Capturing funds 30 days after authorisation

If you don't capture funds within 30 days after authorisation (in Production mode), the authorisation status is automatically changed to Closed by Amazon Pay. You can no longer capture funds on this authorisation.

If the Order Reference object is not closed, you can make another Authorize call. But if the Order Reference object is Closed, you need to contact the buyer, point out that you have made a billing error, and ask if the buyer is willing to provide the payment. You can then arrange whatever means you want to take a direct payment. One option is to ask the buyer to place the order again online and void the shipment.

If the Order Reference object is still in an Open state, you can re-authorise the purchase as usual. You need to make sure that the AuthorizationReferenceId is different from the initial authorisation.

For more information about capture object states, see Capture States and Reason Codes in the Amazon Pay API reference guide.