Amazon Data Portability workflow
From your Application, Amazon customers will use the Login with Amazon button. Amazon displays the Sign in page where customers sign in using their Amazon credentials. The Sign in operation is paired with Transaction Intent Verification to verify Amazon customer’s credentials. If customers sign in, Amazon displays the Authorization page with available LWA Scopes.

On the Authorization page, customers select Allow or Cancel. If the customer selects Cancel, the workflow ends. Your Application won’t have the capability to import that customer's data. If the customer selects Allow, Amazon displays the User Transfer Preferences page.
Amazon Data Portability scopes can be requested by your Application only as voluntary scopes, which means that a customer can choose either to share the information requested or not. By default, all scopes displayed on the Authorization page are unchecked. See Essential / Voluntary Scopes for details.
🚧 Customers are required to select at least one Amazon Data Portability LWA Scope from the list to see the User Transfer Preferences page.
On the User Transfer Preferences page, Amazon provides option for the customers to set the preferences, acknowledge the authorization, and select the Cancel or Authorize button. If the customer selects the Authorize button, it activates the Amazon Data Portability in your Application, providing authorization to import that customer's data. If the customer selects Cancel, your Application won't be authorized to import that customer's data.

Once the customer selects Authorize, you will use the Login with Amazon SDK to get the customer's authorization (OAuth2) code. You will use the OAuth2 code to get access and refresh tokens, which you will need to call the Amazon Data Portability API and import the customer's data in your Application.
🚧 Importing user data in your Application is asynchronous. Please ensure your Application has an HTTPS endpoint.
Want to learn how Amazon provides option for the customers to select what data to consent to?
Proceed to User Transfer Preferences.
If you want to skip the User Transfer Preferences, proceed to Configure the Amazon Data Portability service.
Last updated: Jan 08, 2025