Dash Replenishment Style Guide

Published: July 11, 2023

Key takeaways

If you have a Works with Alexa product, you can proactively notify customers when supplies in connected devices are running low, or you can reorder for them with Dash Replenishment. Use the downloadable style guide on this page to inform your design, implementation, and branding.


Need quick advice?

Watch the Alexa Smart Reorders video and view the Dash Replenishment Style Guide.


In this article:


About Dash Replenishment

Dash Replenishment on Alexa, also known as low supply notifications and smart reorders, proactively notifies customers when supplies in connected devices are running low. You can add the Dash Replenishment service to your smart home device, which enables Alexa to monitor and reorder supplies or replacement parts for connected devices. If Alexa detects low supply in a compatible product, a customer can choose to either receive low supply notifications or enable smart reorders, which automatically reorders products for the customer through Amazon. 

As an example of smart reorders at work, a printer can report ink usage to Alexa. When the customer first enrolls in smart reorders for their printer, they can choose which cartridge Alexa will reorder. Then any time ink levels run low, Alexa can automatically reorder the selected cartridge using the payment options associated with their account. The customer receives the ink without manually needing to check the supply and order themselves every time.


Style Guide

Use the style guide linked below if you have a Works with Alexa product with Dash Replenishment. This style guide provides customer-facing brand guidance on the low supply notification and smart reorder features of Alexa. It also includes specifications on logo usage, color palette, typography, and guidelines for creating media assets like apps and packaging.

Customers can interact with low supply notifications and smart reorders through multiple channels including third-party apps and microsites, Echo devices, the Alexa and Amazon apps, and various websites. It is important to maintain consistency across these channels. The guide is not all-encompassing, so please reference the Alexa brand guidelines and submit copy and creative for review (select Dash Replenishment as the content Type) if you're uncertain.

Click on the linked image below to access the style guide PDF:

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