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Amazon Pay Buy Now

Amazon Pay provides buyers with a secure, trusted, and convenient way to sign in and pay for their purchases on your site by using their Amazon credentials.

This guide provides an overview of the buyer experience and shows you how to integrate with the latest checkout technology from Amazon Pay.

1. The Amazon Pay checkout experience

  1. The buyer clicks on the Amazon Pay button to start their checkout.
  2. The buyer signs in using their Amazon account.
  3. The buyer provides consent to share their information with the merchant.
  4. The buyer is directed to a single page where they can review and edit their shipping address, payment method, select a shipping option, enter a promo code, and review the items in their cart, including subtotals and the total order amount.
  5. The buyer completes checkout on the Amazon Pay-hosted page by clicking the place order button.
  6. The buyer can handle multi-factor authentication (identity validation) challenge, if prompted, or payment declines by selecting another payment method if required.
  7. Amazon Pay takes the buyer back to your confirmation page.

2. Key differences from one-time integration

  • You can re-use all back-end operations from your one-time integration. The key differences are:
    • No need for API calls to Amazon Pay during the checkout process.
    • All buyer inputs happen on the Amazon Pay Buy Now checkout page.
    • JavaScript callbacks on the button will be invoked by Amazon Pay, whenever inputs from your shop are required.
    • You will call your internal services as a result to invoked callbacks and return well-defined data to the Amazon Pay Buy Now checkout.
    • No review page on your page is required. You will skip displaying shipping/payment info since the buyer will complete checkout on the Amazon Pay hosted page.
    • To Complete the checkout, you will call the Finalize Checkout Session API instead of the CompleteCheckoutSession API.
  • Since the checkout happens at the Amazon Pay hosted Buy Now page, a single redirection of the buyer happens to Amazon Pay and back to your page (in contrast of two for the one-time integration).