Adobe Pass Authorization Component
Adobe Primetime (formerly Adobe Pass) provides an authentication mechanism that requires users to log in prior to viewing media. Users sign in to their ISP or content provider, and those credentials then authenticate them with the app. You can learn more at Adobe Primetime here.
- The User Experience with Adobe Pass
- Configuring the Adobe Pass Auth Component
- Step 1. Configure the Adobe Pass Auth Component in Your App
- Step 2. Encrypt Your Adobe Primetime Keys
- Step 3. Configure the Strings for the Adobe Primetime Login Prompt
- Step 4. Customize the Styles for the Adobe Pass Screens
- Step 5. Configure Which Screen to Prompt Users to Log in
- Show the Content Provider Logo to Users
- Mix Free Content with Login-Required Content
The User Experience with Adobe Pass
This example shows a configuration of Adobe Pass/Primetime with a sample app.
When users click the Watch Now button on the Content Details screen, they're greeted by an Adobe Primetime Login prompt:

Users open a browser on their computer and go to the indicated URL (in this example, to enter the registration code. The user also signs in to their cable provider.

After the user enters the registration code and cable provider credentials, the user is logged in and sees a success screen similar to this one. (You configure these URLs and screens through your Adobe Primetime account.)

Now the user turns back to the Fire TV and clicks the Submit button to log in. The app now lets the user watch media.
If the login is unsuccessful, the user sees an error message on the screen indicating what went wrong:

Configuring the Adobe Pass Auth Component
To configure the Adobe Pass Component, follow these five steps:
- Step 1. Configure the Adobe Pass Auth Component in Your App
- Step 2. Encrypt Your Adobe Pass Keys
- Step 3. Configure the Strings for the Adobe Pass Login Prompt
- Step 4. Customize the Styles for the Adobe Pass Screens
- Step 5. Configure Which Screen to Prompt Users to Log in
Step 1. Configure the Adobe Pass Auth Component in Your App
The Adobe Pass Auth Component provides three separate groups of files you can customize that configure the Adobe Pass information and the Fire TV user interface that users see.
To configure the Adobe Pass Authorization Component:
Load the Adobe Pass Authorization component into your app. See Add or Remove a Component for details about how to load a component into your app.
Be sure to remove any other authentication components that are loaded in your app (such as FacebookAuthComponent or LoginWithAmazonComponent). See Add or Remove a Component for details.
Note: You can load only one component per interface. For example, you cannot load both the Adobe Pass Auth component and the Pass Through Login component, because both components use the sameIAuthentication
interface. For a list of the components by interface, see Components Overview. - Go to AdobePassAuthComponent > res > values and open the custom.xml file.
Copy the following values and paste them into your app's custom.xml file:
<!--Adobe pass clientless API Requestor ID --> <string name="adobe_pass_requestor_id">YOUR REQUESTOR ID</string> <!-- Encrypted Adobe pass public key for your application, encrypt it using KeyEncrypterStandaloneUtility --> <string name="encrypted_adobe_pass_public_key">YOUR ENCRYPTED PUBLIC KEY</string> <!-- Encrypted Adobe pass secret key for your application, encrypt it using KeyEncrypterStandaloneUtility --> <string name="encrypted_adobe_pass_private_key">YOUR ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY</string> <!--Adobe pass clientless API registration URL for second screen login --> <string name="adobe_pass_registration_url">YOUR REGISTRATION URL</string> <!--Adobe pass clientless API time to live value for the registration token --> <string name="adobe_pass_registration_code_ttl">YOUR TIME TO LIVE VALUE</string> <!-- URL used by user to authenticate --> <string name="adobepass_login_instruction_line_2">Visit YOUR_AUTHENTICATION_URL</string> <!-- PseudoRandom strings, used to generate random key for encrypting/decrypting resources. These keys should always remain in sync with the keys used by encrypting utility --> <string name="random_key_1">random_key_1</string> <string name="random_key_2">random_key_2</string> <string name="random_key_3">random_key_3</string> <string name="random_key_4">random_key_4</string>
Customize the values for each property as explained in the following table:
Value Description adobe_pass_requestor_id
Your Adobe Primetime requestor ID. This value is provided by Adobe. encrypted_adobe_pass_public_key
Your encrypted Adobe Primetime public key (provided by Adobe). Although this key is provided to you by Adobe, you must encrypt it. See Encrypt Your Adobe Primetime Keys for details on generating this key. encrypted_adobe_pass_private_key
Your encrypted Adobe Primetime private key. Although this key is provided to you by Adobe, you must encrypt it. See Encrypt Your Adobe Primetime Keys for details on generating this key. adobe_pass_registration_url
The registration URL. This value is provided by Adobe. adobe_pass_registration_code_ttl
How long until the registration code expires. adobepass_login_instruction_line_2
Information about where users go to log in. random_key_1
A random string used in encrypting the public and private keys. Type any alphanumeric string for the value. random_key_2
A random string used in encrypting the public and private keys. Type any alphanumeric string for the value. random_key_3
A random string used in encrypting the public and private keys. Type any alphanumeric string for the value. random_key_4
A random string used in encrypting the public and private keys. Type any alphanumeric string for the value.
Step 2. Encrypt Your Adobe Primetime Keys
When you set up an Adobe Primetime account, you're provided with a public and private key. To keep these values secure, the Adobe Pass Component in Fire App Builder encrypts the keys with a security algorithm. The algorithm is implemented through the ResourceObfuscator
and ResourceObfuscationStandaloneUtility
classes in your app's Utils folder.
To encrypt your Adobe Primetime public and private key:
- In the Android View, expand the Utils > java > com > amazon > utils > security folder and open the ResourceObfuscationStandaloneUtility class.
In the
method, enter the values you used forrandom_key_1
, andrandom_key_3
(in the component's custom.xml file) respectively.For example, suppose you used the following random strings in your custom.xml file:
<string name="random_key_1">calypso</string> <string name="random_key_2">dadadadadappppp</string> <string name="random_key_3">more_random_stuff</string> <string name="random_key_4">something_random</string>
You would customize the strings in the
class as follows:private static String[] getRandomStringsForKey() { return new String[]{ "calypso", "something_random", "more_random_stuff" }; }
In this example, the values are as follows:
is the value used forrandom_key_1
is the value used forrandom_key_4
is the value used forrandom_key_3
In the
method, enter the values you used forrandom_key_2
respectively:private static String[] getRandomStringsForIv() { return new String[]{ "dadadadadappppp", "more_random_stuff" }; } }
In this example, the values are as follows:
is the value used forrandom_key_2
is the value used forrandom_key_3
. (Same as before.)
In the
method, insert your Adobe Pass public key in place ofEncrypt_this_text
:private static String getPlainTextToEncrypt() { return "Encrypt_this_text"; }
Right-click the file and select Run 'ResourceObfusc…main().
Look for the encrypted result printed to the console. It will look something like this:
Encrypted version of plain text 123456789 is gnobHJEIxnkBMobJk7mBaQ==
Copy your encrypted key. Paste this key into the
value in your app's custom.xml file (as per the instructions in the previous section). For example:<string name="encrypted_adobe_pass_public_key">gnobHJEIxnkBMobJk7mBaQ==</string> <string name="encrypted_adobe_pass_private_key">YOUR ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY</string>
Now insert your Adobe Pass private key into the
method, and run the script again (using the same random strings). Copy the encrypted key into theencrypted_adobe_pass_private_key
string value in your app's custom.xml file. For example:<string name="encrypted_adobe_pass_public_key">gnobHJEIxnkBMobJk7mBaQ==</string> <string name="encrypted_adobe_pass_private_key">bhjKDUYhdlkNNbUEYyvbn==</string>
Tip: Save your random keys in a safe place, such as your company wiki, so that you always have an easy way to retrieve them.
Encrypting Other Values
The encryption utility can be used for any keys you want to encrypt in your app, not just for Adobe Primetime keys. You can use the ResourceObfuscatorStandaloneUitility
class to encrypt the keys and the ResourceObfuscator
class to decrypt keys.
The Adobe Pass Component already leverages the ResourceObfuscator
class to decrypt the keys. The random strings you entered (in the custom.xml file in the component) get passed into the ResourceObfuscator
class, which does the encryption. The class in the Adobe Pass Auth Component instantiates this ResourceObfuscator
class and passes in your random strings:
ResourceObfuscator obfuscator = new ResourceObfuscator();
String plainKey = obfuscator.unobfuscate(key, getRandomStringsForKey(appContext),
return plainKey;
Note that this encryption technique is not hack proof. There are stronger methods of encryption. However, the algorithm does help prevent malicious users from easily finding and using your keys.
Step 3. Configure the Strings for the Adobe Primetime Login Prompt
You can configure the strings that appear in the Adobe Primetime Login prompt screen:

You can also control the text in the error messages screen that appears if the login fails:

To customize the text on these screens:
- Go to AdobepassAuthComponent > res > values and open the strings.xml file.
Customize the string values for each of the elements.
<string name="app_name">AdobepassAuthComponent</string> <string name="title_activity_adobe_authentication">Authentication</string> <string name="adobepass_login_instruction_line_1">Go to your computer or mobile device</string> <string name="adobepass_login_instruction_line_3">Enter the following case-sensitive code:</string> <string name="adobepass_login_instruction_line_4">Loading...</string> <string name="btn_submit">SUBMIT</string> <string name="btn_get_new_code">GET NEW CODE</string> <string name="adobe_pass_error_authentication_message">There was an error authenticating the account. Please try again later.</string> <string name="adobe_pass_error_registration_message">There was an error authenticating the account. Please try again later.</string> <string name="adobe_pass_no_authorization_message">Your subscription package does not include this video.
Step 4. Customize the Styles for the Adobe Pass Screens
You can customize the logo and colors of the Adobe Primetime login user interface in your app.
To customize the styles:
- Go to AdobepassAuthComponent > res > values and open the styles.xml file.
Customize the string values for each of the elements. See the preceding screenshots to see how the element names and text affects the display.
<style name="AppTheme" parent="android:Theme.Holo.Light.DarkActionBar"> </style> <drawable name="company_logo">@drawable/logo</drawable> <drawable name="splash_background">@drawable/bg_generic_nopreview</drawable> <drawable name="action_button_focused">@drawable/btn_generic_focused</drawable> <color name="action_button_text_color">#E6FFFFFF</color> <color name="action_button_text_color_focused">#E6FFFFFF</color> <drawable name="action_button_normal">@drawable/btn_normal</drawable>
Step 5. Configure Which Screen to Prompt Users to Log in
You need to configure which screens should implement the authentication. For example, you might want to require authentication only for the PlaybackActivity
on the Content Renderer screens, so that unauthenticated users can be enticed by the media in your app and be motivated to sign in.
To configure which screens require authentication:
- Open the Navigator.json file (located in app > assets).
In the
object, locate the activity you want to restrict (such asPlaybackActivity
), and changeverifyScreenAccess
to true. For example:"": { "verifyScreenAccess": true, "verifyNetworkConnection": true, "onAction": "CONTENT_RENDERER_SCREEN" }
Show the Content Provider Logo to Users
When a user logs in to a provider through Adobe Pass, you can show the provider logo on the screen of the app. You do this by supplying an MVPD URL that contains the MVPD (multichannel video programming distributor) along with the MVPD's logo.
Here's an example with Hallmark app, which has the Adobe Pass component integrated. In this first screen, the user is not logged in, so no provider logo appears.

After the user logs in, the provider logo ("Quantum Vu") appears to the right of the app logo.

To add the provider's logo for logged-in users:
In your app's custom.xml file, add a string called mvpd_url
pointing to your MVPD data, like this:
<string name="mvpd_url"></string>
The MVPD URL must include data in the following JSON format:
"loggedInImage":"" type="png"
"loggedInImage":"" type="png"
Although your MVPD data will most likely contain more values, only the properties above are necessary for Fire App Builder to display the provider logo.
You can test the provider logo feature by logging in and out of your app using the Login / Logout button at the bottom of the app.
Mix Free Content with Login-Required Content
If your content requires login but you want to provide some free content too (that doesn't require login), you can do so by mapping certain "free" tags in your feed. See Mix Free Content with Login-Required Content.
Last updated: Apr 06, 2017