At Alexa Live 2022, Amazon Alexa announced Skill Quality Coach (SQC), a personalized guide to help skill developers build high-quality skills on Alexa. Skill quality is essential to delivering an engaging customer experience and driving repeat customer engagement.
SQC learns from thousands of Alexa Skills to identify the common attributes of successful skills. It then evaluates your skill against those identified attributes to create a quality improvement plan for your skill.
The Skill Quality Coach will also include a Skill Quality Score (SQS). The SQS is a number between 0-5, and is designed to provide a measure of of skill quality. The SQS is calculated based on several aspects of skill design, and measures of implicit and explicit customer feedback.
The SQC provides Recommended Insights, which are personalized and curated recommendations to help you improve Skill Quality Score.
Skill Quality Score
SQS is a composite score between 0 and 5, is made up of different components that include:
Scores three and above can be interpreted as high. In order to maximize the SQS, a skill needs to score well on both the skill design and customer experience facets.
Recommended Insights
The Skill Quality Coach provides personalized and curated recommendations to improve SQS. Our recommendation framework anchors around the four key pillars identified for SQS calculations: Rich Multi-modal & Voice Responses, Voice Model Coverage, Content Richness, Freshness & Personalization and Endpoint Health. The recommendations shared, are generated by:
We’re constantly evolving the insights engine to be more personalized for your skill. Please share your feedback on the insights by voting on insights, so that we can learn from your feedback as well.
Skill Quality Score, a critical input for developers incentives and skill promotions
Amazon Alexa also announced the Skill Developer Accelerator Program that provides updated benefits and incentives to custom skill builders for building high-quality skills and growing their business on Alexa. As part of SDAP, we are announcing incentives based on Skill Quality Score for developers who are invested in building high-quality skills on Alexa. This incentive will be available to custom skill developers next year.
Skill Developers in the US can now access Skill Quality Coach by visiting Analytics tab for your skill in the ASK Developer Console. Please review the technical documentation here.