
Item Detail Pages

User Flows

Below are examples of user experience flows for customers getting in-game content from item detail pages. Flows may vary between different integration types. Regardless of integration differences, only Amazon Prime members can get in-game content from Prime Gaming.

Account linking user flow example

Diagram showing account linking user flow

This user flow applies to customers who have not yet linked their Amazon account to a game account. Steps 2 and 3 are skipped for customers with existing account links.

  1. The signed-in customer clicks on the "Get in-game content" button on the item detail page.
  2. The Link Game Account modal pops up, prompting the customer to link their Amazon account to a game account. The customer has the option to switch their Amazon account before linking.
  3. After clicking the "Link [game] account" button, the customer signs in or creates a game account on the game website.
  4. Once signed in, the content is delivered to the customer's game account. They are redirected back to Prime Gaming and see a success page with a summary and instructions for how to access their new in-game content.

Codes user flow example

Diagram showing code-based user flow
  1. The signed-in customer clicks on the "Get in-game content" button on the item detail page.
  2. The customer is taken to a success page with a summary, their unique code, and instructions for what to do with their code and how to get their claimed content in the game.

Mobile games user flow examples

Diagram showing mobile game user flow on mobile device

On mobile device:

  1. The signed-in customer taps the "Get in-game content" button on the item detail page on a mobile device.
  2. The customer is presented with game-specific instructions on how to get their content and a link. If the customer has the mobile app installed, this deep-links into the app. If the customer doesn't have the app installed, they are taken to the relevant app store to install it.
  3. Once in the app, the customer navigates to where they can claim the in-game content. They are prompted to sign in to their Amazon Prime account.
  4. Once signed in, they are prompted to link their Amazon account to the mobile game.
  5. After account linking, the app presents them with a message about their newly claimed content.
Diagram showing mobile game user flow on desktop

On desktop:

  1. The signed-in customer clicks on the "Get in-game content" button on the item detail page in a desktop browser.
  2. Since customers can only claim mobile game content in the app on a mobile device, the customer is presented with instructions on how to install the game on their device and how to get their content in-game. They are also offered a link to either the game's app store page or to the game's website.
Diagram showing the 'send me a link' user flow

'Send me a link' desktop experience (coming soon):

  1. The signed-in customer clicks on the "Get in-game content" button on the item detail page in a desktop browser.
  2. Since customers can only claim mobile game content in the app on a mobile device, a 'Send me a link' modal pops up, prompting the customer to send themselves a link to the phone number or email address associated with their Amazon account. Alternatively, a QR code is displayed that the customer can scan with their mobile device to continue the claiming process.

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