Customer-facing email content that you can provide

Amazon sends an email to customers in the following situations:

  • When an Order Reference object is confirmed
  • Any time that funds are captured
  • Any time that a refund is issued
  • Any time that a payment method is changed

Amazon supplies most of the content for the emails, but there are several elements within the body of the message that you can provide. The following table lists the customer-facing email content that you can define based on account settings and API operation parameters:

Email field Source
Merchant customer service email address Specified when you set up your Amazon merchant account or from the Seller Central Settings section under Account Info.
Merchant customer service phone number Specified when you set up your Amazon merchant account or from the Seller Central Settings section under Account Info.
Merchant store name Specified when you set up your Amazon merchant account or from the Seller Central Settings section under Account Info. Can be overridden by specifying the StoreName request parameter of the SetOrderReferenceDetails operation.
Merchant order identifier Specified in the SellerOrderId request parameter of the SetOrderReferenceDetails operation.
Total order amount Specified in the OrderTotal request parameter of the SetOrderReferenceDetails operation.
Order date The date and time when the Order Reference object is confirmed and moves to the Open state.
Merchant note Specified in the SellerNote request parameter of the SetOrderReferenceDetails operation, the Authorize operation, the Capture operation, or the Refund operation.

Best practices

As a best practice, we recommend that you set the following information in your API calls:

  • Order total
  • Store name
  • Merchant order ID
  • Merchant note

Setting the store name and merchant information affects the details that appear in the following:

  • Customer emails and account status
  • Information that is returned to you in IPN messages
  • Settlement and transaction reports

If you have multiple stores and sites, you can filter settlement reports by store name. You can compare and reconcile reports with your SellerOrderId.

Purchase notification emails

When your customer authenticates with Amazon, Amazon Pay and Login with Amazon creates a system object called the Order Reference object, and you then call the SetOrderReferenceDetails operation to set additional attributes in the Order Reference object.

The screenshot below shows a part of a Purchase notification email that is sent to a customer. Note the numbered fields and the corresponding parameter in the Order Reference object that is used to populate that field.


  • You specify the merchant information email address and phone number (shown in the screenshot as "" and "0800 321 5678" respectively) when you set up your Amazon merchant account or anytime from Seller Central in the Settings section under Account Info. The SetOrderReferenceDetails API call cannot override them.
  • As long as there are no authorizations made on the order, the Purchase notification email is not sent in two cases:
    • When the merchant cancels the transaction (CancelOrderReference) within 5 minutes of confirmation (ConfirmOrderReference).
    • When OrderReference is closed within 5 minutes of confirmation of the OrderReference (ConfirmOrderReference).
1 Merchant information is populated with the store name:


The store name defaults to one specified during registration if this attribute is not set.


2 Authorized amount is set by two parameters:





3 Merchant order ID:



4 Note from the merchant (shown here as "Ihre Bestellung fur Blaue Schuhe"):




Charge notification emails

Charge notification emails show parameters similar to Refund notification emails, as shown in the screenshot below:

Note: You specify the merchant information email address and phone number (shown in the screenshot as "" and "0800 321 5678" respectively) when you set up your Amazon merchant account or from Seller Central in the Settings section under Account Info. The SetOrderReferenceDetails API call cannot override them.

1 Merchant information is populated with the store name:


The store name defaults to one specified during registration if this attribute is not set.


3 Merchant order ID:



6 Note from the merchant (shown here as "Ihre Bestellung fur Blaue Schuhe"):



7 Total amount charged shows in the opening sentence of the email as well as in the Summary section and is set by two parameters:






Refund notification emails

The screenshot below shows a refund notification email. Note that the store name and merchant order ID come from the Order Reference, and some of the information in the email comes from the call to the refund operation.

Note: You can specify the merchant information email address and phone number (shown in the screenshot as "" and "0800 321 5678" respectively) when you set up your Amazon merchant account or from Seller Central in the Settings section under Account Info. The SetOrderReferenceDetails API call cannot override them.

1 Merchant information is populated with the store name:


The store name defaults to one specified during registration if this attribute is not set.


3 Merchant order ID:



6 Note from the merchant (shown here as "Erstattung fur Blaue Schuhe"):



&SellerRefundNote=Eerstattung%20fur %20Blaue%20Schuhe
7 Total amount refunded shows in the opening sentence of the email as well as in the Summary section and is set by two parameters:






Payment information updated emails

The payment information updated email parameters are similar to those in the Refund notification email, as shown in the screenshot below:

Note: You can specify the merchant information email address and phone number (shown in the screenshot as "" and "0800 321 5678" respectively) when you set up your Amazon merchant account or from Seller Central in the Settings section under Account Info. The SetOrderReferenceDetails API call cannot override them.

1 Merchant information is populated with the store name:


The store name defaults to one specified during registration if this attribute is not set.


3 Merchant order ID:



6 Note from the merchant (shown here as "aufladen auf Ihre Blaue Schuhe Bestellung"):



&SellerCaptureNote= aufladen%20auf%20Ihre%20Blaue%20Schuhe%20Bestellung