Confirms that the billing agreement is free of constraints and all required information has been set on the billing agreement.
Call the ConfirmBillingAgreement operation when the billing agreement is free of constraints, indicating that all required information has been set on the billing agreement. On successful completion of the ConfirmBillingAgreement call, the billing agreement moves to the Open state.
You cannot modify the billing agreement after it is confirmed. However, the buyer can still update the shipping address and payment method associated with the billing agreement.
AuthorizeOnBillingAgreement requests are only accepted on a billing agreement when it is in Open state. You can create multiple order references by calling the CreateOrderReferenceForId operation when the billing agreement is in the Open state.
This operation has a maximum request quota of 10 and a restore rate of one request every second in the production environment. It has a maximum request quota of two and a restore rate of one request every two seconds in the sandbox environment. For definitions of throttling terminology and for a complete explanation of throttling, see Throttling: Limits to how often you can submit requests in the Amazon MWS Developer Guide.
Request parameters
For more information about the request parameters that are required for all Amazon MWS operations, see Required request parameters in the Amazon MWS Developer Guide.
Parameter name | Required | Type | Description |
AmazonBillingAgreementId | Yes | xs:string |
The billing agreement identifier.
This value is retrieved from the Amazon Button, AddressBook, or Wallet widgets. |
Response elements
This operation only returns the standard response elements.
Sample query request
POST /OffAmazonPayments/2013-01-01 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: x-www-form-urlencoded
User-Agent: <Your User Agent Header>
Sample response