Consent Framework in Alexa Smart Properties

For property skills and features in Europe and the UK that require personal health information to offer Alexa and smart property services, you can use the consent framework. You can't provide Alexa Smart Properties (ASP) features and services that use personal health information until the resident grants permission. To use the consent framework, you enable the Amazon consent skill that requests consent from the resident and turns on health data protection. Residents can revoke consent at any time. After a resident revokes permission, the consent skill deletes any stored health data and blocks all ASP features and services until the resident consents again.


To request the Consent Framework add-on package, visit the Billing & Subscriptions in the Alexa Smart Properties management console. An Alexa Smart Properties solution architect grants you access to the consent framework feature after you confirm on-boarding and billing information.

After Amazon grants access to the add-on, complete the following steps to enable the Amazon EU health consent skill and view consent status for a unit. To enable the consent framework, you must associate the health consent skill with each unit. You can enable the skill by using the Skill Management API or the ASP management console.

The EU Health Consent skill ID is amzn1.ask.skill.1f4b0d63-acc6-413d-bae2-7a95c165d30d.

To enable the consent framework on a unit

  1. To associate the EU Health Consent skill to a single unit, use the Enable a skill for a unit operation. To associate the skill to more than one unit, use the Enable a skill for multiple units operation.

    Or, you can associate the EU Health Consent skill to a unit by using the ASP management console.
    Navigate to Rooms > Hidden Skills, and then search for the EU Health Consent skill ID. For Skill stage, select Live.
    Toggle off Name-free interactions and Account linking, and then click Enable skill.

  2. To determine if the resident gave permission to use personal health information, use the Get consent status for unit operation in your skill code.
  3. To reset the consent status for a unit, for example, if the resident moves out of the unit, use the Reset consent for unit operation.

Disable consent for a unit

If you no longer require consent for a unit, for example, the resident moves out, you can reset the device to remove any personal health data stored from the previous resident.

Complete the following steps to disable consent for a unit.

To disable consent for a unit

  1. To reset the consent status for a unit and delete personal health data, use the Reset consent for unit operation in your skill code.
  2. To disable the consent framework for the unit, use the Disable skill for a unit operation.

    Or, you can disable the consent framework on a unit by using the ASP management console.
    Navigate to Rooms > Hidden Skills, search for the EU Health Consent skill ID, and then click Disable.

To use the consent framework in property skills, use the Get consent status for unit operation in your skill code to determine whether the resident granted permission to use their personal health information. Any skill that requires consent from the resident to use personal health information must go through the standard Alexa skill certification process. When you submit a skill for certification, include Requires ASP consent feature in the submission notes.

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