Property, Room Type, and Room API

API endpoint

In the request header, set Host to one of the following, depending on the region of your organization:

Country Endpoint




Each API request must have an authorization header whose value is the access token retrieved from Login with Amazon (LWA).


The Property, Room Type, and Room API includes the following operations.

Operation HTTP Method and URI

Create a property

POST /enterprise/hospitality/v1/properties

List properties

GET /enterprise/hospitality/v1/properties?organizationId={organizationId}

Get a property

GET /enterprise/hospitality/v1/properties/{propertyId}

Update a property

PUT /enterprise/hospitality/v1/properties/{propertyId}

Delete a property

DELETE /enterprise/hospitality/v1/properties/{propertyId}

Create a room type

POST /enterprise/hospitality/v1/roomTypes

List room types

GET /enterprise/hospitality/v1/roomTypes?propertyId={propertyId}

Get a room type

GET /enterprise/hospitality/v1/roomTypes/{roomTypeId}

Update a room type

PUT /enterprise/hospitality/v1/roomTypes/{roomTypeId}

Delete a room type

DELETE /enterprise/hospitality/v1/roomTypes/{roomTypeId}

Create a room

POST /enterprise/hospitality/v1/rooms

List rooms

GET /enterprise/hospitality/v1/rooms?roomTypeId={roomTypeId}

Get a room

GET /enterprise/hospitality/v1/rooms/{roomId}

Update a room

PUT /enterprise/hospitality/v1/rooms/{roomId}

Delete a room

DELETE /enterprise/hospitality/v1/rooms/{roomId}

Manage properties

Create a property

Call POST /enterprise/hospitality/v1/properties to create a property.

This operation is available in the following countries.

Healthcare Hospitality Senior Living Core





Request format

POST /enterprise/hospitality/v1/properties HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {LWA Token}

Request body

  "name": "{propertyName}",
  "organizationId": "amzn1.alexa.unit.did.{id}"

Request body parameters

Field Description Type Required
name The property name. String Yes
organizationId Your Alexa Smart Properties organization ID, in the format "amzn1.alexa.unit.did.{id}". String Yes

Response header

X-Amzn-RequestId: {request-id}
Content-Type: application/json
Location: "/enterprise/hospitality/v1/properties/{propertyId}"
Field Description Type Required
X-Amzn-RequestId Unique identifier for the request. If a problem occurs, Amazon can use this value to troubleshoot the problem. String Yes
propertyId Property ID as part of the Location header URI. String Yes

Response body

  "id": "amzn1.alexa.unit.did.{id}"

Response body parameters

Field Description Type Required
id The property ID for the new property. String Yes

Error response

HTTP/1.1 {ErrorCode}
    "message": "{ErrorMessage}"

Error response parameters

Field Description Type Required
message The error message for the error. String No

HTTP response codes

Status Code Name Description
201 Created The property was successfully created.
400 Bad Request The request is malformed or is missing one or more required parameters.
401 Unauthorized The access token is missing or invalid.
403 Forbidden The user doesn't have permission to access the service.
429 Too many requests Request was throttled. Retry after one second, backing off exponentially until a 256-second wait, retrying every 256 seconds thereafter until a non-429 response is received.
500 Internal Server Error The request couldn't be handled because of an internal service error.

List properties

Call GET /enterprise/hospitality/v1/properties?organizationId={organizationId} to retrieve a list of properties under the organization that the user making the call has access to view.

This operation is available in the following countries.

Healthcare Hospitality Senior Living Core





Request format

GET /enterprise/hospitality/v1/properties?organizationId={organizationId}&maxResults={maxResults}&nextToken={nextToken} HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {LWA Token}

Request parameters

Field Description Type Required
organizationId Your Alexa Smart Properties organization ID, in the format "amzn1.alexa.unit.did.{id}". String Yes
nextToken Continuation token returned in response object of previous list properties response. For details, see Handling Pagination in Query Results. String No
maxResults Maximum number of results to display. The value of this parameter must between 1 and 50. Default is 10. Integer No

Request body


Response header

X-Amzn-RequestId: {request-id}
Content-Type: application/json
Field Description Type Required
X-Amzn-RequestId Unique identifier for the request. If a problem occurs, Amazon can use this value to troubleshoot the problem. String Yes

Response body

   "properties": [
         "id": "string",
         "organizationId": "string",
         "name": "string"
   "paginationContext": {
      "nextToken": "string"

Response body parameters

Field Description Type Required
id The property ID. String Yes
organizationId The organization ID for the property. Integer Yes
name The property name. String Yes
paginationContext.nextToken Use the value of nextToken in the next request as the continuation token to list the next set of objects. For details, see Handling Pagination in Query Results. String Yes

Error response

HTTP/1.1 {ErrorCode}
    "message": "{ErrorMessage}"

Error response parameters

Field Description Type Required
message The error message for the error. String No

HTTP response codes

Status Code Name Description
200 OK The request succeeded.
401 Unauthorized The access token is missing or invalid.
403 Forbidden The user doesn't have permission to access the service.
404 Not found The requested properties weren't found.
429 Too many requests Request was throttled. Retry after one second, backing off exponentially until a 256-second wait, retrying every 256 seconds thereafter until a non-429 response is received.
500 Internal Server Error The request couldn't be handled because of an internal service error.

Get a property

Call GET /enterprise/hospitality/v1/properties/{propertyId} to retrieve the metadata of a specific property provided the user making the call has access to view it.

This operation is available in the following countries.

Healthcare Hospitality Senior Living Core





Request format

GET /enterprise/hospitality/v1/properties/{propertyId} HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {LWA Token}

Request path parameters

Field Description Type Required
propertyId The property ID, in the format "amzn1.alexa.unit.did.{id}". String Yes

Request body


Response header

X-Amzn-RequestId: {request-id}
Content-Type: application/json
Field Description Type Required
X-Amzn-RequestId Unique identifier for the request. If a problem occurs, Amazon can use this value to troubleshoot the problem. String Yes

Response body

   "id": "string",
   "organizationId": "string",
   "name": "string"

Response body parameters

Field Description Type Required
id The property ID. String Yes
organizationId The organization ID for the property. Integer Yes
name The property name. String Yes

Error response

HTTP/1.1 {ErrorCode}
    "message": "{ErrorMessage}"

Error response parameters

Field Description Type Required
message The error message for the error. String No

HTTP response codes

Status Code Name Description
200 OK The request succeeded.
400 Bad Request The request is malformed or is missing one or more required parameters.
401 Unauthorized The access token is missing or invalid.
403 Forbidden The user doesn't have permission to access the service.
404 Not found The requested property wasn't found.
429 Too many requests Request was throttled. Retry after one second, backing off exponentially until a 256-second wait, retrying every 256 seconds thereafter until a non-429 response is received.
500 Internal Server Error The request couldn't be handled because of an internal service error.

Update a property

Call PUT /enterprise/hospitality/v1/properties/{propertyId} to update the metadata of a specific property provided the user making the call has access to update it.

This operation is available in the following countries.

Healthcare Hospitality Senior Living Core





Request format

PUT /enterprise/hospitality/v1/properties/{propertyId} HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {LWA Token}

Request path parameters

Field Description Type Required
propertyId The property ID, in the format "amzn1.alexa.unit.did.{id}". String Yes

Request body

   "name": "string"

Request body parameters

Field Description Type Required
name The new property name. String Yes

Response header

X-Amzn-RequestId: {request-id}
Content-Type: application/json
Field Description Type Required
X-Amzn-RequestId Unique identifier for the request. If a problem occurs, Amazon can use this value to troubleshoot the problem. String Yes

Response body


Error response

HTTP/1.1 {ErrorCode}
    "message": "{ErrorMessage}"

Error response parameters

Field Description Type Required
message The error message for the error. String No

HTTP response codes

Status Code Name Description
204 No content The property was successfully updated.
400 Bad Request The request is malformed or is missing one or more required parameters.
401 Unauthorized The access token is missing or invalid.
403 Forbidden The user doesn't have permission to access the service.
404 Not found The requested property wasn't found.
429 Too many requests Request was throttled. Retry after one second, backing off exponentially until a 256-second wait, retrying every 256 seconds thereafter until a non-429 response is received.
500 Internal Server Error The request couldn't be handled because of an internal service error.

Delete a property

Call DELETE /enterprise/hospitality/v1/properties/{propertyId} to delete a specific property provided the property doesn't have any units (room types or rooms) under it and the user making the call has access to delete it. If the property isn't empty, the delete operation returns HTTP status code 400.

This operation is available in the following countries.

Healthcare Hospitality Senior Living Core





Request format

DELETE /enterprise/hospitality/v1/properties/{propertyId} HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {LWA Token}

Request path parameters

Field Description Type Required
propertyId The property ID, in the format "amzn1.alexa.unit.did.{id}". String Yes

Request body


Response header

X-Amzn-RequestId: {request-id}
Content-Type: application/json
Field Description Type Required
X-Amzn-RequestId Unique identifier for the request. If a problem occurs, Amazon can use this value to troubleshoot the problem. String Yes

Response body


Error response

HTTP/1.1 {ErrorCode}
    "message": "{ErrorMessage}"

Error response parameters

Field Description Type Required
message The error message for the error. String No

HTTP response codes

Status Code Name Description
204 No content The property was successfully deleted.
400 Bad Request The request is malformed or is missing one or more required parameters.
401 Unauthorized The access token is missing or invalid.
403 Forbidden The user doesn't have permission to access the service.
404 Not found The requested property wasn't found.
429 Too many requests Request was throttled. Retry after one second, backing off exponentially until a 256-second wait, retrying every 256 seconds thereafter until a non-429 response is received.
500 Internal Server Error The request couldn't be handled because of an internal service error.

Manage room types for a property

A room type is a unit used to group together rooms having some similarity, for example rooms of similar type like ocean-facing rooms, deluxe suites, or rooms on same floor.

Create a room type

Call POST /enterprise/hospitality/v1/roomTypes to create a room type under your property.

This operation is available in the following countries.

Healthcare Hospitality Senior Living Core





Request format

POST /enterprise/hospitality/v1/roomTypes HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {LWA Token}

Request body

  "name": "{roomTypeName}",
  "propertyId": "amzn1.alexa.unit.did.{id}"

Request body parameters

Field Description Type Required
name The name of the room type. String Yes
propertyId The property ID, in the format "amzn1.alexa.unit.did.{id}". String Yes

Response header

X-Amzn-RequestId: {request-id}
Content-Type: application/json
Location: "/enterprise/hospitality/v1/roomTypes/{roomTypeId}"
Field Description Type Required
X-Amzn-RequestId Unique identifier for the request. If a problem occurs, Amazon can use this value to troubleshoot the problem. String Yes
roomTypeId Room type ID as part of the Location header URI. String Yes

Response body

  "id": "amzn1.alexa.unit.did.{id}"

Response body parameters

Field Description Type Required
id The ID for the new room type. String Yes

Error response

HTTP/1.1 {ErrorCode}
    "message": "{ErrorMessage}"

Error response parameters

Field Description Type Required
message The error message for the error. String No

HTTP response codes

Status Code Name Description
201 Created The room type was successfully created.
400 Bad Request The request is malformed or is missing one or more required parameters.
401 Unauthorized The access token is missing or invalid.
403 Forbidden The user doesn't have permission to access the service.
429 Too many requests Request was throttled. Retry after one second, backing off exponentially until a 256-second wait, retrying every 256 seconds thereafter until a non-429 response is received.
500 Internal Server Error The request couldn't be handled because of an internal service error.

List room types

Call GET /enterprise/hospitality/v1/roomTypes?propertyId={propertyId} to retrieve a list of room types under the property that the user making the call has access to view.

This operation is available in the following countries.

Healthcare Hospitality Senior Living Core





Request format

GET /enterprise/hospitality/v1/roomTypes?propertyId={propertyId}&maxResults={maxResults}&nextToken={nextToken} HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {LWA Token}

Request query parameters

Field Description Type Required
propertyId The property ID, in the format "amzn1.alexa.unit.did.{id}". String Yes
nextToken Continuation token returned in response object of previous list room types response. For details, see Handling Pagination in Query Results. String No
maxResults Maximum number of results to display. The value of this parameter must between 1 and 50. Default is 10. Integer No

Request body


Response header

X-Amzn-RequestId: {request-id}
Content-Type: application/json
Field Description Type Required
X-Amzn-RequestId Unique identifier for the request. If a problem occurs, Amazon can use this value to troubleshoot the problem. String Yes

Response body

   "roomTypes": [
         "id": "string",
         "name": "string",
         "propertyId": "string"
   "paginationContext": {
      "nextToken": "string"

Response body parameters

Field Description Type Required
id The room type ID. String Yes
name The room type name. String Yes
propertyId The property ID. Integer Yes
paginationContext.nextToken Use the value of nextToken in the next request as the continuation token to list the next set of results. For details, see Handling Pagination in Query Results. String Yes

Error response

HTTP/1.1 {ErrorCode}
    "message": "{ErrorMessage}"

Error response parameters

Field Description Type Required
message The error message for the error. String No

HTTP response codes

Status Code Name Description
200 OK The request succeeded.
401 Unauthorized The access token is missing or invalid.
403 Forbidden The user doesn't have permission to access the service.
404 Not found The requested room types weren't found.
429 Too many requests Request was throttled. Retry after one second, backing off exponentially until a 256-second wait, retrying every 256 seconds thereafter until a non-429 response is received.
500 Internal Server Error The request couldn't be handled because of an internal service error.

Get a room type

Call GET /enterprise/hospitality/v1/roomTypes/{roomTypeId} to retrieve the metadata of a specific room type provided the user making the call has access to view it.

This operation is available in the following countries.

Healthcare Hospitality Senior Living Core





Request format

GET /enterprise/hospitality/v1/roomTypes/{roomTypeId} HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {LWA Token}

Request path parameters

Field Description Type Required
roomTypeId The room type ID, in the format "amzn1.alexa.unit.did.{id}". String Yes

Request body


Response header

X-Amzn-RequestId: {request-id}
Content-Type: application/json
Field Description Type Required
X-Amzn-RequestId Unique identifier for the request. If a problem occurs, Amazon can use this value to troubleshoot the problem. String Yes

Response body

   "id": "string",
   "name": "string",
   "propertyId": "string"

Response body parameters

Field Description Type Required
id The room type ID. String Yes
name The room type name. String Yes
propertyId The property ID. Integer Yes

Error response

HTTP/1.1 {ErrorCode}
    "message": "{ErrorMessage}"

Error response parameters

Field Description Type Required
message The error message for the error. String No

HTTP response codes

Status Code Name Description
200 OK The request succeeded.
400 Bad Request The request is malformed or is missing one or more required parameters.
401 Unauthorized The access token is missing or invalid.
403 Forbidden The user doesn't have permission to access the service.
404 Not found The requested room type wasn't found.
429 Too many requests Request was throttled. Retry after one second, backing off exponentially until a 256-second wait, retrying every 256 seconds thereafter until a non-429 response is received.
500 Internal Server Error The request couldn't be handled because of an internal service error.

Update a room type

Call PUT /enterprise/hospitality/v1/roomTypes/{roomTypeId} to update the metadata of a specific room type provided the user making the call has access to update it.

This operation is available in the following countries.

Healthcare Hospitality Senior Living Core





Request format

PUT /enterprise/hospitality/v1/roomTypes/{roomTypeId} HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {LWA Token}

Request path parameters

Field Description Type Required
roomTypeId The room type ID, in the format "amzn1.alexa.unit.did.{id}". String Yes

Request body

   "name": "string"

Request body parameters

Field Description Type Required
name The new room type name. String Yes

Response header

X-Amzn-RequestId: {request-id}
Content-Type: application/json
Field Description Type Required
X-Amzn-RequestId Unique identifier for the request. If a problem occurs, Amazon can use this value to troubleshoot the problem. String Yes

Response body


Error response

HTTP/1.1 {ErrorCode}
    "message": "{ErrorMessage}"

Error response parameters

Field Description Type Required
message The error message for the error. String No

HTTP response codes

Status Code Name Description
204 No content The room type was successfully updated.
400 Bad Request The request is malformed or is missing one or more required parameters.
401 Unauthorized The access token is missing or invalid.
403 Forbidden The user doesn't have permission to access the service.
404 Not found The requested room type wasn't found.
429 Too many requests Request was throttled. Retry after one second, backing off exponentially until a 256-second wait, retrying every 256 seconds thereafter until a non-429 response is received.
500 Internal Server Error The request couldn't be handled because of an internal service error.

Delete a room type

Call DELETE /enterprise/hospitality/v1/roomTypes/{roomTypeId} to delete a specific room type provided the room type doesn't have any rooms under it and the user making the call has access to delete it. If the room type isn't empty, the delete operation returns HTTP status code 400.

This operation is available in the following countries.

Healthcare Hospitality Senior Living Core





Request format

DELETE /enterprise/hospitality/v1/roomTypes/{roomTypeId} HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {LWA Token}

Request path parameters

Field Description Type Required
roomTypeId The room type ID, in the format "amzn1.alexa.unit.did.{id}". String Yes

Request body


Response header

X-Amzn-RequestId: {request-id}
Content-Type: application/json
Field Description Type Required
X-Amzn-RequestId Unique identifier for the request. If a problem occurs, Amazon can use this value to troubleshoot the problem. String Yes

Response body


Error response

HTTP/1.1 {ErrorCode}
    "message": "{ErrorMessage}"

Error response parameters

Field Description Type Required
message The error message for the error. String No

HTTP response codes

Status Code Name Description
204 No content The room type was successfully deleted.
400 Bad Request The request is malformed or is missing one or more required parameters.
401 Unauthorized The access token is missing or invalid.
403 Forbidden The user doesn't have permission to access the service.
404 Not found The requested room type wasn't found.
429 Too many requests Request was throttled. Retry after one second, backing off exponentially until a 256-second wait, retrying every 256 seconds thereafter until a non-429 response is received.
500 Internal Server Error The request couldn't be handled because of an internal service error.

Manage rooms under a room type

Create a room

Call POST /enterprise/hospitality/v1/rooms to create a new room under a room type.

A room name can contain letters or numbers and the following special characters, with no spaces or periods: _ - = # ; : ? @ &. The room name can't exceed 256 characters. Room names must be unique to a property, and they should be meaningful to your organization's users.

This operation is available in the following countries.

Healthcare Hospitality Senior Living Core





Request format

POST /enterprise/hospitality/v1/rooms HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {LWA Token}

Request body

  "name": "{roomName}",
  "roomTypeId": "amzn1.alexa.unit.did.{id}"

Request body parameters

Field Description Type Required
name The name of the room. String Yes
roomTypeId The room type ID, in the format "amzn1.alexa.unit.did.{id}". String Yes

Response header

X-Amzn-RequestId: {request-id}
Content-Type: application/json
Location: "/enterprise/hospitality/v1/rooms/{roomId}"
Field Description Type Required
X-Amzn-RequestId Unique identifier for the request. If a problem occurs, Amazon can use this value to troubleshoot the problem. String Yes
roomId Room ID as part of the Location header URI. String Yes

Response body

  "id": "amzn1.alexa.unit.did.{id}"

Response body parameters

Field Description Type Required
id The ID for the new room. String Yes

Error response

HTTP/1.1 {ErrorCode}
    "message": "{ErrorMessage}"

Error response parameters

Field Description Type Required
message The error message for the error. String No

HTTP response codes

Status Code Name Description
201 Created The room was successfully created.
400 Bad Request The request is malformed or is missing one or more required parameters.
401 Unauthorized The access token is missing or invalid.
403 Forbidden The user doesn't have permission to access the service.
429 Too many requests Request was throttled. Retry after one second, backing off exponentially until a 256-second wait, retrying every 256 seconds thereafter until a non-429 response is received.
500 Internal Server Error The request couldn't be handled because of an internal service error.

List rooms

Call GET /enterprise/hospitality/v1/rooms?roomTypeId={roomTypeId} to retrieve a list of rooms under a room type that the user making the call has access to view.

This operation is available in the following countries.

Healthcare Hospitality Senior Living Core





Request format

GET /enterprise/hospitality/v1/rooms?roomTypeId={roomTypeId}&maxResults={maxResults}&nextToken={nextToken} HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {LWA Token}

Request parameters

Field Description Type Required
roomTypeId The room type ID, in the format "amzn1.alexa.unit.did.{id}". String Yes
nextToken Continuation token returned in response object of previous list rooms response. For details, see Handling Pagination in Query Results. String No
maxResults Maximum number of results to display. The value of this parameter must between 1 and 50. Default is 10. Integer No

Request body


Response header

X-Amzn-RequestId: {request-id}
Content-Type: application/json
Field Description Type Required
X-Amzn-RequestId Unique identifier for the request. If a problem occurs, Amazon can use this value to troubleshoot the problem. String Yes

Response body

   "rooms": [
         "id": "string",
         "name": "string",
         "roomTypeId": "string"
   "paginationContext": {
      "nextToken": "string"

Response body parameters

Field Description Type Required
id The room ID. String Yes
name The room name. String Yes
roomTypeId The room type ID. Integer Yes
paginationContext.nextToken Use the value of nextToken in the next request as the continuation token to list the next set of results. For details, see Handling Pagination in Query Results. String Yes

Error response

HTTP/1.1 {ErrorCode}
    "message": "{ErrorMessage}"

Error response parameters

Field Description Type Required
message The error message for the error. String No

HTTP response codes

Status Code Name Description
200 OK The request succeeded.
401 Unauthorized The access token is missing or invalid.
403 Forbidden The user doesn't have permission to access the service.
404 Not found The requested rooms weren't found.
429 Too many requests Request was throttled. Retry after one second, backing off exponentially until a 256-second wait, retrying every 256 seconds thereafter until a non-429 response is received.
500 Internal Server Error The request couldn't be handled because of an internal service error.

Get a room

Call GET /enterprise/hospitality/v1/rooms/{roomId} to retrieve the metadata of a specific room provided the user making the call has access to view it.

This operation is available in the following countries.

Healthcare Hospitality Senior Living Core





Request format

GET /enterprise/hospitality/v1/rooms/{roomId} HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {LWA Token}

Request path parameters

Field Description Type Required
roomId The room ID, in the format "amzn1.alexa.unit.did.{id}". String Yes

Request body


Response header

X-Amzn-RequestId: {request-id}
Content-Type: application/json
Field Description Type Required
X-Amzn-RequestId Unique identifier for the request. If a problem occurs, Amazon can use this value to troubleshoot the problem. String Yes

Response body

   "id": "string",
   "name": "string",
   "roomTypeId": "string"

Response body parameters

Field Description Type Required
id The room ID. String Yes
name The room name. String Yes
roomTypeId The room type ID. Integer Yes

Error response

HTTP/1.1 {ErrorCode}
    "message": "{ErrorMessage}"

Error response parameters

Field Description Type Required
message The error message for the error. String No

HTTP response codes

Status Code Name Description
200 OK The request succeeded.
400 Bad Request The request is malformed or is missing one or more required parameters.
401 Unauthorized The access token is missing or invalid.
403 Forbidden The user doesn't have permission to access the service.
404 Not found The requested room wasn't found.
429 Too many requests Request was throttled. Retry after one second, backing off exponentially until a 256-second wait, retrying every 256 seconds thereafter until a non-429 response is received.
500 Internal Server Error The request couldn't be handled because of an internal service error.

Update a room

Call PUT /enterprise/hospitality/v1/rooms/{roomId} to update the metadata of a specific room provided the user making the call has access to update it.

This operation is available in the following countries.

Healthcare Hospitality Senior Living Core





Request format

PUT /enterprise/hospitality/v1/rooms/{roomId} HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {LWA Token}

Request path parameters

Field Description Type Required
roomId The room ID, in the format "amzn1.alexa.unit.did.{id}". String Yes

Request body

   "name": "string"

Request body parameters

Field Description Type Required
name The new room name. String Yes

Response header

X-Amzn-RequestId: {request-id}
Content-Type: application/json
Field Description Type Required
X-Amzn-RequestId Unique identifier for the request. If a problem occurs, Amazon can use this value to troubleshoot the problem. String Yes

Response body


Error response

HTTP/1.1 {ErrorCode}
    "message": "{ErrorMessage}"

Error response parameters

Field Description Type Required
message The error message for the error. String No

HTTP response codes

Status Code Name Description
204 No content The room was successfully updated.
400 Bad Request The request is malformed or is missing one or more required parameters.
401 Unauthorized The access token is missing or invalid.
403 Forbidden The user doesn't have permission to access the service.
404 Not found The requested room type wasn't found.
429 Too many requests Request was throttled. Retry after one second, backing off exponentially until a 256-second wait, retrying every 256 seconds thereafter until a non-429 response is received.
500 Internal Server Error The request couldn't be handled because of an internal service error.

Delete a room

Call DELETE /enterprise/hospitality/v1/rooms/{roomId} to delete a specific room provided the user making the call has access to delete it. You can't delete a room that has endpoints associated with it. If the room has associated endpoints, the delete operation returns HTTP status code 400.

This operation is available in the following countries.

Healthcare Hospitality Senior Living Core





Request format

DELETE /enterprise/hospitality/v1/rooms/{roomId} HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {LWA Token}

Request path parameters

Field Description Type Required
roomId The room ID, in the format "amzn1.alexa.unit.did.{id}". String Yes

Request body


Response header

X-Amzn-RequestId: {request-id}
Content-Type: application/json
Field Description Type Required
X-Amzn-RequestId Unique identifier for the request. If a problem occurs, Amazon can use this value to troubleshoot the problem. String Yes

Response body


Error response

HTTP/1.1 {ErrorCode}
    "message": "{ErrorMessage}"

Error response parameters

Field Description Type Required
message The error message for the error. String No

HTTP response codes

Status Code Name Description
204 No content The room was successfully deleted.
400 Bad Request The request is malformed or is missing one or more required parameters.
401 Unauthorized The access token is missing or invalid.
403 Forbidden The user doesn't have permission to access the service.
404 Not found The requested room wasn't found.
429 Too many requests Request was throttled. Retry after one second, backing off exponentially until a 256-second wait, retrying every 256 seconds thereafter until a non-429 response is received.
500 Internal Server Error The request couldn't be handled because of an internal service error.

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Last updated: Mar 04, 2025