Dash Replenishment Service CX Guidelines
This section is intended for product managers and designers, to be used as a guide to ensure your customer's experience with Dash Replenishment Service (DRS) has been considered end-to-end, prevent common design mistakes, and drive the customer experience (CX) reviews during the preparation phase.
At the end of the day it starts with the customer, whose trust we are earning to safely shop on their behalf. We do this by creating a great customer experience—the culmination of clear businesses propositions, elegant design solutions, and efficient engineering.
- Best Practices
- CX Review Requirements
- Feature Discovery
- DRS Sign Up
- DRS Management and Reorders
- Deregistering
Best Practices
- Make it hard to fail, easy to recover Customers should be presented with straightforward choices and clear calls to action. Any errors are actionable and give the customer a clear path forward.
- Streamline when possible We respect our customer's time and attention by presenting them with essential information and deferring choices that can be made in a “just in time” context. Fewer simpler choices lead to better decisions and greater confidence especially during setup.
- First impressions matter We want customers to feel like VIP's when using our products. First touch experiences during setup are significant in shaping and building customer trust.
- We always work on behalf of the customer Customer delight can come in the form of “that was easy”, “that was fun”, or anticipating a customer need before they even realize they have it. Customers should never have to do work that we can do for them.
- Customers should have access to Dash Replenishment regardless of where they're at in their customer journey
Whether it's new customers setting their new device up or existing customers running out of supplies, there should always be a clear path to signing up for Dash Replenishment.
CX Review Requirements
What to bring
Please prepare a presentation PDF detailing your end-to-end customer experience. We expect to see this demonstrated through these two formats:
- Task flows (customer journey, service blueprint, etc.)
- Wireframes, high-fidelity mock ups, or prototypes
We expect to see the following elements included in your deck:
- Feature Discovery
- Device Setup
- DRS Sign Up
- DRS Management and Reorders
- Deregistering
Things to Consider:
- What steps will a current customer need take versus a new customer? How will you present the Dash Replenishment offer to each?
- Have you identified which platform will you be using for device setup and management (e.g., web, mobile web, iOS, Android, the device itself, Alexa Skill, etc.)? Note: If your device isn't reliant on a companion experience, we don't recommend
- How many slots and products will you support? We recommend having no more than 4 slots for your device. While our search capability within DRS is improving, we recommend you curate your available products to be less than 50 per slot. This will be easier for customers to browse.
- How long does it take to complete the setup process end-to-end? Does it respect your customer's time?
Best Practices
Create a cohesive experience
Is your design framework, iconography, illustration style, color palette, etc. consistent across the device? Consistency and familiarity are key to building customer confidence, especially with less technically-savvy customers.
Test your experience with customers early
One of the best way to uncover customer confusion is to perform usability testing. Even if you don't have dedicated user researchers, sites like usertesting.com can be valuable in gathering customer feedback early.
Ensure your experience is accessible
Roughly 15% of the world's population has a significant disability. All customers should receive the same benefit, regardless of their ability. Start here for initial accessibility evaluations.
Add instruments to collect customer data and analytics
Analytics that help analyze the customer journey and detect points of friction, crashes and can break down drop out rate on each screen. Screen heatmaps are also a useful tool to see how the customer interacts with a specific page. ***
Feature Discovery
Please show planned touch points where you will be communicating Dash Replenishment to your customers. Include examples from the following scenarios:
- Prior to purchase Amazon.com product detail page, product packaging, etc.
- Prior to device setup Quick start emails, stickers/inserts in the package, instruction manuals, companion app/website, etc.
- Feature release for current customers Feature release emails, notification in companion app, etc.
Device Setup

Please include customer flows and mockups that show all actions customers will take to in setting up their device. This will encompass:
- Physical device setup
- Device setup in companion app/website/skill (if applicable)
- Login
- New account creation
- Device pairing (if applicable)
- Connect to WiFi
- Any required device settings
- Teaser page (please refer to Teaser Page Guidelines)
- How customers will discover the companion app/website/skill needed to setup their device
The following aren't required for the CX review, but will be required during the certification phase:
- Any errors customers could encounter during setup
- The target and actual time it takes to set up this device
Things to Consider
- Are requirements to set up the device clear to the customer before they begin? For example, do they need to download a companion app before or after setup?
- Do you know how long does it take to set up your device? Does it respect your customer’s valuable time?
- Are there any opportunities to streamline the setup process? Does each step carry its own weight? Are there any decisions that can be deferred until after setup?
- Have you considered leveraging Log in with Amazon for new accounts? This can streamline DRS sign up steps later.
- Do you know where customers will be physically when setting up their new device? (e.g., At home in the kitchen or living room? At the office?) Are there environmental factors that could make this process more challenging?
Best Practices
Keep setup short and sweet
Customers just want to use their new device and it's important to get them there quickly. While expected setup time will vary between devices (what's appropriate for a printer may not be appropriate for a toothbrush), we have anecdotal data that customers are willing to spend roughly 10 minutes setting up their stand-alone device. Any time beyond this is incrementally frustrating.
DRS Sign Up
Your customers must be presented with the option to register their device with DRS and subscribe to DRS during device setup. This must occur before the device is ready for its intended use (e.g., prior to the completion of a tutorial, prior to the completion of any "your device is ready for use" message).
Please include customer flows and mockups that show all opportunities customers will have to sign up for Dash Replenishment. This will encompass:
- DRS sign up in the setup flow (required)
- Any additional examples of when and how your customers can sign up for Dash Replenishment such as:
- Just-in time scenarios (Low inventory notification, a link from where you show inventory/supply levels, etc.)
- “Sign up for Amazon Dash Replenishment” in device settings
- Setup flow if device has been pre-registered (if applicable)
- Inventory management (if applicable)
- DRS sign up success screen (or any screen after customer skips or completes setup)
- Do customers who defer signing up for DRS during setup have a clear path to signing up later?
- If you have an inventory management system, what is the minimum amount of customer input needed in order for DRS to be successful? (e.g., do customers have to frequently update their current inventory or is that inherited elsewhere?)
- Is it clear what you want customers should do after signing up for DRS? Go to the home screen? Do something else?
- How to address channel conflicts (DRS folks, does this belong here in this section?)
Best Practices
Celebrate customer success
An opportunity for delight is when customers have completed setup and signed up for Dash Replenishment (we sometimes call them “Confetti Moments”).
DRS Management and Reorders
Please include customer flows and mockups that show everyday usage of Dash Replenishment. This will encompass aspects such as:
- What is the customers experience when supply is low and order is placed (notifications, supply status indicators, sounds, etc.)
- What is the customers experience when supply is replenished (notifications, supply status indicators, sounds, etc.)
- How customers access DRS settings from your device/app
- If you have an inventory management system, show how product status/level is shown
- Will you integrate DRS settings (replenishable product, inventory, etc) into your device settings or will you direct customers to the DRS webview?
- Do you have a way to display to customers if DRS is enabled or not? Is there a way to surface this information without opening ACUI?
- What kind of notifications do you have in place around device status, ordering, low supply, etc.?
- Where will customers look for help setting up DRS for their device? Is there a user manual or FAQ section that includes DRS help topics? Will your customer service representatives know to how to help customers with DRS questions?
- What happens for customers when your device is discontinued? (i.e., Printers replaced with a new model, we need to ensure this experience still works and the ink is available for replenishment.)
- Is it clear to customers can pause the service temporarily instead of deregistering?
Best Practices
Always send just enough
If you also manufacture the consumables associated with your device, you should make a single increment of refill available for order through DRS. This removes the customer’s need to stock-pile items in their home. In the event that a single increment of a refill is not practical, you should offer a refill pack that lasts up to a month.
Order Now CX Requirements
Some products include an “Order Now” button, which may be of some customer benefit, such as reordering a previously cancelled an automatically placed order. We recommend you proceed with caution as it can create confusion and additional burden on customers to replenish their device (which breaks our We always work on behalf of the customer tenet). If you choose to include this in your product, it must include the following:
- It must be connected to the selected consumable for a specific slot. It cannot be used to order additional items.
- It must be placed in close proximity to DRS settings. It may not be used on your app/website's home screen,
- There must be a specific call to action, which clearly and unambiguously states that by taking an action, e.g., “By tapping Order Now an order will be placed for the selected [consumable] from Amazon.” Font size must be legible and consistent with other text on the page.
Customer Service
Amazon will provide customer service support for any DRS order-related inquiries (e.g., tracking shipments, payment questions, etc.). You are responsible for any other customer service inquiries, including topics such as device setup, Wi-Fi connectivity, connectivity to your services outside the scope of DRS, product hardware defects, etc.
In the event that a customer contacts you with a DRS order-related inquiry, you must take the following actions to connect a customer with Amazon:
Email: Send the customer an email with the following link to Amazon’s self-service Contact Us page.
Phone: The device maker’s customer service agent will transfer the call to an Amazon customer service agent. Amazon will provide the device maker with details on how to transfer calls to an Amazon customer service agent prior to a device maker making automatic replenishment commercially available for their device.
Amazon should send DRS event emails
For DRS related customer communication, Amazon uses its existing email infrastructure for a consistent customer experience. Customers receive emails when an order has been placed, when it has shipped, or when important changes are made to their DRS subscription settings (e.g., subscribing to the service). To avoid duplication, you should not communicate DRS order/status events to customers.
There are two ways a customers can deregister their device from DRS, the first being by navigating to* My Content and Devices* on Amazon.com. The second is by customers contacting your customer service, in which deregistration can happen remotely. [link to technical info] While there's no specific CX elements to review, it's important to ensure this component has be thought through for customers.
Last updated: Dec 20, 2018