
Provides more context about an order that is represented by an Order Reference object.

Datatype: content

Element name Description
SellerOrderId The merchant-specified identifier of this order. This is shown to the buyer in their emails and transaction history on the Amazon Pay website.

The uniqueness of this value is not enforced by Amazon.

Amazon recommends that you use only the following characters:
  • lowercase a-z
  • uppercase A-Z
  • numbers 0-9
  • dash (-)
  • underscore (_)
Type: xs:string
StoreName The identifier of the store from which the order was placed. This overrides the default value in Seller Central under Settings > Account Settings. It is shown to the buyer in their emails and transaction history on the Amazon Pay website.

Type: xs:string
CustomInformation Any additional information that you want to include with this order reference.

Type: xs:string