Set up an Amazon Pay Sandbox test account

You need to set up a test account in the Amazon Pay Sandbox so that you can test your integration.

Create an Amazon Pay Sandbox test account

  1. Sign in to Seller Central at
  2. From the Marketplace Switcher drop-down menu in the center of the menu bar, choose Amazon Pay (Sandbox).

    If your screen is minimized, the Marketplace Switcher dropdown box appears as a button:
  3. On the Integration tab, click Test Accounts.
  4. Follow the onscreen instructions to add the following settings:
    • Login Settings - This login for testing in the Sandbox requires a different email address and password than those you use for your production account.
      • Email Address - You can use your production email but add "+sandbox" before the "@" sign. For example, if your email address is, your sandbox email would be
      • Password - This is a different password than your production password, like "testSandbox".
    • Payment Methods - The credit card numbers listed under Payments Methods are preset fictitious charge cards.
    • Shipping Addresses - Choose or add a shipping address.
  5. Click Create account to save your settings.