
Player Exits the Tournament

When the tournament ends, the player may view the leaderboard before leaving the tournament. When the player leaves, the game app sends the player score to Leaderboards and Tournaments.

Player views the leaderboard

UI Control

The game app provides an option for the player to view the leaderboard.

During the tournament, the player has the option of viewing the leaderboard. The game app calls Get Leaderboard using the player's match ID, and the response contains the player's position in the leaderboard along with the top players. The number of top players is configurable in the query.

Player exits the tournament

UI Control

The game app provides an option for the player to view the match results.

When the tournament ends, the Game app can send a Get Match Details request and a Get Leaderboard request. From the information in the responses, the game app can display the leaderboard, tournament details and awarded prizes that the player can claim (if any).