Developer Console

IGG's game expansion through Amazon Appstore for Windows 11

Gaming Case study Appstore on Windows 11

Important: Amazon Appstore on Windows 11 will no longer be supported after March 5, 2025. Read the blog for more information.


Game developer IGG aimed to broaden their audience and extend the reach of their game collection, which includes the highly popular real-time war strategy game, Lords Mobile. IGG implemented a cross-device approach to app distribution, which resulted in a significant growth of their user base, surpassing 1.6 billion worldwide users. They achieved this by optimizing their codebase and development techniques to deliver consistent and high-quality performance of their games across various devices.

However, even with the success of their existing game distribution strategy, they still had customers that couldn't access IGG’s popular games, some of which were only available to Android and iOS mobile customers. They, in turn, focused on expanding game access to the potential hundreds of millions of users on Windows 11.


The challenge

IGG was already successfully gaining users on the mobile versions of their games on the Amazon Appstore, so selecting the Amazon Appstore for Windows 11 to bring their games to the desktop experience was a logical next step towards expansion. “We needed to pick the best strategy to make our games available for Windows 11 users, especially for those who didn’t have access to mobile gaming devices,” said Edwin Huang, Senior Global Business Director at IGG. Preparing an app to support PC play could have potentially added significant development costs due to the need to address differences in user interface design, input methods, hardware capabilities, and operating system intricacies.


The solution

IGG evaluated potential distribution channels to compare their compatibility, hardware specifications, marketplace policies, monetization options, and user engagement differences among app stores. They prioritized solutions that expanded the discovery of their games and provided their development team with an easy porting process that used their existing codebase. This led them to Amazon Appstore for Windows 11.


“We appreciate the comprehensive support and resources provided by the Amazon Appstore. They helped us to streamline the development and distribution process, optimize our performance, and maximize revenue potential.”
- Edwin Huang, Senior Global Business Director at IGG

The results

Grew player base on Amazon Appstore to 800K
After extending their game portfolio on the Amazon Appstore for Windows 11, IGG leveraged Amazon’s promotional tools, such as featured placements and targeted advertising. These tools helped them spotlight their games, communicate unique selling points, and significantly boost visibility to the greater gaming community. These strategies effectively increased awareness and attracted new players to their Windows 11 games. As a result, IGG’s player base on Amazon Appstore grew to 800,000. “Joining the Amazon Appstore for Windows 11 has had a positive impact on our business by providing a pathway for distribution, monetization, and support — ultimately contributing to our growth and success in the market,” added Huang.

The seamless porting process added value quickly
Amazon Appstore’s easy integration process made it faster for IGG to reach new players. Between the extensive developer resources, testing tools, and app store features, the porting process made preparing and executing an update to their existing Android build straightforward for their development team. With Amazon Appstore for Windows 11, IGG was able to seamlessly expand the availability of their Android games to PC users.

Delivered enhanced user experience
IGG committed to supporting an optimal PC user experience by implementing keyboard and mouse support and window management and resizing capabilities. Their efforts resulted in enhanced visuals, smoother gameplay, and extra functionalities that engaged the gaming community by delivering exceptional gaming experiences on Windows 11 devices.

What's next for IGG?

With this successful expansion, IGG looks forward to continuing its strategic growth. Their commitment to quality, innovation, and excellence ensures that players can anticipate more engaging and immersive gaming experiences in the future.

Head over to IGG on the Amazon Appstore to try one of their games today!


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