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Amazon Music Web API

Web API schema V1.0

Web API Object Schema

This is the object schema for the Amazon Music Web API.

Primary Entity Types


Name Data Type Required Description
isAllowed bool Yes Specifies whether a playback action is allowed (true or false).
remainingSkips number No Remaining number of skip actions (usually reset to the default of 6 for Prime customers after 60 minutes).


Name Data Type Required Description
next Action No Specifies if the customer may skip to the next track in the playback queue.
previous Action No Specifies if the customer may skip to the previous track in the queue.
scrubForward Action No Specifies if the customer may scrub forward within the current track.
scrubBackward Action No Specifies if the customer may scrub forward within the current track.
loopAll Action No Specifies if the customer may switch to 'LOOP_ALL' loop mode.
loopOne Action No Specifies if the customer may switch to 'LOOP_ONE' loop mode.
shuffle Action No Specifies if the customer may switch to 'SHUFFLE_ON' shuffle mode.
rate Action No Specifies if the customer may select a playback speed factor different from 1.0.
queueMutations Action No Specifies if the customer may add or remove tracks from their current playback queue.
queueView Action No Specifies if the customer may see upcoming tracks in the queue.


Name Data Type Required Description
id string Yes Identifier associated with this album.
url string No The Amazon Music url for this album.
globalAsin string No Globally unique identifier for this album.
localAsin string No musicTerritory localized identifier for this album.
title string No The title of this album.
shortTitle string No The shortened title for this album
duration double No The duration of this album in seconds.
release Release No Release date information for this album.
releaseDate string No The date the album was first released.
musicTerritory musicTerritory No Localized territory identifier for this album.
market Market No Market this album is referenced from
availableMarkets market[] No An array of markets this album is available in.
artists artist[] No Array of Artists associated with this album
eligibility Eligibility No The eligibility associated with this album.
parentalSettings ParentalSettings No Parental settings associated with this album
tracks track[] No The tracks associated with this album.
trackCount double No The number of tracks within this album.
images Image[] No Array of Images associated with this album.
label string No Label associated with this Album


Name Data Type Required Description
id string Yes Identifier associated with this artist.
url string No The Amazon Music url for this artist.
globalAsin string No Globally unique identifier for this artist.
localAsin string No musicTerritory localized identifier for this artist.
followerCount double No The count of followers for this artist.
related Artist connection No A list of related artists
images Image[] No Images associated with this artist.
musicTerritory musicTerritory No musicTerritory localized identifier for this artist.
market Market No Market this Asset is referenced from
name string No The name of this Artist.
albums albums connection No A connection list of albums for this artist
tracks tracks connection No A connection list of tracks for this artist


Name Data Type Required Description
pageInfo PageInfo No Object used for pagination. Inspect the 'hasNextPage' property to check if the playback queue has additional tracks.
entities PlaybackData[] No Data associated with this playback object.
metadata PlaybackMetadata[] No Metadata associated with this playback object.


Name Data Type Required Description
sessionId string Yes Identifier associated with this playback session.
entityReferenceId string No Identifier associated with this particular playback entity within the playqueue.
metricId string No Identifier required for event reporting.
actions Actions No A collection of Action objects specifying which are currently allowed and which are not.
track Track No An object describing the current playqueue track.


Name Data Type Required Description
pageInfo PageInfo No Object used for pagination. Inspect the 'hasNextPage' property to check if the playback queue has additional tracks.
entities PlaybackData[] Yes Data associated with this playback object.


Name Data Type Required Description
loopMode string Yes Describing the playback queue loop mode: 'LOOP_ALL' | 'LOOP_ONE' | 'LOOP_OFF'
shuffleMode string Yes Describing the playback queue shuffle mode: 'SHUFFLE_ON' | 'SHUFFLE_OFF'
playbackState string Yes The current playback state: 'PLAYING' | 'STOPPED'


Name Data Type Required Description
sessionId string Yes Identifier associated with this playback session.
entityReferenceId string No Identifier associated with the current playback entity within the playqueue.
track Track No An object describing the current playqueue track.
metadata PlaybackMetadata No Metadata associated with the current playback object.


Name Data Type Required Description
sessions PlaybackSession[] Yes List of active playback session for the current user.


Name Data Type Required Description
id string Yes Identifier associated with this playlist.
url string No The Amazon Music URL for this playlist.
title string No The title of this playlist.
description string No The description of this playlist.
duration double No The duration of this playlist in seconds.
eligibility Eligibility No The eligibility associated with this playlist.
tracks Track Connection No The tracks associated with this playlist.
trackCount double No The number of tracks within this playlist.
visibility VisibilityType No The visible state of this playlist to the public.
curator User No The owner and creator of this playlist.
images Image[] No Array of images associated with this playlist.


Name Data Type Required Description
id string Yes Identifier associated with this playable.
containerId string No Identifier associated with this playable's container.
selections Selections[] No Array of allowed selections.


Name Data Type Required Description
type string Yes The type of playback event: 'start'.
clientTimestampInMilliseconds integer Yes The client's current time in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch (January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC)
initialPlaybackDelayMilliseconds integer Yes Time between when a customer expects to hear music (or stop hearing music) and when playback actually starts (or stops).
deviceTimezone string Yes The device timezone, measured in UTC offset hours. For example, -08:00 is the timezone of California.
playbackCurrentSpeed double Yes Current playback speed factor. For example, 1.0 describes regular playback, and 1.25 is 25% faster.
playbackStartAbsoluteOffsetMilliseconds integer Yes Absolute offset in milliseconds from where the playback starts within a track. The value can range from 0 to the total duration of a track.


Name Data Type Required Description
type string Yes The type of playback event: 'stop'.
clientTimestampInMilliseconds integer Yes The client's current time in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch (January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC)
initialPlaybackDelayMilliseconds integer Yes Time between when a customer expects to hear music (or stop hearing music) and when playback actually starts (or stops).
deviceTimezone string Yes The device timezone, measured in UTC offset hours. For example, -08:00 is the timezone of California.
playbackCurrentSpeed double Yes Current playback speed factor. For example, 1.0 describes regular playback, and 1.25 is 25% faster.
durationSeconds integer Yes Playback duration in seconds since the start of the track or since the last interruption.
entityProgressSeconds integer Yes The current absolute playback position within this track. If the track does not complete, report the farthest point in the progress bar.
rebufferCount integer Yes Number of times, playback was interrupted since the last start event due to rebuffering.
terminationReason string Yes Reason for why playback was terminated. Valid values are: userStop, userNext, userPrev, trackFinished, trackScrub, systemStop


Name Data Type Required Description
id string Yes Identifier associated with this podcast.
url string No The Amazon Music URL for this podcast.
title string No The title of this podcast.
type string No The type of podcast.
description string No The description of this podcast.
episodes Podcast Episode Connection No Episodes related to this podcast.
author string No The author of this podcast.
images Image[] No Array of images associated with this podcast.


Name Data Type Required Description
id string Yes Identifier associated with this podcast episode.
url string No The Amazon Music URL for this podcast episode.
title string No The title of this podcast episode.
type string No The type of podcast episode.
description string No The description of this podcast episode.
podcast PodcastShow No The podcast episode this is associated with.
author string No The author of this podcast episode.
seasonNumber double No The season for this podcast episode.
episodeNumber double No The number of this podcast episode.
images Image[] No Array of images associated with this podcast episode.
duration double No The duration of this podcast episode in seconds.
releaseDate string No The date this podcast episode was made available on Amazon Music.


Name Data Type Required Description
id string Yes Identifier associated with this station.
url string No The Amazon Music url for this station.
name string No The name of this station.
parentalSettings ParentalSettings No Parental settings associated with this station.
images Image[] No Array of images associated with this station.


Name Data Type Required Description
id string No Identifier associated with this track.
url string No The Amazon Music URL for this track.
mediaType mediaType No MediaType affiliated with this track.
globalAsin string No Globally unique identifier for this track.
localAsin string No musicTerritory localized identifier for this track.
title double No The title of this track.
shortTitle string No The shortened title of this track
duration double No The duration of this track in seconds.
release Release No Release date information relative to this track.
isrc string No The ISRC code associated with this track.
artists Artist[] No An array of artists associated with this track
album Album No The album associated with this track
musicTerritory musicTerritory No musicTerritory localized identifier for this track.
market Market No Market this track is referenced from.
availableMarkets Market[] No The list of markets this track is available in.
eligibility Eligibility[] No The eligibility associated with this track.
parentalSettings ParentalSettings No Parental settings associated with this track.
previewUrl string No Sample playback URL for this track if supported.
images Image[] No An array of images associated with this track.
label string No Label associated with this track.
dmid string No Unique internal identifier of this track.
audioVideoTimestamps AudioVideoTimestamps No Timestamp mapping for each second between audio and video with confidence score


Name Data Type Required Description
id string Yes Identifier associated with this user.
url string No The Amazon Music URL for this user.
name string No The name of this user.
images Image[] No Array of images associated with this user.
tier UserTier No The subscription tier of this user
visibility VisibilityType No The visibility of this user
playbackVisibility VisibilityType No The playback visibility of this user
playlists Playlist Connection No The playlists accociated with this user
tracks Track Connection No The tracks accociated with this user
podcastEpisodes Podcast Episode Connection No The podcast episodes accociated with this user
followers User Connection No The followers accociated with this user
followedUsers User Connection No The other users this user is following
followedPlaylists Playlist Connection No The playlists this user is following
recentTrackPlayback Track Connection No The recent tracks this user has played
followedPodcastShows Podcast Connection No Podcast shows this user is following
recentEntitiesPlayback Entities Connection No List of entities recently played by this user


Name Data Type Required Description
id string Yes Identifier associated with this view.
title string No The name of this view.
entity Entity No The entity-type of this view (e.g. Artist).
images Image[] No A background image.
content ViewContent No List of entity groups with pagination tokens


Name Data Type Required Description
entityGroups EntityGroup[] Yes Array of EntityGroup objects
nextPageToken string No A token to be used for pagination.


Name Data Type Required Description
id string Yes Identifier associated with this container
title string No Title of container
viewType ViewType Yes A rendering type which determines the recommended layout of the container
content EntityGroupContent Yes The list of entity groups with pagination tokens


Name Data Type Required Description
entities EntityGroup[] Yes Array of EntityGroup objects
nextPageToken string No A token to be used for pagination.


Name Data Type Required Description
id string Yes Identifier associated with this view.
title string No The name of this view.
entity Entity No The entity-type of this view (e.g. Artist).
images Image[] No A background image.
content ViewContent No List of entity groups with pagination tokens


Name Data Type Required Description
entityGroups EntityGroup[] Yes Array of EntityGroup objects
nextPageToken string No A token to be used for pagination.


Name Data Type Required Description
id string Yes Identifier associated with this container
title string No Title of container
viewType ViewType Yes A rendering type which determines the recommended layout of the container
content EntityGroupContent Yes The list of entity groups with pagination tokens


Name Data Type Required Description
entities EntityGroup[] Yes Array of EntityGroup objects
nextPageToken string No A token to be used for pagination.

General Base Types


The Connection base type is a generalized form of a collection container for pageable lists of entities. These will be found as return values for functions returning lists such as Get Current User's Albums. Connections contain an array of the specialized type along with a count of the items and a PageInfo object used for pagination.

Name Data Type Required Description
edges Edge[] Yes Array of Edges for the specialized object type
edgeCount double No The count of items in the edge Array
pageInfo pageinfo No Information used for Pagination


An Array of Nodes. Nodes are a generalized base object of the entity returned in a Connection.

Name Data Type Required Description
node node Yes Generalized base object of the entity returned in a Connection


A Node (also known as an Edge) is a generalized type for entity objects returned in pageable Connection lists. They typically contain a limited subset of data representing the type. It may be necessary to use GET on the resource in question to get full details of the object.

Name Data Type Required Description
id string Yes Key identifier for the specialised object
cursor string No Used for pagination. Identifies the current position within a list


Generalized type to describe entities. May have other properties depending on the specialized object.

Name Data Type Required Description
id string No Identifier associated with this type.
url string No The Amazon Music url for this entity.


Information used for pagination.

Name Data Type Required Description
hasNextPage Boolean Yes Flag indicating if the paginated result has a next page.
token string No Token pointing to the next page.


The generic response type for all rerturned data within the API.

Name Data Type Required Description
data object No The data returned from the query. Typically an array of entities or a response collection
errors map No A collection of key-value pairs describing the error

Response Collection

A generalized object for a returned collection. It is used in responses that return pageable lists. Trypically contains header information including the ID and name of the parent of the collection, along with Connections containing the lists of specialized returned objects.

Name Data Type Required Description
[header type] base object No This header will be named after the reference or perent for this query, For example, it may be titled 'artist' for a list of albums related to that artist
id string No The Amazon ID for this entity
name string No The name of this entity
[connection type] connection No The name of this connection object is based on the collection type returned. For example, it would be 'albums' if a list of albums is being returned



Name Data Type Required Description
audioTimestamps double[] Yes An array of audio timestamps in seconds
audioToVideoConfidence double[] Yes An array of confidence scores of the mapping between audio and video seconds
videoTimestamps double[] Yes An array of video timestamps in seconds
videoToAudioConfidence double[] Yes Confidence scores of the mapping between video and audio seconds


Name Data Type Required Description
id string Yes Identifier associated with this category.
url string No The Amazon Music url for this category.
name string No The name of this category.
images Image[] No Array of images associated with this category.
albums SearchAlbumResults No A search result list of albums in this category.
tracks SearchTrackResults No A search result list of tracks in this category.
playlists SearchPlaylistResults No A search result list of playlists in this category.
subcategories Category[] No An array of sub categories in this category.
categoryType CategoryType No The category type of this category.


Name Data Type Required Description
isDownloadable boolean No Flag indicating if this asset is available for download.
isPurchaseable string No Flag indicating if this asset is available for purchase.
isPreviewable boolean No Flag indicating if this asset is previewable.
isPrimeEligible boolean No Flag indicating if this asset is Prime eligible on retail website.


Name Data Type Required Description
width double No Width of the image in pixels.
height double No Height of the image in pixels.
aspectRatio double No Aspect ratio of the image.
url string Yes URL of the image.
imageType ImageType Yes The type of image. Describes its intended use.
description string No Description of the image.


Name Data Type Required Description
id string Yes Two digit ISO 3166-1 country code.
name string Yes Name of the country.


Name Data Type Required Description
code string Yes Two digit ISO 3166-1 country code.
territoryName string No Name of the country.


Name Data Type Required Description
isKidFriendly Boolean Yes Flag indicating if the content is kid friendly.
hasExplicitLanguage Boolean Yes Flag indicating explicit content.


Name Data Type Required Description
streetDate string No The date this asset became available.
localOriginalReleaseDate string No The date this asset became available relative to its musicTerritory


Name Data Type Required Description
track track No Basic information about the track whose save state was changed
saveState string No The save state of the track can be SAVED or REMOVED



Types used for searching albums



Types used for searching artists













NAMEAscending by Playlist name
LAST_MODIFIED_DATEAscending by Playlist last modified date
FOLLOWERSDescending by number of followers for the Playlist


Types used for searching playlists



Types used for allowed selections in playParams



Used for sorting search results



Types used for searching tracks



The subscription tier for a customer



