
Ratings represent users’ evaluation of an item’s quality or performance. You can use ratings for a range of items, including recipes, products, movies and TV, restaurants, and more.


How to use ratings

Place ratings on screens that offer more information about an item, such as lists. They should be contextually relevant to the item and connected to a data source or API, such as Amazon for products or Yelp for restaurants.

Types of assets

Two types of assets display ratings, images and text.


The default ratings system is a white star in three states: full, half, and empty. You can also make your own ratings system in the three states (full, half, and empty) to fit your brand’s aesthetic.

Note: Use branded assets, such as the Yelp stars or Rotten Tomatoes ratings, only for the company’s product. Always follow the company’s brand guidelines.


Text can indicate a detailed rating (e.g., 8.5/10 IMDb) or the number of reviews.

Types of rating systems

There are two types of rating systems, single and multi-asset.

rating types

Single asset

The single asset rating displays one image alongside text. Use it to display more complex rating systems, such as a movie’s Rotten Tomatoes rating or IMDb score.

single asset rating


The multi-asset rating displays several images alongside text. Use it to visually display an item’s rating, such as an Amazon product rating or Yelp rating.

multi asset rating
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