Console développeur
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Create a developer account

If you have an existing Amazon Developer account, sign in to your account and proceed to Step 2. Identity and security assessment. If you need to create an Amazon Developer account, do these steps:

  1. Sign in to
  2. Choose Create your Amazon Developer account. The page will direct you to the developer registration page.
    If you're creating an Application associated with a business, use an email address that is managed by multiple individuals in your organization. Once the Amazon Developer account is approved, Amazon will associate the email address you've provided with LWA security profile, Amazon Data Portability, and allowlisted permissions.
  3. Complete the developer registration form, accept the Amazon Developer Services Agreement, and select Submit.
  4. Remain signed in to your Amazon Developer account. Proceed to Step 2. Identity and security assessment.

Last updated: Apr 16, 2024