
Facebook Authorization Component

 IV: Add Components for More Functionality

With the Facebook Auth Component, you can prompt users to log in using Facebook before they watch media (or perform some other action).

The User Experience with Facebook Authorization

If you require users to log in before playing media, users will see the following prompt after clicking "Watch Now" on the Content Details screen:

Login prompt when verifyScreenAccess is set to true for the PlaybackActivity

If a user clicks Later, the user can watch media without logging into Facebook. The login prompt won't re-appear, but the user can log in at any time by clicking the Login button at the bottom of the app.

If a user clicks Now, he or she is prompted to log into Facebook via a computer browser:

Prompt to log into Facebook.

After logging in, Facebook shows the following screenshot:

Facebook login success on the browser

After clicking Continue on the browser window, the user clicks Submit on the Facebook Login prompt on the Fire TV screen.

Configuration Overview

Follow these steps to configure the Facebook Authorization Component

Step 1. Get a Facebook App ID and Client Token

First you must set up a Facebook app to get the app ID and client token. Note that the app name you choose will be visible when users log in via their computer browsers, so choose a name (usually your Fire TV app's name) that you want users to see.

Note that these instructions were written in June 2016. Facebook may have changed some of the button names, steps, or workflow since that time.

To create a Facebook app:

  1. Go to Register and Configure an App in the Facebook for Developers site and create a Facebook app. Be sure to follow steps 1, 2, and 3.
  2. After you click Create new Facebook App in step 3, select Android.
  3. In the "Quick Start for Android" screen, type a name for your app (use the same name as your Fire TV app). Then click Create New Facebook App ID.
  4. Complete the required fields to create a Facebook app. In the "Tell us about your Android project" section, note that the "Package Name" and "Default Activity Class Name" are required but won't actually be used since these fields relate to Google Play.
  5. When you click Next, you're prompted with a "Google Play Package Name" dialog box indicating that it can't find your package name in Google Play. Click Use this package name to ignore the message.
  6. An additional section appears: "Add your development and release key hashes." Follow the steps in this section to generate a key hash and add it in the Key Hashes field. Then click Next.
  7. You've finished the Quick Start for Android. In the upper-right corner of the screen, select My Apps and select your new app.
  8. In the left sidebar, under PRODUCTS, click + Add Product.
  9. Next to Facebook Login, click Get Started.
  10. In the Client OAuth Settings section, turn on Login from Devices.

    Client OAuth settings for your Facebook app.
  11. Click Save Changes.
  12. In the left sidebar, click Settings > Basic. Copy the App ID into a convenient place.
  13. In the left sidebar, click Settings > Advanced. Copy the Client Token into a convenient place.

Step 2. Configure Your App

  1. Load the Facebook Auth Component into your app. See Add or Remove a Component for details about how to load a component into your app.

    Be sure to remove any other authentication components that are loaded in your app (such as AdobepassAuthComponent, PassThroughLoginComponent, or LoginWithAmazonComponent).

Step 3. Encrypt the Facebook App ID and Token Values

You must insert an encrypted version of the Facebook app ID and client token into your app. To encrypt your app ID and client token:

  1. Expand the FacebookAuthComponent > res > values folder and open the strings.xml file.
  2. Copy the following strings and paste them into your app's custom.xml file:

    <string name="encrypted_fb_client_token">YOUR_ENCRYPTED_FB_APP_CLIENT_TOKEN</string>
    <string name="encrypted_fb_app_id">YOUR_ENCRYPTED_FB_APP_ID</string>
    <string name="fb_key_1">fb_random_key_1</string>
    <string name="fb_key_2">fb_random_key_2</string>
    <string name="fb_key_3">fb_random_key_3</string>
    <string name="fb_key_4">fb_random_key_4</string>
    <string name="fb_key_5">fb_random_key_5</string>
    <string name="fb_key_6">fb_random_key_6</string>

    The encrypted_authentication_client_token is the encrypted version of the client token you generated when you created your Facebook app. The encrypted_authentication_app_id is the encrypted version of the Facebook app ID. You'll encrypt these values in the upcoming steps. The random keys are used to create the encryption.

  3. Type a random alphanumeric string for each of these fb_key_[#] values. For example:

    <string name="fb_key_1">odysseusgrEEk2000bc</string>
    <string name="fb_key_2">helengreekFAce5000ships</string>
    <string name="fb_key_3">homer@1storyTllr20</string>
    <string name="fb_key_4">latinusOdysseusson332</string>
    <string name="fb_key_5">calypsoIslandShipBLLd99</string>
    <string name="fb_key_6">athenazeusEPICodysseY77</string>
  4. In the Android View, expand the Utils > java > com > amazon > utils > security folder and open the ResourceObfuscationStandaloneUtility class.
  5. In the getRandomStringsForKey() method, enter the values you used for fb_key_1, fb_key_2, and fb_key_3 respectively.

    For example, assuming these first 3 keys are the ones displayed in the previous code sample, you would enter the following:

    private static String[] getRandomStringsForKey() {
        return new String[]{

    In this example, the values are as follows:

    • odysseusgrEEk2000bc is the value used for fb_key_1.
    • helengreekFAce5000ships is the value used for fb_key_2.
    • homer@1storyTllr20 is the value used for fb_key_3.
  6. In the getRandomStringsForIv() method, enter the values you used for fb_key_4, random_key_5, and random_key_6 respectively. For example:

        private static String[] getRandomStringsForIv() {
            return new String[]{

    In this example, the values are as follows:

    • latinusOdysseusson332 is the value used for fb_key_4.
    • calypsoIslandShipBLLd99 is the value used for fb_key_5.
    • athenazeusEPICodysseY77 is the value for fb_key_6.
  7. In the getPlainTextToEncrypt() method, insert your Facebook client token in place of Encrypt_this_text:

     private static String getPlainTextToEncrypt() {
            return "Encrypt_this_text";
  8. Right-click the ResourceObfuscationStandaloneUtility.java file and select Run 'ResourceObfusc…main().

  9. Look for the encrypted result printed to the console. It will look something like this:

    Encrypted version of plain text 123456789 is mTWxLhZeHslQFwpN3irjfQ==
  10. Copy your encrypted app ID and paste it into the encrypted_fb_client_token string's value in your app's custom.xml file. For example:

    <string name="encrypted_fb_client_token">rneiu89EIxnk9489faoPoaQ</string>
    <string name="encrypted_fb_app_id">YOUR_ENCRYPTED_FB_APP_ID</string>
  11. Now insert your Facebook app ID into the getPlainTextToEncrypt() method, and run the script again (using the same random strings). Copy the encrypted key into the encrypted_fb_app_id string value in your app's custom.xml file. For example:

    <string name="encrypted_adobe_pass_public_key">gnobHJEIxnkBMobJk7mBaQ==</string>
    <string name="encrypted_adobe_pass_private_key">AQ/9Qtc26GzLVSHRe1ftPw==</string>

Step 4. Decide When to Prompt Users to Log In

You can configure the screen where users should be prompted to log in to Facebook.

  1. Open the Navigator.json file (located in your app's assets folder).
  2. Set the verifyScreenAccess value to true for the screen where you want users to log in. For example, if you want users to log in before playing media, you would verify screen access at the PlaybackActivity:

      "com.amazon.android.uamp.ui.PlaybackActivity": {
      "verifyScreenAccess": true,
      "verifyNetworkConnection": true,

    Now when users launch your app and try to watch media, they will be prompted to log in.

Step 5. Customize the UI Text

To change the text that appears in the dialog box prompting users to log in:

  1. Go to ContentBrowser > res > values and open the strings.xml file.
  2. Copy the following strings into your app's custom.xml file (inside res > values):

    <string name="optional_login_dialog_title">Login</string>
    <string name="optional_login_dialog_message">Do you want to get most of your app by logging in now?</string>
    <string name="now">Now</string>
    <string name="later">Later</string>
  3. Customize the string values.

Disable User's Ability to Postpone Login

By default, users have the option of postponing the Facebook login. Currently if users click Later at this prompt, they can log in later using the Login Settings button.

  1. Expand the FacebookAuthComponent > res values folder and open the custom.xml file.
  2. Copy the following strings into your app's custom.xml file (inside res > values):

    <bool name="is_authentication_can_be_done_later">true</bool>
  3. Change the string's value to false.

Looking at the Logs for Facebook Auth Component Actions

After a user has already logged in, when he or she restarts the Fire TV app, the Facebook Auth Component will automatically check to see if the user is already logged in. Filtering the logcat to show "facebook" only, you will see the following if a user is not logged in:

06-24 17:39:18.602 29089-29089/com.amazon.android.calypso D/FacebookAuthenticationModuleInitReceiver: IAuthenticationModule initialized.
06-24 17:39:18.684 29089-29089/com.amazon.android.calypso D/FacebookAuthentication: Facebook configured and previous access token is:
06-24 17:39:43.566 29089-29089/com.amazon.android.calypso D/FacebookAuthentication: Checking if user is logged in
06-24 17:39:43.569 29089-29089/com.amazon.android.calypso D/FacebookAuthentication: Access token is null. User not logged in.
06-24 17:39:43.612 29089-29089/com.amazon.android.calypso D/Navigator: FacebookAuthenticationActivity onActivityCreated

In this case, the user is not logged in, so the FacebookAuthenticationActivity gets created.

If a user is logged in, the logcat will show something like the following:

06-24 17:46:27.933 29089-29148/com.amazon.android.calypso D/FacebookApi: Making http call to Facebook url: https://graph.facebook.com/v2.6/device/login_status
06-24 17:46:28.235 29089-29148/com.amazon.android.calypso D/FacebookApi: Response from HTTP call: {"access_token":"AAOA4zsiSjMBAJa42JB2LTTyIjq3hQTAl9RTq5FVA8QxKQFhhBlGlqGXpsqQYX9Puo5ZAZBW2eUgoyYquifpTaZAKS9SJhvJefv0hUMjGqAmjuOVNOxNjZCxQQmA23dc4Xcqhs8goZBIuYmbYKuJnltAopk5dQF4ZD","expires_in":5183946}
06-24 17:46:28.235 29089-29089/com.amazon.android.calypso D/com.amazon.android.auth.facebook.FacebookAuthentication: Storing access token: AAOA4zsiSjMBAJa42JB2LTTyIjq3hQTAl9RTq5FVA8QxKQFhhBlGlqGXpsqQYX9Puo5ZAZBW2eUgoyYquifpTaZAKS9SJhvJefv0hUMjGqAmjuOVNOxNjZCxQQmA23dc4Xcqhs8goZBIuYmbYKuJnltAopk5dQF4ZD
06-24 17:46:28.257 29089-29089/com.amazon.android.calypso D/Navigator: FacebookAuthenticationActivity onActivityPaused
06-24 17:46:28.257 29089-29089/com.amazon.android.calypso D/AnalyticsManager: FacebookAuthenticationActivity onActivityPaused, analytics tracking.

Here the access token is retrieved because the session is still active. As a result, the user is automatically logged in.

If you want to change the way the events are reported, you can manually customize the string values in FacebookAuthComponent > java > com.amazon.android.auth.facebook > FacebookApi.java. For example, if you do not want to use the term name in your analytics, you can customize this to another value:

public static final String NAME = "name";

To clear any login settings, scroll down to the bottom of your Fire TV app and click the Logout button.

Last updated: Apr 06, 2017