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Phone Factor Test Script

Perform these tests. For each test, note the response, request ID, and Timestamp. Amazon will confirm that your results match our results in our activity log.

Note: The Min, Max and Valid amounts used for the tests should be per the agreed upon contract. Please see Minimum and Maximum Amount per Transaction per Country for min/max per country.

Test Description Expected Result Response,
requestId, and
1. (Optional)
Load a value < Min Amount with either a verified or nonverified number
Load should fail as the amount is < Min Amount  
2. (Optional)
Load an amount > Max Amount with either a verified or nonverified number
Load should fail as the amount is > Max Amount  
3. (Required)
Load Valid Amount with a verified number
Load should succeed as it is between the expected range, and will be automatically added to the associated Amazon account.  
4. (Required)
Load Valid Amount using a nonverified mobile phone number
Load should succeed with a claim code printed on a receipt as the phone number is non-verified  
5. (Required)
Void the transaction from Test #4
Void should succeed  
6. (Required)
Enter an 11 digit US mobile phone number
Validate will fail, as phone number format in the US is 10 digits  
7. (Optional)
Load Valid Amount using a verified number with US country code included (If country code entry is supported at the POS)
Load should succeed  
8. (Required)
Load Valid Amount in a store in the country using a verified phone number that is not in the same country
Load attempt should respond with a PARTIAL_SUCCESS result, as number is not valid for that nation  
9. (Optional)
Load Valid Amount using a nonverified number with US country code included (If country code entry is supported at the POS)
Load should succeed  

Tip: For Test #8, you can choose a number from this list of test numbers and tokens. To assure a match to a verified foreign number (rather than an unverified local number), choose a verified phone that uses a different number of digits than used by phones in the local nation.

Last updated: Sep 17, 2021