Voice user interface (VUI) design is catching on fast with customers and we want to make it easier for you to build with the Alexa Voice Service (AVS) and launch your Alexa-enabled device. Today, we’re going to focus on the launch and marketing aspect of bringing a new voice-forward product to market.
You have asked for more guidance on how to promote and increase the visibility of your Alexa-enabled product on Amazon.com. We recently published a new Marketing Opportunities resource that walks through the ways to implement your marketing strategy on Amazon.com. Below we provide an overview of these programs, their benefits, and how to quickly get started.
Not yet selling on Amazon.com? Create a Seller Account to begin selling your Alexa-enabled product to Amazon customers.
Amazon offers numerous ways to increase your Alexa-enabled product’s exposure to the millions of customers who shop on Amazon.com every day. Here are four programs we highly recommend to ensure a successful launch of your Alexa-enabled product:
Think of your Amazon.com detail page as your digital retail associate. We’ve all walked into a store before only to be greeted by subpar customer service. These experiences make it harder for customers to feel confident in the brand or their purchases. You want your page to provide a great customer experience, show off the core features of your product, and answer any questions your customers may have. A+ detail content is a simple way to up-level your presence on Amazon.com, giving you the opportunity to differentiate your product detail page, showcase all your Alexa-enabled product has to offer, and add multimedia content. Best of all, A+ detail pages have shown to increase sales by an average of 11%.
Star ratings and customer reviews play a pivotal role in instilling greater confidence in customers’ purchasing decisions. Reviews can also help drive offline sales given that many customers use Amazon in researching purchases. Amazon Vine allows you to seed your Alexa-enabled product to trusted Amazon reviewers prior to your product’s launch. Customers will test out your device and provide well-written, detailed reviews of your product, which will launch on Amazon.com once the product is available for sale. Make sure you enroll in Vine 35 to 45 days before launch to ensure you generate enough trusted reviews to move the needle. Customers have indicated that they find Vine reviews helpful 76% of the time, higher than for non-Vine reviews.
Amazon Marketing Services (AMS) enables you to reach customers through targeted, performance-based advertisements on Amazon.com. You can target customers based on keyword search, complimentary or competitive detail pages, or shopper interest by category. AMS is a self-service solution that you can get started with today to boost visibility of your Alexa-enabled product. You can build quickly and easily with no design or technical expertise. Cost-per-click through AMS starts as low as $0.02 with daily budgets as low as $1.00. Pay only when shoppers click on your ad.
Customers have come to expect compelling value when shopping on Amazon.com. We offer a variety of promotional opportunities for which you can submit your Alexa-enabled product. These limited-time promotions, such as Lightning Deals and Best Deals, increase visibility through inclusion in highly trafficked pages on Amazon.com and drive potential sales. We recommend aligning price promotions to major Amazon.com events, such as Prime Day, Alexa’s Birthday, and Black Friday/Cyber Monday, and to key pulses in your product’s lifecycle.
Whether you’re preparing to launch a new Alexa-enabled product on Amazon.com or looking to increase sales momentum throughout the year, you can find additional solutions and best practices on our Marketing Opportunities page. We also recently launched a new Success Stories page that dives deep into how brands like Sonos and ecobee designed and built voice-forward products that delight customers.
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AVS makes it easy to integrate Alexa directly into your products and bring voice-forward experiences to customers. Through AVS, you can add a new natural user interface to your products and offer your customers access to a growing number of Alexa features, smart home integrations, and skills. Get Started.