We are excited to announce the worldwide release of Alexa Settings API, which you can use to build skills that reference a customer’s preferred time zone and units of measure for distance and temperature.
The Alexa Settings API is especially relevant for skills with voice experiences that are enhanced by accurately referencing information such as time zone, distance, and/or temperature. For example, the time zone preference is essential for a sports skill that tells what time a particular game is on or a fitness skill that helps track progress to goal throughout the day. With correct contextual information powered by the Alexa Settings API, your skills become more specific and personalized to each customer.
Use the Alexa Settings API to reference preferences inputted by the customer in the Alexa App as part of the out-of-box experience. You can access time zone, distance units, and temperature units without any added permissions. If the customer has not input specific values then you will receive a response code letting you know that no value exists.
Prior to the Alexa Settings API, information such as a customer’s time zone and preferred units of measurement was gathered using multiple different APIs and making inferences based on available information. With the Alexa Settings API, you can seamlessly access customer preferences that make it easier for you to build personalized experiences with information that is contextually relevant to the customer.
Reference our technical documentation to get started with the Alexa Settings API today.
We can’t wait to see how you use the Alexa Settings API to build contextually relevant interactions that will further delight your customers!
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