Customer Experience
This page describes the Simple Sign-in customer experience.
- First-time sign-in or new customer sign-up
- Simplified sign-in on subsequent devices
- First launch after upgrade
First-time sign-in or new customer sign-up
The following diagram shows the high-level process when a customer signs in to a Simple Sign-in enabled app for the first time and completes the account linking process. The same process occurs when a customer creates a new account for the app and completes account linking.

- Alice signs in to your app by manually entering her login credentials. Or, Alice creates a new account for your app on her device, "Alice's Fire TV," which is registered to her Amazon account.
- After Alice successfully signs in, or signs up with her new account, your app sends a request to your app server to issue a token that represents Alice's identity.
- Your server generates a token and returns it back to the app.
- Your app sends a message to the Simple Sign-in client to get consent from Alice to link her login identity with her Amazon account. Your app includes the token in the request.
- The Simple Sign-in client prompts Alice to provide her consent to link accounts.
- When Alice confirms her approval, the Simple Sign-in client sets up account linking. The token persists on the Simple Sign-in server.
- The Simple Sign-in client communicates with your app, sharing the customer's consent and the account linking status.
The following images show the dialog that a customer sees when they are prompted to link their account.
On a Fire TV:

On a Fire tablet:

Consent dialog information
- The modal dialog displays on top of your app.
- The dialog is only displayed when your app sends a request to the Simple Sign-in client.
- The contents on the dialog, such as the app name and icon, are customized to the app to that triggers the dialog.
- The login name (blurred out in the images) is the email address for the user's app account, and is not stored on Amazon servers. The app sends this data along with the request to display the consent dialog. This is not stored or used anywhere beyond this dialog.
Detailed first-time sign-in and account linking
The following sequence diagram shows the end-to-end flow for various usage scenarios for first-time sign-in.

Simplified sign-in on subsequent devices
A customer who has previously linked their app account signs in to the app on a new device and experiences a simplified sign-in flow. The simplified sign-in flow can also occur on the original device if the user signs out. The following diagram shows the simplified flow.

- Alice installs your app on another device, "Alice's 2nd FireTV", which is also registered to her Amazon account. Alice launches the app and navigates to the sign-in flow.
- Before offering the standard login options, your app sends a message to the Simple Sign-in client to look for any linked accounts that can be used to offer Simple Sign-in.
- Because Alice's login identity for the app is already linked with her Amazon account, the Simple Sign-in client prompts her to confirm Simple Sign-in using a linked account.
- After Alice confirms Simple Sign-in, the Simple Sign-in client fetches the link token corresponding to the linked account from the Simple Sign-in server, and shares the token with your app.
- Your app makes a sign-in request to your server using the token. Your server processes and completes the sign-in request by authenticating Alice, using the token. In case of any failures, the Simple Sign-in flow ends and the app gracefully resorts to standard sign-in options.
Login selection dialog
On devices a user hasn't previously signed in on, the app sign-in flow uses the login selection dialog. When a user has one or more accounts linked, the dialog recommends that the user picks a linked account to sign in to the app. The dialog shows a list of all active linked accounts. Each linked account on the dialog displays a user recognizable identifier, such as a profile name, login name, or email address.
The following images show the login selection dialog.
On a Fire TV:

On a Fire tablet:

Login dialog information
- The modal dialog displays on top of your app.
- Your app controls the timing for when this dialog displays. The dialog is displayed only when your app sends a request to the Simple Sign-in client. As a user navigates through dialogs, it's your app's responsibility to detect a user's intent to sign in and take an eligible user through the Simple Sign-in flow, before beginning the standard sign-in flow.
- The contents on the dialog, such as the app name and icon, are customized to the app to that triggers the dialog.
- The login name (blurred out in the images) is the email address that corresponds to the user's app account, and is not stored on Amazon servers. For each linked app account, the app queries the login name from the app server. It then collates and shares the data along with the request to display this dialog.
Detailed subsequent device sign-in with linked accounts
When a customer tries to sign in to an app on a subsequent device, they have the option to sign in using a previously linked app account. The following sequence diagram shows the flow when a user signs in with a subsequent device.

First launch after upgrade
The first time a user launches the app after it's upgraded to a version that supports Simple Sign-in, the app initiates a user consent flow to set up account linking for that logged-in user. The following sequence diagram shows the upgrade flow.

Last updated: Mar 13, 2023