Alexa Champions

Recognizing Top Alexa Developers in the Community

April L. Hamilton

Los Angeles, CA

April L. Hamilton is a tech bloggerapp developer, and author who was part of a select group of independent developers invited by Amazon to create Alexa skills when Alexa first launched. Her Crystal Ball and Bingo skills are among the first four skills from independent developers to be released by Amazon for Echo. She holds the rank of Alexa Guru on Amazon’s developer forums.  

In addition to being founder and editor in chief of Love My Echo, she’s also founder and editor in chief of Digital Media Mom. April’s tech knowledge and skills were honed during her many years working as a software engineer, web developer, and database administrator in the aerospace field.

Alexa Skills Published

  • Focus Word: Focus Word provides an inspirational word or phrase along with a brief statement to serve as a point of focus you can use during meditation, or as a touchstone throughout the day.
  • Bingo: With the Bingo skill, Alexa will call the numbers for you. Each number is repeated and sent to the Alexa app as well.
  • Crystal Ball: Crystal Ball is a fortune-teller skill. Alexa prompts you to first focus on a yes/no question, and then announce when you're ready to hear the answer.
  • Angry Bard: The Angry Bard skill is ready to toss you barbs from the Bard anytime you like. Each insult is a quote selected from among the works of William Shakespeare, given together with the name of the piece from which it's taken.

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