
Sets order reference details such as the order total and a description for the order.


Call the SetOrderReferenceDetails operation to specify order details such as the amount of the order, a description of the order, and other order attributes.

This operation has a maximum request quota of 10 and a restore rate of one request every second in the production environment. It has a maximum request quota of two and a restore rate of one request every two seconds in the sandbox environment. For definitions of throttling terminology and for a complete explanation of throttling, see Throttling: Limits to how often you can submit requests in the Amazon MWS Developer Guide.

Request parameters

For more information about the request parameters that are required for all Amazon MWS operations, see Required request parameters in the Amazon MWS Developer Guide.

Parameter name Required Type Description
AmazonOrderReferenceId Yes xs:string This value is retrieved from the Amazon Button widget after the buyer has successfully authenticated with Amazon.
OrderReferenceAttributes Yes OrderReferenceAttributes The merchant-specified attributes of the order reference.

Response elements

Element Name Description
OrderReferenceDetails Encapsulates details about the Order Reference object and its current state.

Type: OrderReferenceDetails


Sample query request

POST /OffAmazonPayments/2013-01-01 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: x-www-form-urlencoded
User-Agent: <Your User Agent Header>


Note the following requirements:

  • The &Action must precede the &AmazonOrderReferenceId.
  • The &SignatureMethod value of HmacSHA256 is case sensitive.
  • The &OrderReferenceAttributes.OrderTotal.CurrencyCode must match the presentmentCurrency passed in the wallet widget.

Example Response

    <SellerNote>Lorem ipsum</SellerNote>
        <City>New York</City>

See also