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Deleting an API key pair

Amazon Pay recommends deleting a public/private key pair if it isn’t actively used or if you suspect someone had unauthorized access to your private key.


  1. Navigate to Amazon Pay Integration Central: US, EU, JP.
  2. Identify as a “Self-developed” integration
    1. Select “Self-developed” option from the drop-down menu
    2. Use the default “One-time Payments, Single Authorization” payment type setting
    3. Click on the “Get instructions” button
  3. Delete the public/private key pair
    1. Navigate to the “API keys” section
    2. Find the key you want to delete using the name of the key pair or Public Key ID
    3. Click on “Manage” and then “Delete keys”
    4. Read the instructions carefully. By disabling the API access keys, you are confirming that any service using these credentials will no longer be able to make API calls
    5. Type "DELETE" in the text field and click on the “Delete keys” button to permanently delete the keys. This is not a reversible action and any services using the deleted keys will no longer be able to communicate with Amazon Pay