Leverage the New Metrics Dashboard to Deepen Skill Engagement, Drive Retention

Jeff Blankenburg Apr 05, 2017
News Analyze Retention

Have you ever wondered how your skill usage is trending month over month? How many unique customers you have? When your peak usage times are? 

You can now explore the answers to these and other data-driven questions using our new skill metrics dashboard. This dashboard features many new data points and visualizations on customers, sessions, utterances, and intents. We’ve also improved data freshness and included data support for all devices. With this new feature, you can better understand how customers use your skill so you can deepen engagement and drive retention.

How to Access and Explore the Metrics Dashboard

Each of your skills has a metrics dashboard. To see it, sign in to the developer portal, then choose “Alexa” and “Alexa Skills Kit.” You’ll see all of your skills on this page. To the right of each skill, you’ll see an option to launch the metrics dashboard. Choose one to explore the data and uncover insights.

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Overview Tab: Get a Pulse Check on Your Skill’s Performance

Get a high-level view of your skill’s performance and quickly spot trends and outliers on the overview tab. Here you can see a breakdown of usage trends including the number of customers using the skill, peak usage time, and utterance distribution by intent. Start with this quick look at your customer-engagement pattern, then dive into the following tabs for deeper insights.

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Customers Tab: Measure Customer Engagement for Any Given Time

To keep your customers engaged and returning, it’s important to understand how they react to skill updates, seasonality, and other changes. Visit the customer tab to see how many people are interacting with your skill during a specified time interval.

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Sessions Tabs: Learn Which Session Types Are Most Successful

Sessions are the building blocks of your relationship with your customer. Make sure each of these touch points are successful by diving into your sessions data. The sessions tab includes metrics like the average number of sessions per customer, successful session types, and the distribution of successful and failed sessions. Understand how often users engage with your skill and whether a given session had a successful outcome.

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Utterances Tab: Measure the Quality of Your Customers’ Experiences

Your utterances are a key part of delivering a polished voice experience. Use the utterances tab to explore metrics like the total number of utterances per customer, utterance responses, and the average number of utterances. See the volume of requests made to your skill as well as the average number of utterances made for a given session. Better understand the quality of your skill’s voice experience by exploring the number of successful utterances relative to the number of total utterances.

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Intents Tab: See Which Intents Are Getting the Most Use

To get a holistic view of your customer’s experience, it’s important to know which of your skill's features are getting the most use. The intents tab breaks down your skill’s utterance distribution so you can see which intents are getting the highest volume of requests. This information can help you prioritize features as you look to improve your skill's level of engagement.

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Leverage Insights to Make Your Skills Even Better

This release is a pivotal step toward providing you with a rich analytics experience. Our goal is to help you drive customer engagement and user adoption through insights. We hope you’ll leverage the new metrics dashboard to better understand your customers and evolve your skill over time.

Build a Skill, Get a Shirt

The Alexa Skills Kit (ASK) enables developers to build capabilities, called skills, for Alexa. ASK is a collection of self-service APIs, documentation, templates, and code samples that make it fast and easy for anyone to add skills to Alexa. 

Developers have built more than 10,000 skills with ASK. Explore the stories behind some of these innovations, then start building your own skill. Once you publish your skill, mark the occasion with a free, limited-edition Alexa dev shirt. Quantities are limited.