logos

"Product" in the modifier below must be the name of the Amazon product (e.g. Echo Show 8)

product logo diagram
product logo diagram


"Product" in the modifier below must be the name of the Amazon product (e.g. Echo Show 8)

product modifier diagram

Echo Smile Logo

echo smile blue logo
echo smile black logo
echo smile white on blue logo
echo smile blue on black logo

Usage based on context

When there’s no explicit Amazon branding present.

When referring to a portfolio of products or the brand in general.

When the Amazon logo and device logotype with Smile are separated by a frame, panel, or screen (scrolling or sequential).

When used larger than the Amazon logo


Color Variations

Primary Color Variations
echo smile primary color variations

If the logo is not able to be placed on a white or light-colored background, the logo may appear reversed out of an Echo Blue or Squid Ink background.

Secondary Color Variations
echo smile secondary color variations

Are only to be used when there is a conflict using the primary color variations.


Product Logos for Amazon Products

"Product" in the modifier below must be the name of the Amazon product (e.g. Echo Show 8)

product logo diagram
product logo diagram
product logo diagram

Product Logo Color Variations

Primary Color Variations
echo smile primary color variations

If the logo is not able to be placed on a white or light-colored background, the logo may appear reversed out of an Echo Blue or Squid Ink background.

Secondary Color Variations
echo smile secondary color variations

Are only to be used when there is a conflict using the primary color variations.


Echo Logo

echo blue logo
echo white on blue logo
echo black logo

Usage based on context

It is the second instance of the device logotype usage where the first instance features a lockup with the Amazon logo.

The Amazon logo and device logotype are not separated by a frame, panel, or screen (scrolling or sequential).

More than one device logotype appears on the same frame, panel, or screen.

On packaging.


Color Variations

Primary Color Variations
echo smile primary color variations

If the logo is not able to be placed on a white or light-colored background, the logo may appear reversed out of an Echo Blue or Squid Ink background.

Secondary Color Variations
echo smile secondary color variations

Are only to be used when there is a conflict using the primary color variations.


Product Logos

"Product" in the modifier below must be the name of the Amazon product (e.g. Echo Show 8)

product logo diagram
product logo diagram


product modifier diagram

Product Logo Color Variations

Primary Color Variations
echo smile primary color variations

If the logo is not able to be placed on a white or light-colored background, the logo may appear reversed out of an Echo Blue or Squid Ink background.

Secondary Color Variations
echo smile secondary color variations

Are only to be used when there is a conflict using the primary color variations.


Logo Usage

Clear Space

clear space diagram

Whether you are using the Smile logo, No Smile logo, or the Amazon lockup, the clear space around the logo does not change. The clear space is measured by the x-height of the letter ‘e.’

No other elements should encroach on the logo’s clear space. Whenever possible, use the maximum amount of clear space the placement in layout will allow.


Minimum Size

clear space diagram

The Amazon Echo logo should not appear smaller than 0.1875 inches, or 14 pixels, from the baseline to ascender height. Sizes below this height can damage the logo’s integrity.


Incorrect Logo Usage

Common misuses

To preserve the integrity of the Amazon Echo brand, make sure to apply the logo correctly. Altering, distorting, or redrawing the logo in any way weakens the power of the image and could create customer confusion.

Do not alter the logo colors.

Do not reposition the logo components.

Do not rescale the logo components.

Do not add any other text to the logo.

Do not add effects to the logo.

Do not squeeze or stretch the logo.

Do not place the logo on a background without significant contrast or unapproved colors.

Do not place the logo on top of a photo without significant negative space.

Do not place the logo within running text.


Product Modifiers

When adding a modifier to an Echo product logo, ensure that the height matches the x-height of the logo (from the base to the top of a lowercase letter) and that the spacing is consistent throughout.


Product Labels

If you are using an Amazon Echo product logo within six months of its launch, you may add an “all-new” claim to the logo. The text is set in Amazon Ember Light and should be center aligned as shown.


Product Price

Price is set in Amazon Ember Light with the cents set as a superscript ½ the height of the dollar amount. Remove decimal point from price. Center the price under the logo when used as part of a lock up. At smaller sizes (< 20 pt product text size), set price as ¾ x-height for increased legibility.


Product Copy

Do not use the logo as part of a sentence. Always type out the product name using initial caps.

Additional Resources

Alexa Brand Guidelines