Taking your integration live
We recommend that you thoroughly test your integration with Amazon Pay and Login with Amazon in a test environment before taking your integration live. For more information, see Testing your integration in the Sandbox environment.
After successfully testing the integration, release to production and go live by switching the following URLs from the Sandbox environment to the Production environment:
Amazon MWS endpoint
From Sandbox https://mws-eu.amazonservices.com/OffAmazonPayments_Sandbox/2013-01-01
To Production https://mws-eu.amazonservices.com/OffAmazonPayments/2013-01-01
Widgets.js URL
In the header of each web page where you have added an Amazon Pay button, update the source for the Widgets.js file:
From Sandbox https://static-eu.payments-amazon.com/OffAmazonPayments/eur/sandbox/lpa/js/Widgets.js
To Production https://static-eu.payments-amazon.com/OffAmazonPayments/eur/lpa/js/Widgets.js
Login API endpoint
From Sandbox https://api.sandbox.amazon.de
To Production https://api.amazon.de
Profile API endpoint
From Sandbox https://api.sandbox.amazon.de/user/profile
To Production https://api.amazon.de/user/profile
Amazon MWS endpoint
From Sandbox https://mws-eu.amazonservices.com/OffAmazonPayments_Sandbox/2013-01-01
To Production https://mws-eu.amazonservices.com/OffAmazonPayments/2013-01-01
Widgets.js URL
In the header of each web page where you have added an Amazon Pay button, update the source for the Widgets.js file:
From Sandbox https://static-eu.payments-amazon.com/OffAmazonPayments/gbp/sandbox/lpa/js/Widgets.js
To Production https://static-eu.payments-amazon.com/OffAmazonPayments/gbp/lpa/js/Widgets.js
Login API endpoint
From Sandbox https://api.sandbox.amazon.co.uk
To Production https://api.amazon.co.uk
Profile API endpoint
From Sandbox https://api.sandbox.amazon.co.uk/user/profile
To Production https://api.amazon.co.uk/user/profile
URLs for Amazon Pay application access list
Make sure that any production URLs in Seller Central are in the access list for your Amazon Pay application, including both the Allowed JavaScript Origins and the Allowed Return URLs, by doing this:
- Login to Seller Central and select Integration > Integration Central from the navigation bar on the top-left side
- Under the Manage client ID/store ID(s) section, click on View client ID/store ID(s)
- Choose your Amazon Pay application from the App or store name dropdown, and click Edit on the right hand side to add/edit your URLs
- Click Save changes when done
Instant Payment Notification endpoints
If you have set up Instant Payment Notification (IPN) messages, add the IPN Production endpoints in Seller Central.
- Sign in to Seller Central, and then choose Production View.
- Click Settings, click Integration Settings, and then click Edit.
- In the Merchant URL textbox, enter your IPN Production endpoint, and then click Update. Note: Be sure to use the secure protocol https and a valid certificate.
Learn more: Handling Instant Payment Notification (IPN) messages
Complete account setup
Ensure that you have completed Amazon Pay merchant account registration and that you’re ready to process payments in Production.
- Make sure that you have set up a deposit and charge method for your Amazon Pay merchant account.
- Add your logo to the Amazon Pay store configuration to maintain a seamless checkout experience. Note that the logo will be automatically resized to 50 x 150 pixels.
- Upgrade to a live account if you’re using a developer account: US, EU, UK, JP.