
Game deep-linking with Steam

Leaderboards and Tournaments Tournament Organizer provides the ability to link a Steam game with the Tournament Organizer extension. Users of the Twitch extension can automatically launch the game on Steam. If the user clicks the link and they do not own the game, Steam displays the game's detail page within the Steam client. If the user already owns the game, but has not installed it yet, Steam will prompt the user to download and install the game.

When deep-linking is enabled for a game, any user of the extension will be able to launch the game from the Tournament Organizer extension. After the user launches the game, they can link their Twitch account to the game and find the tournament within the game.

You can simplify the user experience by accepting Steam launch parameters in your game. Use the launch parameters to automatically link the user account (if required), and navigate the user directly to the tournament details inside the game. The deep-linking parameters passed as launch parameters use the following format:

-GameOnTO_tournamentId <TOURNAMENT_ID> -GameOnTO_accountLinkingCode <ACCOUNT_LINKING_CODE>


To enable Steam deep-linking for your game, take the following actions:

  1. Provide Leaderboards and Tournaments with the Steam game id for your game.
  2. (Optional) Implement the ability to accept Steam launch parameters in your game. Inform Leaderboards and Tournaments to enable this capability.

Also inform Leaderboards and Tournaments if you ever need to disable the deep-linking capability.