Developer Console
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Charge Calculation Overview

The checkout process will be initiated by Amazon post exit i.e after the virtual shopping cart has been finalized. Ordering gateway will route the request either to the retailer's ordering-connector or Amazon's ordering-connector depending on the customer's selected mode of charge calculation.

Charge calculation refers to the process of calculating the total amount to charge the shopper for the items they selected in the store inclusive of promotions, taxes and fees.

Amazon managed

In the Amazon managed model, Amazon will use the information provided in the store catalog to determine the cost of the shopping trip. Amazon will calculate the cost of the items inclusive of applicable promotions, taxes and fees.

In the Amazon managed model, you will not be required to establish any integration with your backend office systems as Amazon will perform the end to end charge calculations. You will only be responsible for ensuring the pricing, promotions, and taxes in the catalog are reflective of your expectations in calculating the charge for a shopper.

Retailer managed

In the retailer managed model, the customer takes advantage of the pricing promotions and taxes calculation capabilities in their POS system. The retailer will be required to build an integration between their system and the Amazon ordering connector.

In the retailer managed model, the retailer is still required to upload a catalog of the items sold in the Amazon enabled store. The catalog needs to be updated only when the portfolio of the items offered in the store changes.