Alexa Vector Graphics Format
(This is not the most recent version of Alexa Graphics Format. Use the Other Versions option to see the documentation for the most recent version of Alexa Graphics Format)
Use the Alexa Vector Graphics (AVG) format to define vector graphics for use in APL documents. AVG is a parameterized subset of scalable vector graphics (SVG) selected to be portable to multiple operating systems. You can display an AVG-defined graphic with the VectorGraphic
component. The VectorGraphic
component can load an AVG object from an APL package, APL document, or URL.
An AVG object has the following properties:
Property | Type | Default | Description |
description |
String | "" | Optional description of this vector graphic. |
height |
Positive absolute Dimension | REQUIRED | The height of the graphic. |
item , items |
Array of AVG items | [] | An array of drawing items. Each item is a group, path, or text. |
parameters |
Array of AVG parameters | [] | An array of parameter values that can be set on the AVG object. |
resources |
RESOURCES | [] | Local graphic-specific resources |
scaleTypeHeight |
none | grow | shrink | stretch | none | How the viewport height changes as the height scales. |
scaleTypeWidth |
none | grow | shrink | stretch | none | How the viewport width changes as the width scales. |
styles |
STYLES | {} | Local graphic-specific styles |
type |
"AVG" | REQUIRED | The type of vector graphic. |
version |
1.1 | REQUIRED | The current release version of the AVG standard. |
viewportHeight |
Positive number | <height> | The height of the viewport |
viewportWidth |
Positive number | <width> | The width of the viewport |
width |
Positive absolute Dimension | REQUIRED | The width of the graphic. |
This example defines a simple diamond filled with red:
"type": "AVG",
"version": "1.1",
"height": 100,
"width": 100,
"items": {
"type": "path",
"fill": "red",
"stroke": "blue",
"strokeWidth": 4,
"pathData": "M 50 0 L 100 50 L 50 100 L 0 50 z"
The default absolute height of the AVG object. This is the height on the screen that the AVG object will take unless overridden or scaled in some fashion. It must be an absolute dimension.
item, items
An array of AVG items. The array is in the drawing order; later items
draw on top of earlier items. An AVG item has a type
property which
determines the created AVG item. There are three types of items:
See AVG resources
An array of named values to add to the data-binding context when evaluating the AVG data. Each parameter is an object containing the following:
Property | Type | Required | Description |
name |
String | Yes | The name of the parameter |
description |
String | No | An optional description of the parameter |
type |
any | string | number | color | No | The type of the parameter. Defaults to "any" |
default |
any | No | The default value to assign to the parameter. Defaults to the empty string (if type is not specified) or a type-appropriate empty value |
The following APL document defines a circle vector graphic
with parameters for the color
and stroke
width. The Container
in the
document inflates the graphic three times with different parameter
"type": "APL",
"version": "2024.3",
"graphics": {
"parameterizedCircle": {
"type": "AVG",
"version": "1.1",
"height": 100,
"width": 100,
"parameters": [
"name": "circleColor",
"type": "color",
"default": "black"
"name": "circleBorderWidth",
"type": "number",
"default": 2
"items": [
"type": "path",
"pathData": "M25,50 a25,25 0 1 1 50,0 a25,25 0 1 1 -50,0",
"stroke": "${circleColor}",
"strokeWidth": "${circleBorderWidth}",
"fill": "none"
"mainTemplate": {
"parameters": [
"item": {
"type": "Container",
"direction": "row",
"items": {
"type": "VectorGraphic",
"source": "parameterizedCircle",
"width": 100,
"height": 100,
"circleColor": "${data.color}",
"circleBorderWidth": "${data.width}"
"data": [
"color": "red",
"width": 5
"color": "green",
"width": 10
"color": "blue",
"width": 15
For convenience, if a named parameter only has a name, it can be abbreviated to a simple string.
In addition to user-defined parameters there are two implicitly supplied
parameters: height
and width
(both numbers). These are scaled
and viewportHeight
values. For example, assume that
the vector graphic of height startingPixelHeight
has been placed in a
container and told to scale to a new size scaledPixelHeight
. The
internally bound height
and width
values are given by:
function calculateScale( double scale, ScaleType scaleType ) {
switch (scaleType) {
case "none":
return 1.0;
case "grow":
return scale > 1.0 ? scale : 1.0;
case "shrink":
return scale < 1.0 ? scale : 1.0;
case "stretch":
return scale;
height = viewportHeight * calculateScale( scaledPixelHeight / startingPixelHeight, scaleTypeHeight );
width = viewportWidth * calculateScale( scaledPixelWidth / startingPixelWidth, scaleTypeWidth );
scaleTypeHeight & scaleTypeWidth
The scaleTypeHeight
and scaleTypeWidth
properties control how the
internal (viewport) height and width of the graphic resize when
scaled. Valid options are:
ScaleType | Description |
none |
The viewport dimension does not change (the default) |
stretch |
The viewport dimension grows or shrinks proportionally to the change in drawing dimension. |
grow |
The viewport dimension may grow proportionally, but does not shrink. |
shrink |
The viewport dimension may shrink proportionally, but does not grow. |
Consider a "pill-shaped" vector graphic, such as for a vertical scrollbar or indicator. The design of the graphic is a tall hollow rectangle with rounded corners at the top and bottom. When the vector graphic is stretched vertically the intent is to keep the shape of the rounded corners the same and stretch the center vertical lines. An easy way to define this graphic is to allow the viewport to stretch vertically and insert into the drawing path a parameterized expression that draws the vertical segment of the path based on the viewport height. For example:
"type": "APL",
"version": "2024.3",
"graphics": {
"myPillShape": {
"type": "AVG",
"version": "1.1",
"height": 100,
"width": 100,
"parameters": [ "myScaleType" ],
"scaleTypeHeight": "${myScaleType}",
"items": [
"type": "path",
"pathData": "M25,50 a25,25 0 1 1 50,0 l0 ${height-100} a25,25 0 1 1 -50,0 z",
"stroke": "black",
"strokeWidth": 20
"mainTemplate": {
"parameters": [
"item": {
"type": "Container",
"direction": "row",
"items": {
"type": "VectorGraphic",
"source": "myPillShape",
"width": 100,
"height": 200,
"scale": "fill",
"myScaleType": "${data}"
"data": [

In this example, the left image shows what happens when the viewport is
not allowed to stretch and the right image shows what happens when the
viewport is scaled up. In the left image, the viewport is drawn in a 100
by 100 unit viewport and then stretched to fill a 100 by 200 dp
rectangle on the screen. The resulting image is a distorted circle. On
the right, the viewport scaling is set to stretch, so the graphic is
drawn in a 100 by 200 unit viewport. The height
property is bound in
the context to the scaled viewport height, so the pathData
is now
drawn with an extra vertical line segment of length ${height - 100}
100 units.
See AVG styles.
A string set to AVG
A string set to the version of the AVG standard used by this vector graphic.
This document describes AVG version 1.1. This is not the most recent version of the AVG format. Use the Other Versions button at the top of the page to see documentation for other versions AVG.
AVG 1.1 was introduced with APL 1.4.
The height of the drawing coordinates used internally in the AVG object.
If not specified, this defaults to height
The width of the drawing coordinates used internally in the AVG object.
If not specified, this defaults to width
The default width dimension of the AVG object. This is the amount of space on the screen that the AVG object will take unless overridden or scaled in some fashion. It must be an absolute dimension.
AVG resources
AVG graphic resources are named entities that are accessible through data-binding and value resolution. AVG resources follow the same structure as APL resources. AVG resources are evaluated when the graphic is loaded. The data-binding context used is the global document data-binding context with the document-level resources loaded. Resources are static and may not be changed. Graphic resources may refer to document-level resources with the @name
A sample graphic resource block:
"resources": [
"color": {
"accent": "#00CAFF",
"myBlue": "#66DFFF",
"number": {
"lineWidth": 2
"string": {
"checkmark": "M0,20 l10,10 l40,-40"
"pattern": {
"redCircle": {
"width": "18",
"height": "18",
"item": {
"type": "path",
"pathData": "M0,9 a9,9 0 1 1 18,0 a9,9 0 1 1 -18,0",
"fill: "red"
"when": "${viewport.width > 1000}",
"number": {
"lineWidth": 4
"when": "${viewport.theme == 'light'}",
"color": {
"accent": "#0070BA",
"myBlue": "@documentDarkBlue"
Resources are defined in blocks
, where a block is an object with an optional when clause and a set of types. The properties of each resource block are:
Property | Type | Required | Description |
boolean , booleans |
Map of Boolean | No | A mapping from boolean name to boolean value |
color , colors |
Map of Colors | No | A mapping from color name to color value |
description |
String | No | A description of this resource block |
easing , easings |
Map of Easings | No | A mapping from easing name to easing definition |
gradient , gradients |
Map of Gradients | No | A mapping from gradient name to gradient definition |
number , numbers |
Map of Numbers | No | A mapping from a name to a number. |
pattern , patterns |
Map of Patterns | No | A mapping from name to a pattern |
string , strings |
Map of Strings | No | A mapping from a name to a string. |
when |
Boolean | No | If true, this resource block will be included. Defaults to true. |
The resource blocks are processed in array order, with later definitions overriding earlier definitions.
A resource definition may refer to a resource defined in an earlier block using the @name
Boolean resources are stored as true/false values. Any non-Boolean assigned to a boolean resource will be converted using the "truthy" rules. For details about these rules, see Truthy and Coercion. For example:
"boolean": {
"a": true, // True
"b": null, // False
"c": "" // False
"d": 22 // True
Color values are stored as colors, which are 32-bit RGBA values. For details about how write string expressions that convert to colors, see Data Types. For general coercion rules, see Color coercion.
"colors": {
"myRed1": "#ff0000ff", // Normal Red
"myRed2": "#ff0000", // Short version (drops the alpha),
"myRed3": "#f00", // Super-short version (each R,G,B is doubled)
"myRed4": "red", // Take advantage of built-in color names
"myRed5": "rgb(255,0,0)", // RGB function
"myRed6": 4278190335 // Not recommended: hex value of 0xff0000ff
Easing functions are single-valued functions traditionally used to define how how an animated property changes over time. For details about easing functions, see Easing functions.
Gradients are defined following the rules in the AVG gradients section. For example:
"gradient": {
"redWhite": {
"type": "linear",
"colorRange": [ "@myRed1", "white"],
"inputRange": [ 0, 1 ],
"angle": 90
Number resources are stored as double precision floating point values internally. For details about how non-numeric values convert to numbers, see Number coercion.
"numbers": {
"a": 23,
"b": "${viewport.width / viewport.height}"
Pattern resources are AVG graphic objects that are used to fill or stroke paths. For example:
"pattern": {
"CirclePattern": {
"description": "Repeating pattern of circles",
"viewportWidth": 20,
"viewportHeight": 20,
"width": "25%",
"height": "25%"
"items": {
"type": "path",
"fill": "red",
"pathData": "M0,10 a10,10 0 1 1 20,0 a10,10 0 1 1 -20,0"
For details, see AVG patterns.
String values are stored as strings. Other types are converted to strings. For the string conversion rules, see String coercion.
"strings": {
"a": null, // ""
"b": "", // ""
"c": false, // "false"
"d": 23, // "23"
"e": "${@myRed1}" // "#ff0000ff" (by the color definition above)
If when
is true (or not specified), this resource block will be processed and added to the defined AVG resources. If when
is false, the resource block is skipped.
AVG gradients
A gradient is a shaded color pattern for fills and strokes. AVG supports linear and radial gradients. An AVG gradient specified in a resource is constant and will not change at run time. An AVG gradient specified directly in a fill
or stroke
property can be dynamic (with internal data-bound properties).
An example of an AVG graphic containing linear and radial gradients is:
"type": "AVG",
"version": "1.1",
"width": 358,
"height": 150,
"resources": {
"gradients": {
"linearGradient": {
"inputRange": [
"colorRange": [
"type": "linear",
"x1": 0.30127709565476446,
"y1": 0.4259174391256225,
"x2": 0.7981258206624885,
"y2": 0.5839892388973439
"radialGradient": {
"inputRange": [
"colorRange": [
"type": "radial",
"centerX": 0.6480013075429227,
"centerY": 0.4348329629565578,
"radius": 1
"items": [
"type": "path",
"description": "Linear Star",
"fill": "@linearGradient",
"stroke": "#979797ff",
"strokeWidth": 1,
"pathData": "M86.5,120 L38.5955019,144.103326 L47.744447,93.0516628 L8.98889392,56.8966744 L62.547751,49.4483372 L86.5,3 L110.452249,49.4483372 L164.011106,56.8966744 L125.255553,93.0516628 L134.404498,144.103326 L86.5,120 Z"
"type": "path",
"description": "Radial Star",
"fill": "@radialGradient",
"fillTransform": "translate(0.648001,0.434833) matrix(-0.348987 0.320740 -0.306966 -0.364646 0 0) translate(-0.648001,-0.434833)",
"stroke": "#979797ff",
"strokeWidth": 1,
"pathData": "M261.5,120 L213.595502,144.103326 L222.744447,93.0516628 L183.988894,56.8966744 L237.547751,49.4483372 L261.5,3 L285.452249,49.4483372 L339.011106,56.8966744 L300.255553,93.0516628 L309.404498,144.103326 L261.5,120 Z"
AVG gradients are a subset of the SVG gradient standard and don't match the gradient definition used for components. The component gradients may be used in AVG documents, but it is recommended that you use only the AVG gradients because component gradients will not scale in the same way and have fewer features.
All AVG gradients share the following properties:
Property | Type | Default | Description | |
type |
linear | radial | REQUIRED | Defines the gradient type |
colorRange |
Array of Color | REQUIRED | The color to assign at each gradient stop. | |
description |
String | "" | Optional description of this gradient | |
inputRange |
Array of Number | [] | The input stops of the gradient. | |
units |
userSpace | boundingBox | boundingBox | The coordinate system for positioning |
There are two types of AVG gradient:
The type
of the gradient must be defined and must be either "linear" or "radial".
The color to assign at each gradient stop. Colors are linearly interpolated between stops.
The inputRange
specifies the position of the gradient stops. If the inputRange
is not specified, the first color value is at gradient stop 0, the last at gradient stop 1, and the others spread evenly between 0 and 1.
If specified, the inputRange must (a) have the same number of elements as the colorRange and (b) be in ascending numeric order with values in the range [0,1]. If the first value is greater than 0, the color range between zero and the first value is fixed to the first color. If the last value is less than 1, the color range between the last value and one is fixed to the last color.
Defines the coordinate system for positioning the gradient. The userSpace
coordinate system interprets the positioning dimensions of the gradient in terms of the coordinate system in place for drawing the object. This is equivalent to the userSpaceOnUse
setting in SVG. The boundingBox
coordinate system interprets the position dimensions of the gradient mapping the values of (0,0) to the top-left of the bounding box of the path and (1,1) to the bottom-right of the bounding box of the path. The boundingBox
value is equivalent to the objectBoundingBox
setting in SVG.
A linear gradient contains the following properties in addition to the common properties:
Property | Type | Default | Description | ||
spreadMethod |
pad / | reflect / | repeat / | pad | Gradient behavior outside of the defined range |
x1 |
Number | 0% | The x-position of the start of the gradient | ||
x2 |
Number | 100% | The x-position of the end of the gradient | ||
y1 |
Number | 0% | The y-position of the start of the gradient | ||
y2 |
Number | 100% | The y-position of the end of the gradient |
For a linear gradient the spreadMethod
is set to "pad" and the x1
, x2
, y1
, and y2
values are calculated so that the angle
is correct as defined in the unit square such that the first and last color are set on the opposite corners of the bounding rectangle of the object.
The linear gradient spread method defines how the gradient will repeat outside of the bounds of the box defined by (x1,y1) to (x2,y2).
These points define the starting and endpoint point of the gradient box. The first color in the color range will be drawn at (x1,y1). The last color in the color range will be drawn at (x2,y2). Colors are interpolated between those two points following the rules for the color and input range.
The coordinate system used for the gradient is defined by the units
property. When the units
property is boundingBox
, these values are percentages of the bounding rectangle surrounding the object being stroked or filled. It is important to note that the same gradient used in shapes with different aspect ratios will result in a different apparent visual angle. The fillTransform
and strokeTransform
can be used to correct the visual angle.
A radial gradient contains the following properties in addition to the common properties:
Property | Type | Default | Description |
centerX |
Number | 50% | The x-position of the center of the gradient |
centerY |
Number | 50% | The y-position of the center of the gradient |
radius |
Positive number | 70.71% | The radius of the gradient (distance to end) |
For a radial gradient the centerX
and centerY
values are fixed to 50% and the radius
value is fixed to 70.71%. This ensures that the first color is in the center of the object and the last color is set on the corners of the bounding rectangle of the object.
This point defines the center of the radial gradient. The point is defined in the percentage of the bounding rectangle surrounding the object being filled or stroked when the units
property is set to boundingBox
and is in local coordinates when userSpace
The radius of the gradient is defined as the percentage of the width/height of the bounding rectangle surrounding the object being filled or stroked. Please note that a radial gradient drawn in a non-square object using boundingBox
units will appear as an ellipse unless you applied a gradient transformation to compensate for the aspect ratio of the object. The fillTransform
and strokeTransform
can be used to correct the visual angle.
AVG patterns
AVG patterns are non-parameterized re-usable vector graphic elements that can be applied to path stroke
and fill
properties. An AVG pattern is an object with the following properties:
Property | Type | Default | Description |
description |
String | "" | Optional description of this pattern. |
height |
Positive number | REQUIRED | Height of the pattern |
item , `items |
Array of AVG items | [] | An array of drawing items |
width |
Positive number | REQUIRED | Width of the pattern |
AVG patterns must be defined in an AVG pattern
resource. The drawing operations inside of the AVG pattern are applied in drawing box from 0,0 to width,height. Drawing operations outside of this bounding box are clipped.
Internally AVG patterns may be rendered once to an offscreen bitmap and then used as a bitmap shader when drawing a path
or text
element. If the pattern is upscaled during rendering, pixelation artifacts may be visible. It is recommended that patterns be kept as small as practical and not upscaled.
The height of the pattern in the coordinates appropriate for the path it is being drawn within. Both width and height must be positive numbers or the pattern will not draw.
item, items
An array of AVG items. The array is in the drawing order where later items appear on top of earlier items. All drawing items are supported including:
The width of the pattern in the coordinates appropriate for the path it is being drawn within. Both width and height must be positive numbers or the pattern will not draw.
AVG styles
AVG styles are APL styles that apply only within a single vector graphic. All AVG properties can be styled. For details about APL styles, see APL Style Definition and Evaluation.
An AVG style definition specifies the name of the style, a list of one or more parent styles to inherit from, and an ordered list of conditionally-applied property definitions:
"styles": {
"BasicButton: {
"values": [
"strokeWidth": 5,
"stroke": "red",
"fill": "@StandardFillResource"
"when": "${state.focused}",
"stroke": "green",
"when": "${state.pressed}",
"stroke": "blue"
"FancyButton": {
"extends": "BasicButton",
"values": [
"when": "${state.pressed}",
"stroke": "@FancyButtonGradient"
Each style definition has the following properties:
Property | Type | Default | Description |
description |
String | "" | A description of this style |
extend , extends |
Array of style names | [] | List the styles that this style inherits from. Order is important; later styles override earlier. |
value , values |
Array of VALUE objects | [] | An array of objects |
extend, extends
The extends
array contains an ordered list of names of styles that this style inherits from. These styles may be a locally-defined AVG style or a global APL style. If two styles referenced in the extends
array define the same property, the style later in the list overrides the property definition.
values, values
The values
array contains an ordered list of value objects to apply. Each value object has the form:
The when
property is optional and defaults to true if it is not defined. The defined properties are expected to be the names of valid styled properties (they are ignored if they are invalid names). The data-binding context for the when
clause contains the viewport, environment, resource definitions, and styles that appear earlier in the graphic, document or in imported packages.
AVG path item
An AVG path item defines one or more rendered shapes with common fill and strokes. The AVG path item has the following properties:
Property | Type | Default | Description |
type |
"path" | REQUIRED | Must be set to "path". |
fill |
Color | transparent | The fill color. |
fillOpacity |
Number | 1 | The opacity of the path fill. |
fillTransform |
Transform | "" | Transformation applied against the fill gradient or pattern |
pathData |
String | REQUIRED | The path drawing data. |
pathLength |
Non-negative number | 0 | If defined, specifies the "length" of the path |
stroke |
Color | transparent | The color used to draw the stroke. |
strokeDashArray |
Array of length | [] | Pattern of dashes and gaps |
strokeDashOffset |
length | 0 | Offset into dash array pattern |
strokeLineCap |
butt, round, square | butt | Shape to be used at the end of open paths |
strokeLineJoin |
bevel, miter, round | miter | How path corners are drawn |
strokeMiterLimit |
Positive number | 4 | When sharp path corners are beveled |
strokeOpacity |
Number | 1 | The opacity of the path stroke. |
strokeTransform |
Transform | "" | Transform applied against the stroke gradient or pattern |
strokeWidth |
Number | 1 | The width of the path stroke. |
style |
String | "" | Named style to apply |
At a minimum, specify either the fill
or stroke
. If neither fill
or stroke
are provided, the graphic is not drawn.
The color, gradient, or pattern used to fill the path. If not specified, the fill will not be drawn.
The following example creates a square filled with a gradient.
"gradientSquare": {
"type": "AVG",
"version": "1.1",
"height": 100,
"width": 100,
"resources": [
"gradients": {
"RedWhite": {
"type": "linear",
"colorRange": ["red","white"],
"inputRange": [0,1],
"angle": 90
"items": {
"type": "path",
"pathData": "M0,0 L40,0 L40,40 L0,40",
"fill": "@RedWhite"
This example creates a square filled with a repeating pattern.
"patternSquare": {
"type": "AVG",
"version": "1.1",
"height": 100,
"width": 100,
"resources": [
"patterns": {
"RedCircle": {
"width": 8,
"height": 8,
"items": [
"type": "path",
"fill": "red",
"pathData": "M0,4 a4,4,0,1,1,8,0 a4,4,0,1,1,-8,0"
"items": {
"type": "path",
"pathData": "M0,0 L40,0 L40,40 L0,40",
"fill": "@RedCircle"
With resources and parameters, you can combine these definitions into a single AVG definition, then pass in the fill type.

The applied opacity of the fill. The fill color can also include an
opacity, in which case the final fill opacity will be the product of the
and the nested opacity
properties of
surrounding groups and the hosting component.
A matrix transformation to be applied against the fill gradient or pattern. The fillTransform
has no effect on simple colored fills. For the transform syntax, see the transform
property in the AVG group item section.
must begin with a move command. Some implementations of APL before APL version 1.4 allowed beginning with other commands. This approach has compatibility issues and should not used.A string containing one or more path commands, as defined by the SVG "d" specification. The following table summarizes the path commands.
Command | Parameters | Description |
M, m |
(x,y)+ |
Move to the beginning of the next sub-path in absolute coordinates. Additional pairs are implicit "L" commands. The "m" variant uses relative coordinates |
L, l |
(x,y)+ |
Draw a line from the current location to the new location in absolute coordinates. Pairs may be repeated for additional lines. The "l" variant uses relative coordinates |
H, h | x+ | Draw a horizontal line in absolute (H) or relative (h) coordinates |
V, v | y+ | Draw a vertical line in absolute (V) or relative (v) coordinates |
C, c |
(x1,y1,x2,y2,x,y)+ |
Draw a Bézier curve from the current point to x,y, using x1,y1,x2,y2 as control points. Uses absolute (C) or relative (c) |
S, s |
(x2,y2,x,y)+ |
Draw a smooth Bézier curve from the current point to x,y using x2,y2 as the control point at the end of the curve. Uses absolute (S) or relative (s) coordinates |
Q, q |
(x1,y1,x,y)+ |
Draw a quadratic Bézier curve to the coordinates x,y with x1,y1 as the control point. Absolute (Q) or relative (q) coordinates. |
T, t |
(x,y)+ |
Draw a smooth quadratic Bézier curve to the coordinate x,y, where the control point carries over from the previous curve. Absolute (T) or relative (t) coordinates |
A, a Z, z |
(rx ry angle large-arc-flag sweep-flag x y)+ |
Draw an elliptical arc curve to the coordinates x,y. The radii of the ellipse are rx, ry. The rotation of the ellipse is angle. The flags choose which segment of the arc to draw and which direction. Absolute (A) or relative (a) coordinates. Close the current subpath with a straight line between the start point and end point. Note that fill will not be affect by closing a subpath, but stroke will. |
Refer to the SVG specification for the authoritative definition.
The pathLength
lets authors specify a total length of the path in user-defined units. This value is then used to adjust distance calculations by scaling the strokeDashArray
and strokeDashOffset
properties using the ratio pathLength
/(true path length).
A user-specified negative or zero pathLength
is ignored.
The color, gradient, or pattern used to stroke the path. If not specified, the stroke will not be drawn.
The following example creates a square with a gradient stroke.
"resources": {
"gradients": {
"RedWhite": {
"type": "linear",
"colorRange": [ "red", "white" ],
"inputRange": [0, 1],
"angle": 90
"type": "path",
"pathData": "M4,4 l32,0 l0,32 l-32,0",
"strokeWidth": 4,
"stroke": "@RedWhite"
The following example creates a square with a pattern stroke.
"resources": {
"patterns": {
"RedCircle": {
"width": 8,
"height": 8,
"pathData": "M0,4 a4,4,0,1,1,8,0 a4,4,0,1,1,-8,0",
"fill": "red"
"type": "path",
"pathData": "M4,4 l32,0 l0,32 l-32,0",
"strokeWidth": 4,
"fill": "@RedCircle"
The strokeDashArray
is an array of numbers that defines the pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke the path. If the array is empty, the stroke is solid. If the array contains an odd number of elements, it is implicitly doubled. For example, the array [1]
is interpreted as [1 1]
and [1,2,3]
is interpreted as [1,2,3,1,2,3]
. The odd indices in the array are the dash lengths (in viewport drawing units); the even indices in the array are the space lengths (in viewport drawing units). Non-positive numbers will generate undefined behavior.
The pathLength
affects the strokeDashArray
: each dash and gap length is interpreted relative to the pathLength
The individual elements in the strokeDashArray
must be non-negative numbers. The sum of the elements in the strokeDashArray
must be a positive number. The visible appearance of dashes with length zero depends on the the strokeLineCap
where a "butt" element will not be drawn, a "round" element will appear as a circle with diameter equal to the strokeWidth
and the "square" element will appear as a square with side length equal to the strokeWidth
The strokeDashOffset
shifts the starting point of the strokeDashArray
by the specified number of viewport drawing units. For example, if the strokeDashArray
is [2 1]
, then a strokeDashOffset
of 2 would cause the line to begin drawing with a space.
The pathLength
affects the strokeDashOffset
: each dash and gap length is interpreted relative to the pathLength
The strokeLineCap
property determines the shape to be used at the ends of open paths.
The strokeLineJoin
property determines how sharp corners in a path will be drawn.
The strokeMiterLimit
property determines when miter
joints in paths should be turned into bevel
The applied opacity of the stroke. The stroke color can also include an opacity, in which case the final stroke opacity is the product of the strokeOpacity
and the overall opacity
A matrix transformation to be applied against the stroke gradient or pattern. The strokeTransform
has no effect on simple colored strokes. Refer to transform
for the transform syntax.
The width of the stroke. Defaults to 1. The stroke is centered relative to the position of the path.
The named AVG style
to apply to this item. All path item properties can be styled.
AVG group item
An AVG group is used to apply transformations to the children. The AVG group item has the following properties:
Property | Type | Default | Description |
type |
"group" | REQUIRED | Must be set to "group". |
clipPath |
String | None | Clipping path. |
item , items |
Array of AVG items | [] | Array of child drawing items. |
opacity |
Number | 1.0 | The opacity of the group. |
style |
String | "" | Named style to apply |
transform |
Transform | "" | Transform applied to the contents of the group. |
The clipping path is a pathData
line that is not drawn. Instead, it clips the children of the group. The clipping is done within the group coordinate system.
item, items
An array of AVG items. The array is in the drawing order; later items appear on top of earlier items. An AVG item has a type property which determines the created AVG item. AVG supports the following types:
An overall opacity to apply to this group. The opacity is multiplicative with other opacities.
The named AVG style
to apply to this item. All group item properties may be styled.
Transform applied to the contents of the group. The transform
property is a text string following the SVG syntax.
transform ::= ( `rotate` | `scale` | `translate` | `skewX` | `skewY` )*
rotate ::="rotate" "(" `angle` [ `x` `y` ] ")"
scale ::="scale" "(" `sx` [ `sy` ] ")"
translate ::="translate" "(" `x` [ `y` ] ")"
skewX ::="skewX" "(" `angle` ")"
skewY ::="skewY" "(" `angle` ")"
Non-numeric characters (including spaces and commas) are ignored. Angles are in degrees. A positive rotation value is a clockwise rotation about the origin of the group. The coordinate system has positive x values to the right and positive y values down. The origin is normally in the top-left.
The following are equivalent:
translate(x) ⟺ translate(x 0)
scale(s) ⟺ scale(s s)
rotate(a x y) ⟺ translate(x y) rotate(a) translate(-x -y)
Vector graphics may use data-bound expressions in the transform property. For example, to make the minute hand of an analog clock rotate correctly:
"transform": "rotate(${Time.minutes(localTime)*6})"
Alternative transform properties
In certain circumstances it is easier to write transformation properties as separate stages of scale, rotate, and translate. The alternative transform properties provide an explicit series of properties. These properties are only available if the transform
property is not specified. If that property is specified, these properties are ignored.
Property | Type | Default | Description |
rotation |
Number | 0 | Rotation angle of the group, in degrees. |
pivotX |
Number | 0 | X-coordinate of the rotation pivot point (viewport coordinates) |
pivotY |
Number | 0 | Y-coordinate of the rotation pivot point (viewport coordinates) |
scaleX |
Number | 1.0 | Scaling factor on the X-axis. |
scaleY |
Number | 1.0 | Scaling factor on the Y-axis. |
translateX |
Number | 0 | X-coordinate translation (viewport coordinates) |
translateY |
Number | 0 | Y-coordinate translation (viewport coordinates) |
The transformations are applied in the order of scale, rotate, and then translate. The equivalent transformation can be defined by the transform
property, where:
"transform": "translate(tx ty) rotate(rotation px py) scale(sx sy)"
AVG text item
An AVG text item displays a single line of text. The AVG text item has the following properties:
Property | Type | Default | Description |
type |
"text" | REQUIRED | Indicates this item is a text item. |
fill |
Color, Gradient, or Pattern | black | The text fill color, gradient, or pattern |
fillOpacity |
Number | 1 | The opacity of the text fill. |
fillTransform |
Transform | "" | Transformation applied against the fill gradient or pattern |
fontFamily |
String | sans-serif | The name of the font family |
fontSize |
Positive number | 40 | The size of the font |
fontStyle |
normal, italic | normal | The style of the font |
fontWeight |
normal, bold, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900 | normal | The weight of the font |
letterSpacing |
Number | 0 | Additional space to add between letters |
stroke |
Color, Gradient, or Pattern | transparent | The text stroke color, gradient, or pattern. |
strokeOpacity |
Number | 1 | The opacity of the text stroke. |
strokeTransform |
Transform | "" | Transform applied against the stroke gradient or pattern |
strokeWidth |
Non-negative number | 0 | The width of the text stroke. |
style |
String | "" | Named style to apply |
text |
String | "" | The text to display |
textAnchor |
start, middle, end | start | Direction the text hangs from the starting point |
x |
Number | 0 | X-coordinate starting point (viewport coordinates) |
y |
Number | 0 | Y-coordinate starting point (viewport coordinates) |
If a text item draws with both stroke and fill, the fill is drawn first and the stroke overlays the fill.
The AVG text item shares a number of properties with the AVG path item and the Text component.
An example of a text item:
"type": "AVG",
"version": "1.1",
"height": 60,
"width": 150,
"items": [
"type": "path",
"pathData": "M0,0 l150,0 l0,60 l-150,0 Z",
"fill": "#d8d8d8"
"type": "text",
"fill": "red",
"fontFamily": "amazon-ember, sans-serif",
"fontSize": 60,
"text": "Hello",
"x": 75,
"y": 50,
"textAnchor": "middle"
The fill
property behaves the same as the path item's fill
The fillOpacity
property behaves the same as the path item's opacity
A matrix transformation to be applied against the fill gradient or pattern. The fillTransform
has no effect on simple colored fills. Refer to transform
for the transform syntax.
The fontFamily
property behaves the same as the text component's fontFamily
The size of the font, expressed in viewport units. Defaults to 40.
The fontStyle
property behaves the same as the text component's fontStyle
The fontWeight
property behaves the same as the text component's fontWeight
Additional space to add between letters. The value may be negative. Defaults to 0. The letter spacing is specified in viewport units.
The stroke
property behaves the same as the path item's stroke
The strokeOpacity
property behaves the same as the path item's strokeOpacity
A matrix transformation to be applied against the stroke gradient or pattern. The strokeTransform
has no effect on simple colored strokes. Refer to transform
for the transform syntax.
The strokeWidth
property behaves the same as the path item's strokeWidth
The named AVG style
to apply to this item. All text item properties may be styled.
The text to display. The displayed text supports a subset of the formatting rules used in the Text component's text
property. Inline markup strings (e.g., "<br>", "<em>") are ignored and will not be displayed. To display markup characters, they must be replaced with character entity references:
Entity | Character | Description |
& |
& | Ampersand |
< |
< | Less-than |
> |
> | Greater-than |
&\#nn; |
Any | Decimal Unicode code-point. "nn" is a valid integer. |
&\#xnn; |
Hexadecimal Unicode code-point. "nn" is a valid hexadecimal number |
Numeric entity references can be in decimal or hexadecimal. For example, © can be written ©
or ©
The string "Copyright &\#169; 2018, Simon \& Schuster. \<br\>\<em\>All Rights Reserved\</em\>
" is rendered on a single line.
Copyright © 2018, Simon & Shuster. All Rights Reserved
The direction the text hangs from the starting point (x,y). The following options are available:
Name | Description |
start | The text starts at the starting point (x,y). For left-to-right languages, the text will extend to the right. For right-to-left languages, the text will extend to the left. |
middle | The text is centered about the starting point (x,y). |
end | The text ends at the starting point (x,y). For left-to-right languages, the text will extend to the left. For right-to-left languages, the text will extend to the right. |
The x-coordinate of the baseline of the text. The textAnchor
property controls whether the text extends to the left, right, or is centered at this point.
The y-coordinate of the baseline of the text. The textAnchor
property controls whether the text extends to the left, right, or is centered at this point.
AVG inflation algorithm
Inflating an AVG object involves the following steps:
- Create a new data-binding context.
- Add to that data-binding context each of the parameters.
Parameter values are calculated using the first match in the
following order:
- Passed from the JSON inflation logic. For example, a user could
pass in the
externally. SeeVectorGraphic
- Extracted from the current style by name.
- The default value assigned to the parameter.
- Passed from the JSON inflation logic. For example, a user could
pass in the
- Add to the data-binding context the calculated viewport
of the AVG object. Refer toscaleTypeHeight
. - Inflate the AVG JSON definition into nested groups, paths, and text objects, applying data-binding.
Last updated: Nov 28, 2023