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Amazon Music Web API

Web API Albums V1.0


Retrieve albums and related meta-data from the Amazon Music catalog.

Get Album

Authorization Scope: [music::catalog]
Get the Amazon Music catalog meta-data for a single album by album ID. The meta-data includes the album name, artist, cover art, track-listing, label and more.

Path Parameters

Name Data Type Required Description
id string No The Amazon Catalog ID of the album to be retrieved.


curl --request GET <base url>/v1/albums/B08XK843KK  
--header 'x-api-key: <your security profile ID>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <your auth token>'


Amazon Music response object containing:

Name Data Type Required Description
album album No An object representing the meta-data for the requested album


(Some lines omitted for brevity)

  "data": {
    "album": {
      "id": "B0064UPU4G",
      "globalAsin": "B0064UPU4G",
      "title": "Discovery",
      "shortTitle": "Discovery",
      "duration": 3660,
      "url": "",
      "releaseDate": "2001-03-07T05:00:00.000Z",
      "availableMarkets": [
          "id": "US",
          "name": "United States"
      "artists": [
          "id": "B000S9ULT8",
          "name": "Daft Punk",
          "url": ""
      "eligibility": {
        "isDownloadable": true,
        "isPurchaseable": true,
        "isPreviewable": true,
        "isPrimeEligible": false
      "parentalSettings": {
        "isKidFriendly": false,
        "hasExplicitLanguage": false
      "tracks": [
          "id": "B0064UPUDC",
          "title": "One More Time",
          "url": ""
      "trackCount": 14,
      "images": [
          "height": 1800,
          "width": 1800,
          "url": ""
      "label": "Daft Life Ltd./ADA France"

Get Multiple Albums

Authorization Scope: [music::catalog]
Get the Amazon Music catalog meta-data for multiple albums identified by comma-separated catalog IDs. The meta-data includes the album name, artist, cover art, track-listing, label and more.

Query Parameters

Name Data Type Required Description
ids string Yes A comma-separated list of the IDs of the albums to be retrieved. There is a maximum limit of 100 IDs.


curl --request GET <base url>/v1/albums?ids=B08XK843KK,B08XJQM7YV 
--header 'x-api-key: <your security profile ID>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <your auth token>'


Amazon Music response object containing:

Name Data Type Required Description
albums Album[] No An array of Album objects


(Some lines omitted for brevity)

  "data": {
    "albums": [
        "id": "B0064UPU4G",
        "globalAsin": "B0064UPU4G",
        "title": "Discovery",
        "duration": 3660,
        "url": "",
        "releaseDate": "2001-03-07T05:00:00.000Z",
        "id": "B00D3PLC1K",
        "globalAsin": "B00D3PLC1K",
        "title": "Around the world",
        "duration": 3660,
        "url": "",
        "releaseDate": "1997-04-11T05:00:00.000Z",

Get Current User's Library Albums

Authorization Scope: [music::library::read]
Get a list of library albums for the current Amazon Music user. Flags on each album in the user's library indicates whether they were purchased from Amazon Music, or uploaded by the user. Optional pagination parameters can be used to limit the number of albums returned.

Learn more about pagination.

Query Parameters

Name Data Type Required Description
albumIds string Yes A comma-separated list of album IDs. This method will check the user’s Like status against the specified tracks (if provided).
limit number No The maximum number of albums to return (default: 100). Minimum of 1, maximum of 100.
cursor string No The cursor/token for the page to continue pagination results from.


curl --request GET <base url>/v1/me/library/albums?limit=20
--header 'x-api-key: <your security profile ID>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <your auth token>'


Amazon Music response object containing:

Name Data Type Required Description
libraryAlbums Response Collection No A collection of objects representing a list of albums and their uploaded or purchased status


(Some lines omitted for brevity)

  "data": {
    "user": {
      "id": "6ozjgidgbvjdv3j6dd5jm7ipom",
      "libraryAlbums": {
        "pageInfo": {
          "hasNextPage": false
        "edgeCount": 2,
        "edges": [
            "purchased": false,
            "uploaded": false,
            "node": {
              "id": "B07B62ZK5S"
            "objectId": "15e6a15f-4c2f-4b24-a2fd-286b37ad4fa3"
            "purchased": false,
            "uploaded": false,
            "node": {
              "id": "B06VWVWDDH"
            "objectId": "15e6a15f-4c2f-4b24-a2fd-286b37ad4fa3"

Add Album to Current User's Library

Authorization Scope: [music::library]
Save a specified album to the current Amazon Music user’s library.

Path Parameters

Name Data Type Required Description
id string Yes The Amazon Music catalog ID of the album to save.


curl --request PUT <base url>/v1/me/library/albums/B0101GQZGA
--header 'x-api-key: <your security profile ID>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <your auth token>'


Amazon Music response object containing:

Name Data Type Required Description
saveAlbum Response No a saveAlbum object containg the Album information and the saveState of the album


  "data": {
    "saveAlbum": {
      "album": {
        "id": "B091MTJT3P",
        "title": "All Rebel Rockers",
        "url": ""
      "saveState": "SAVED"

Delete Album From Current User's Library

Authorization Scope: [music::library]
Remove a specified album from the current Amazon Music user’s library.

Path Parameters

Name Data Type Required Description
id string Yes The Amazon Music catalog ID of the album to remove.


curl --request DELETE <base url>/v1/me/library/albums?B0101GQZGA
--header 'x-api-key: <your security profile ID>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <your auth token>'


Amazon Music response object containing:

Name Data Type Required Description
removeAlbum Response No


  "data": {
    "removeAlbum": {
      "album": {
        "id": "B091MTJT3P",
        "title": "All Rebel Rockers",
        "url": ""
      "saveState": "REMOVED"