Notifications for AVS

A way to proactively signal that new content is available from Alexa skills and domains

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The Alexa Voice Service API provides support for Notifications for Amazon Alexa. The Notifications feature allows Alexa to proactively deliver content from domains and Alexa skills such as the Washington Post, AccuWeather, Life360, and more to any device with an AVS integration. Now customers can ask, “Alexa, what did I miss?” or “Alexa, what are my notifications?” and hear breaking news, weather alerts, and food delivery updates.

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Notifications for AVS

Alerting Customers of New Notifications

Notifications are communicated to customers through two mechanisms: a visual indicator and an audio indicator. Every device with an AVS integration should be updated with Notifications support to provide end users with a consistent Alexa experience.

Visual Indicator

Visual Indicator

The device uses a visual indicator, like a yellow pulsing LED or on-screen equivalent, to let the customer know they have notifications in their queue. Once the customer has retrieved all notifications, the indicator turns off.

Audio Indicator

Audio Indicator

The device uses an audio indicator to alert the customer that they have new notifications on their device. The audio indicator sounds once to notify users there is new information in their queue.

Retrieving Notifications on the Device

Emma has enabled notifications for several Alexa skills using the Amazon Alexa App. While cooking dinner, she hears a chime and notices a pulsing yellow LED on her smart thermostat with Alexa built-in. Emma asks, “Alexa, what did I miss?” and Alexa informs Emma that she has three notifications from enabled skills. Once Alexa reads through the notifications in Emma’s queue, the yellow LED turns off.

Retrieving Notifications  on the Device