Create Eye-Catching Icons for Your Alexa Skills in Minutes

Glenn Cameron Aug 30, 2018
Tips & Tools Tutorial

When searching for an Alexa skill, one of the first things customers notice is the skill icon. Your icon is one of the first opportunities you have to make a great first impression on potential customers and it differentiates your skill from the tens of thousands of others in the Alexa Skills Store. Therefore, it’s important to make your skill icon eye-catching, legible, and recognizable.

But we know graphic design doesn’t come naturally to everyone. To make it easier, we released the Alexa icon builder to help you quickly design eye-catching skill icons.

How to Use the Alexa Icon Builder

The Alexa icon builder, available in English for developers worldwide, is not meant to be a replacement for robust design tools like Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, or Vectr. Instead, it’s for developers who don’t design professionally or own premium software, but still want a beautiful icon to represent their Alexa skill.

To get started, choose a symbol from the built-in icon library and edit the colors, background, size, and shadow to make a unique icon for your skill. When you’re ready, you can download your new icon and it will be optimized for your Alexa Skills Store page.

Tips for Designing Your Skill Icon

When designing your icon, choose a vector icon shape that is consistent with what your skill does. Customize the colors to match your brand. Make it unique by rotating and resizing the vector icon. Bigger is better when it comes to your vectors. They quickly become hard to see at smaller sizes. Don’t forget that you can use this for both your skill icon and in-skill purchasing icons.

With an eye-catching icon to represent your skill, you’ll be able to promote your skill to eager Alexa users and create a memorable first impression for your voice experience.  

Start using the Alexa icon builder to design custom icons for your Alexa skill today.