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Get set up for integration

[Step 1 of 6] In this step, you will register for an Amazon Pay merchant account. After registration, you will create a Sandbox buyer account for testing and get your Public Key ID to access Amazon Pay APIs. At the end of this step, you will be ready to start integration.

1. Register for Amazon Pay

Sign up for an Amazon Pay merchant account on the Amazon Pay website: US, EU, UK, JP. To get started quickly, you can also create a developer account that can only access the Sandbox environment and complete registration later: US, EU (French, German, Italian, Spanish), UK, JP.

After registration is complete, return to this page.

2. Add domains to Seller Central

Add all the domains (including protocol and custom ports) that you plan on integrating Amazon Pay under live environment to the JavaScript Origins in Seller Central: US, EU, JP.

For example, ‘’ or ‘’

All domains must be compliant with Amazon Pay Acceptable Use Policy: US, EU, UK, JP. The Amazon Pay button may be inactive during review.

3. Create a Sandbox test buyer account

You will use Sandbox to conduct end-to-end tests of your integration before going live. For details, see Amazon Pay Sandbox accounts. After creating a Sandbox buyer account, return to this page.

4. Download the Amazon Pay SDK

Download the Amazon Pay SDK if one is available for your programming language. Please reach out to your Amazon Pay account manager if you don’t see a SDK in your preferred language.

# Install using Composer
composer require amzn/amazon-pay-api-sdk-php

Source code:

# Install using Visual Studio Package Manager Console
PM> Install-Package Amazon.Pay.API.SDK -Version 2.7.1
# Install using .NET Core CLI
> dotnet add package Amazon.Pay.API.SDK --version 2.7.1

Source code:

# Install using Maven
# Install using Gradle
implementation ''

Source code:

// Install module as a dependency
npm i @amazonpay/amazon-pay-api-sdk-nodejs

Source code:

5. Get your Public Key ID

Amazon Pay uses asymmetric encryption to secure communication. You will need a public/private key pair and a corresponding Public Key ID (a unique Amazon Pay identifier for the key pair) to access Amazon Pay APIs. You can generate a public/private key pair and access the Public Key ID using Amazon Pay Integration Central.


  1. Navigate to Amazon Pay Integration Central: US, EU, JP.
  2. Select "Sandbox" option from the "Marketplace switcher" drop-down menu to generate a key pair with access to the Sandbox environment
  3. Identify as a “Self-developed” integration
    1. Select “Self-developed” option from the drop-down menu
    2. Use the default “One-time Payments, Single Authorization” payment type setting
    3. Click on the “Get instructions” button
  4. Create a public/private key pair
    1. Navigate to the “API keys” section
    2. Click on the “Create keys” button
    3. Use the default “Generate API credentials” setting
    4. Name your API keys. Use a descriptive name, the name will be used to differentiate between multiple keys when you need to manage them in Integration Central. When naming the keys, you should consider who is using it and what they’re using it for
    5. Click “Create keys” to create the public/private key pair
  5. Store the private key and Public Key ID
    1. Creating the key pair will automatically download the private key (.pem) file to your browser, you do not need the public key. Save the private key file in a secure location, you will need it to access Amazon Pay APIs. You should never share your private key with anyone and this is the only time that you will be able to download the private key file. If you lose access to your private key, you must generate a new key pair

    2. Store your Public Key ID, you will need it to access Amazon Pay APIs. Unlike the private key file, you can return to this page at a later time to access your Public Key ID