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Free virtual event for developers

Thanks for attending devDay 2023!
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On-demand sessions

Welcome to devDay2023

Duration: 15 minutes

Developer experience updates for Amazon Appstore

Duration: 15 minutes

New ways to monetize with Amazon Appstore

Duration: 20 minutes

devDay wrap-up

Duration: 10 minutes

Event recap


Welcome to devDay 2023
Opening Keynote - 15 minutes

App and game developers are building new experiences with the Amazon Appstore. Hear from Amazon leaders about the latest devices, new opportunities for developers, and code demos available throughout the day.

Jon Kirk, Director of Content Applications & Partner Engagement at Amazon
Aabid Siddique, Sr. Product Manager, Amazon Appstore for Windows

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Developer experience updates for Amazon Appstore
Tech Talk - 15 minutes

This session covers the new tools and features aimed to simplify the developer experience for testing, submitting apps, and engaging with millions of Appstore customers around the world.

Gio Laquidara, Sr. Developer Evangelist, Amazon Appstore
Priya RajanSr. Solutions Architect, Fire TV and Alexa

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New ways to monetize with Amazon Appstore
Tech Talk - 20 minutes

Millions of global customers purchase digital goods and subscriptions through Amazon Appstore. Learn about opportunities to increase your revenue, reduce churn, and reach new customers through the suite of developer tools and features.

Anisha Malde, Developer Evangelist, Amazon Appstore
Nick Kalkounis
, Principal Product Manager, Amazon Devices

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devDay wrap-up
Closing Remarks - 10 minutes

As we review key takeaways from the day's sessions, learn the best ways to keep up-to-date when building for Amazon Appstore and Fire devices.

Chris Traganos, Head of Developer Evangelism, Amazon Appstore
Diana Stansfield,
 Sr. Product Marketing Manager, Amazon Appstore

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devLounge open Q&A (con't)
Live chat - 30 minutes

Evangelist team

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Welcome to devDay 2023
Opening Keynote - 15 minutes

App and game developers are building new experiences with the Amazon Appstore. Hear from Amazon leaders about the latest devices, new opportunities for developers, and code demos available throughout the day.

Jon Kirk, Director of Content Applications & Partner Engagement at Amazon
Aabid Siddique, Sr. Product Manager, Amazon Appstore for Windows


- Create an Amazon Developer account
- Amazon Appstore on Windows 11

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Developer experience updates for Amazon Appstore
Tech Talk - - 15 minutes

This session covers the new tools and features aimed to simplify the developer experience for testing, submitting apps, and engaging with millions of Appstore customers around the world.

Gio Laquidara, Sr. Developer Evangelist, Amazon Appstore
Priya Rajan, Sr. Solutions Architect, Fire TV and Alexa


- App porting tools
- App testing tools
- System X-Ray for Fire TV
- Presubmission checklist

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New ways to monetize with Amazon Appstore
Tech Talk - 20 minutes

Millions of global customers purchase digital goods and subscriptions through Amazon Appstore. Learn about opportunities to increase your revenue, reduce churn, and reach new customers through the suite of developer tools and features.

Anisha Malde, Developer Evangelist, Amazon Appstore
Nick Kalkounis
, Principal Product Manager, Amazon Devices


- Monetization tools
- Amazon IAP Github
- Appstore Billing Compatibility SDK


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devDay wrap-up
Closing Remarks - 10 minutes

As we review key takeaways from the day's sessions, learn the best ways to keep up-to-date when building for Amazon Appstore and Fire devices.

Chris Traganos, Head of Developer Evangelism, Amazon Appstore
Diana Stansfield,
 Sr. Product Marketing Manager, Amazon Appstore


- StackOverflow [amazon-appstore]
- Contact Us
- Amazon Developer Huddle

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devLounge open Q&A (con't)
Live chat - 30 minutes

Evangelist team

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Meet Amazon Appstore experts

Our Developer Evangelist team regularly discusses new devices, features, tools, and opportunities for developers to build, distribute, and monetize with Appstore.


Chris Traganos

Chris works on engaging app & game developers around the world. He previously built the developer relations programs at Stripe, Evernote, and Roku, and served as the lead web developer for


Anisha Malde

Anisha has extensive app development experience from roles at IBM, Safaricom, and Rolls Royce. As a React Native developer, she teaches the magic of cross-platform development through in-depth workshops, talks, and sample code.


Giovanni Laquidara

Giovanni is a Sr. Android developer with extensive experience in building mobile apps, real-time defense systems, and VR/AR platforms. As an embedded software engineer, he focuses on elevating the developer experience for both hardware and software.

Meet Amazon Appstore experts

Our Developer Evangelist team regularly discusses new devices, features, tools, and opportunities for developers to build, distribute, and monetize with Appstore.


Chris Traganos

Chris works on engaging app & game developers around the world. He previously built the developer relations programs at Stripe, Evernote, and Roku, and served as the lead web developer for


Anisha Malde

Anisha has extensive app development experience from roles at IBM, Safaricom, and Rolls Royce. As a React Native developer, she teaches the magic of cross-platform development through in-depth workshops, talks, and sample code.


Giovanni Laquidara

Giovanni is a Sr. Android developer with extensive experience in building mobile apps, real-time defense systems, and VR/AR platforms. As an embedded software engineer, he focuses on elevating the developer experience for both hardware and software.


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We welcome all developers to learn what’s new with Amazon Appstore. Whether you are considering developing or are already developing for devices like Fire TV and Fire Tablet, or if you are interested in porting your existing Android app to Appstore, this on-demand content is for you.

You will receive the latest Amazon Appstore news, get special access to Appstore experts, transform the way you work with code-driven sessions, and watch from anywhere in the world.