Fine-grained Access Control for Teams Building Alexa Skills

Tarun Tiwari Dec 04, 2020
Developer Console Build Productivity

We are excited to announce that beginning today you can provide other users with role-based access to your developer account, and control their access on a skill-by-skill basis in the account. Previously, you could only provide access to your entire account. Now, you can add each user as an administrator, developer, marketer, or analyst in your account, giving them access based on their roles. Additionally, you can give individual users the access to only those skills that they work on, and eliminate their access to other skills in the account. This enables you to manage permissions of individual members in your team, and to increase the security and privacy of your skill information. Learn more in our technical documentation.

Managing User Roles

The first user who creates the Alexa developer account is considered the Admin owner and retains full rights to administer the developer account. Additional users can be invited to the account in Admin, Developer, Marketer or Analyst role using the Amazon developer portal. Invited users will have the rights associated with their assigned role(s) as per the role descriptions (see the table below). After you add a user, the Developer Console sends an email invitation to the user. The invited user clicks a link in the email to sign in to the Developer Portal.

Role Types and Permissions
Specifying Skill Access for Users

Once you have added a user in your developer account, you can manage their Alexa skill access in the developer console at Settings > Skill access management here. This page can only be accessed by account administrators, and shows a list of active and pending users in your account. You can manage skill level access for individual users by clicking on the ‘Skill access’ dropdown on the page (screenshot below), and have the option to ‘Select All (existing & future)’ or ‘Select None’. 

To learn more, visit our technical documentation.

