Capture states and reason codes

The following diagram depicts the state transition of a Capture object:

The following table describes each Capture state in detail, the allowed operations on a state, and the reasons why a Capture object can end up in a state.

State Description Allowed operations Reason codes
Pending A Capture object is in the Pending state until it is processed by Amazon. StopShipmentAtypicalAuth - There are signs of unusual activity that indicate you shouldn’t proceed with fulfilment.
Declined You must submit a capture against an authorization within 30 days (two days for the Sandbox environment). But we strongly recommend requesting a capture within 7 days of authorization.

If the capture is declined, you can still request a new authorization and capture if the order reference is in the Open state.
AmazonRejected-Amazon has rejected the capture. You should only retry the capture if the authorization is in the Open state.

ProcessingFailure-Amazon could not process the transaction because of an internal processing error. You should only retry the capture if the authorization is in the Open state. Otherwise, you should request a new authorization and then call Capture on it.
Completed The Capture object request has been processed and funds will be moved to your account in the next disbursement cycle. StopShipmentAtypicalAuth - There are signs of unusual activity that indicate you shouldn’t proceed with fulfilment.
Closed When the Capture object is moved to the Closed state, you cannot request refunds against it. MaxAmountRefunded-You have already refunded the following amounts, including any A-to-z claims and chargebacks that you were responsible for:
  • US: up to 15% or $75 (whichever is less) above the captured amount.
  • UK: up to 15% or £75 (whichever is less) above the captured amount.
  • DE: up to 15% or €75 (whichever is less) above the captured amount.
MaxRefundsProcessed-You have already submitted 10 refunds for this Capture object.

AmazonClosed-Amazon has closed the capture because of a problem with your account or with the buyer's account.

BuyerCanceled-The buyer canceled the payment within the 24-hour pre-notification period (only available when paying by direct debit) and the Capture was closed by Amazon Pay.