Alexa Gadgets Toolkit Now Supports Bluetooth Low Energy

BJ Haberkorn Jan 08, 2020

Since the launch of the Alexa Gadgets Toolkit with Classic Bluetooth, creators have asked for the availability of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to create low-cost, power efficient Echo companion devices. Today, we are excited to announce that the Alexa Gadgets Toolkit supports BLE as an option for products to connect to Echo devices. The availability of BLE enables creators to source lower cost modules and chipsets, and consolidate hardware investments they may already have with BLE chipsets.

Once creators connect their product or prototype over BLE, they can build unique voice experiences with Alexa using custom and defined interfaces from the Alexa Gadgets Toolkit. This is exciting news for creators to build a variety of Echo companion devices for customers worldwide — from smart toys and smart clocks, to gizmos and novelties. 

Start Building with the Alexa Gadgets Toolkit Today

The Alexa Gadgets Toolkit is currently available in all locales where Alexa-enabled devices are sold. Reference our BLE technical documentation and Alexa Gadgets Raspberry Pi Samples to get started today. We can’t wait to see what you build!